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Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection
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09/12/2008 01:29
09/12/2008 01:29
Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

It has been a while since I have posted but there has been a new development. I have been tracking my Dupuytren's on my web site, http://kineoptics.com/stuff.html , and have updated it this evening. My left hand has remained stable with no apparent growth since my Kenalog injections. But this evening, I noticed a nodule on my right hand pinkie. Bad day. At this time I am not 100% sure if it is Dupuytren's as it could be a bruise from lifting or hitting something, except that there is no pain.

But coincidentally, I am just finishing an eight day course of 440 mg / day of Naproxen. Thinking back, I have done this treatment before for the usual reasons, but can't remember if it was timed before a Dupuytren's growth period. At this time I can only say I'm curious.

Has anyone else correlated a period of Dupuytren's growth with a course of Naproxen, or equivalent?

Edited 09/12/08 04:37

09/12/2008 01:35
09/12/2008 01:35
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible drug connection

If this nodule remains and it is determined to be Dupuytren's, I will attack it with Kenalog injections.

09/12/2008 05:51
09/12/2008 05:51
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Wow, Joe, it's really cool that you're documenting it like this. I'm so sorry to hear about the new "nodule." Wait it out a bit -- I've had some bumps I thought were new knuckle pads just disappear.

09/12/2008 12:42
09/12/2008 12:42
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection


That's a very interesting comment about Naproxen. My growth's have been in high gear for the last year and half. I had surgery for a torn meniscus last June and I've been taking Naproxen off and on as needed. Just took some this morning as a matter of fact. Not out of paranoia, but I think I'll stop taking them for awhile and see if there is any difference.

Joe Conrad

09/27/2008 15:29
09/27/2008 15:29
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

My new nodule is still there and not changing in size. All indications are that it is a Dupuytren's nodule.

Looking back, the timing of my past Naproxen treatments have preceded my Dupuytren's growth periods. This is nothing other than a coincidence at this time but it does deserve attention.

If you have taken Naproxen periodically, see if the course of Naproxen was followed by a growth period of Dupuytren's.

Any reports will be useful in determining a possible correlation or not.

09/27/2008 19:20
09/27/2008 19:20
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Joe, did you get an injection of Lidocaine BEFORE they gave you the Kenalog injection?? I went to the hand doc yesterday and he gave me just the injection of Kenalog, one in each nodule. Now Im wondering if that will even do any good.

09/27/2008 19:21
09/27/2008 19:21
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Sorry, one of the questions I had is how could you get so many shots because just the two almost made me pass out.

09/27/2008 21:42
09/27/2008 21:42
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Wow, sorry to hear that. The first time the doc gave me about 4 injections of Lidocaine all around the nodules and that was rough. Hurt like crazy. I hear buffered Lidocaine does not hurt as much but the doc didn't have any both times I had injections. I think all those Lidocaine injections were too much because my hand was numb for a day. The second time I had the doc give me less Lidocaine, but not thinking, the doc injected the Lidocaine right on the nodules. This was probably not good as the article reports that Lidocaine and Kenalog should not be mixed.

I"m not a doc but an engineer, and since I was on the receiving end of the needle, it qualifies me to make design changes. Here is how I recommend giving, or receiving, the injections. Get the doc to inject one or two injections of Lidocaine away from the nodule about 30mm towards your wrist. Then wait about 10 minutes. Your hand will then be so numb that they could cut the nodule out without feeling it. The Kenalog injections should be given from the side of the nodule as shown in this article. http://www.aafp.org/afp/20070701/86.html They recommend multiple injections in a star pattern. This must be to give it a good soaking of Kenalog.

I think the reason for bending the needle and going in from the sides of the nodule is to avoid going through the nodule and getting Kenalog into the tendon or tendon sheath. I hear that would be bad.

09/27/2008 23:56
09/27/2008 23:56
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Thanks so much, Joe, Im going to give this info to my doc. thanks again

10/16/2008 08:04
10/16/2008 08:04
Re: Update of my Dupuytren's with pictures and possible Naproxen connection

Joe, I now have a nodule on my middle and ring finger middle joint (palm side) that looks like the one on your pinkie only larger. Would you mind telling me what your doc says about the nodule on your pinkie? Thanks a lot.


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Kenalog   Lidocaine   coincidental   Dupuytren   indications   injections   nodules   coincidentally   Naproxen   pictures   instructions   periodically   wondering   anti-inflammatory   injection   determining   connection   interesting   possible   dermatologist