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Very positive results for reducing DD nodes
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01/03/2016 22:16
01/03/2016 22:16
Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

Having had surgery on the right pinky I began using Bio oil on the scar to help recovery and it seemed to work.

However the most positive result is on the left hand where I had a node in the palm on the thumb which was about the size of half a pea, a little tender and when the thumb was out stretched showed a pale line where the cord was being pulled.

After 3 months of daily, once a day, application of the oil the size has reduced to about 10% of the original and it is way less sensitive plus the cord is not so visible when stretched. For me this has worked very well and may be a way to stop further progression of DD.

On my left ring finger I also had a half pea size node and that was already pulling the tip joint to around 30 degrees and this one after similar treatment has shrunk by half or more and is softer and has stopped pulling the tip which is great relief.

So I for one are 100% convinced that daily application of Bio Oil has reduced the DD in 2 places.

I have seen some skeptics who argue that the oil will not get through the skin but with 10 to 15 minutes of very gentle rubbing all the oil is absorbed so it certainly goes somewhere and the results show something is happening.

I would be interested to hear if others have had a positive result and I would have to strongly recommend any sufferer of DD give this treatment a go and give it the time needed.

R Devin

01/04/2016 07:05


01/04/2016 07:05


Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

Have you ever considered that the massaging did the effect and not the oil? There is some indication that daily massaging might improve Dupuytren's and Ledderhose http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...s_research.html.


Edited 01/04/16 09:05

01/04/2016 07:09
01/04/2016 07:09

Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes


I use a home ultra sound to message my fingers and nodes in my hands. Helps keep my hands flexible. Also exercises designed for DD to keep hands in shape.


01/05/2016 02:24
01/05/2016 02:24
Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

Wolfgang, the link says intense massaging which is not what I was doing. Before using the oil I tried massaging for months and had little or no reaction and may have actually made it worse. No I just gently rub the shin with the oil till it soaks away.

The DD in my pinky where I had surgery was caused by intense massage, it had been stable for years and then one day I overdid it with a hand valve grinding tool and it started to hurt and was off in a short period to 135 bend so in my opinion any stress is bad.

The DD on the tip of the left ring finger was caused by climbing a rope and I felt the pain and then it was off and bent the tip over in short time so I am fully aware of what stress does to DD. I read an interesting thread on this site where it was proposed that any damage can invite the body to come and repair it and can be a trigger for DD to start or accelerate and that does seem very reasonable considering my experiences.

The one on the palm was aggravated by some percussive maintenance using the hand as a tool, not recommended with signs of DD but did not know at that time.

I am absolutely convinced it works and surely it has to be something that is shared with other sufferers who for 10 minutes a day and a few bucks could gain some ground, slow it down or as in my case virtually remove it.

Hi Cherise - I dont have one of those items and probably you cant buy them here but not sure with the experience with stress I would be keen to use it. Hey for a bit of test why not try the oil for 3 months and see if it works for you and you could share the results with everyone.



01/05/2016 02:39
01/05/2016 02:39

Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

Hi Rdevin,

You can purchase a home ultra sound on the Internet. It helps my hands and feet.
Usually any type of activity using palms and fingers with a certain amount of force can create a reaction to activate DD.
DD is a very fickle disease.


01/06/2016 23:48
01/06/2016 23:48
Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

hi Cherise

I am pretty much up for anything that helps DD and even today I have noticed the node is probably down to 5% ie about half of what it was at the OP.

I read all the time that people consider RT or NA or Xiaflex or ..... then surgery but here is a way to treat nodes at an early and even mid way stage and not having tried it on a more severe contraction that one is still unanswered.

I would have thought that an easy home remedy with no risk is worthy of a try out and some consideration and based on the good results I hope the forum takes it as a serious possibility. Of course we would need others to share their results before it could be proposed directly by the forum.

FYI I live on an island in the middle of the Pacific so dont have some of the resources you may have.


01/07/2016 09:04
01/07/2016 09:04

Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

If you have internet you should have access to what the rest of us do. You may need to travel for treatment. Yet I strongly urge that you wear a splint at night to keep those fingers from curling. Nodes may set the stage. It's hard to say. I have been resting my had from any treatments. Other than taking care not to do anything that will set it off and ultra sound helps keep the nodes on my plums soft and flexable not causing any cord thickening..
Of course tomorrow is another day. Huh!


01/07/2016 09:32
01/07/2016 09:32

Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

I started wearing a soft splint at night made from a bike glove with a wooden stick inserted to prevent my pinky from curling when tension and slight curling started. It has worked for me so far to recover an almost straight pinky in the morning which curls only slightly over the course of the day. I wonder, though: Is there any benefit to wearing a splint as long as fingers are and remain straight?

01/07/2016 18:08


01/07/2016 18:08


Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

There are a few anecdotal reports of people having modest success in holding back progression of DD, some even claim contracture reversal. We don't remove these claims from the forum unless they are linked directly to commercial products or websites. Try them for yourself if you want, but set a budget limit in advance. Many do not report back after their initial optimism.

It seems everyone reacts differently to different proven and unproven treatments, and their own symptoms and progressions behave differently too. Many times DD goes in cycle of flare up, then dormant periods, so who is to say something really made a difference or not. I too have an anecdote of nodule reversal, but can't be sure it really was what I think it was, and can't recommend it to others. But does it matter if something helps you, just beware of the scams.

hi Cherise

I am pretty much up for anything that helps DD and even today I have noticed the node is probably down to 5% ie about half of what it was at the OP.

I read all the time that people consider RT or NA or Xiaflex or ..... then surgery but here is a way to treat nodes at an early and even mid way stage and not having tried it on a more severe contraction that one is still unanswered.

I would have thought that an easy home remedy with no risk is worthy of a try out and some consideration and based on the good results I hope the forum takes it as a serious possibility. Of course we would need others to share their results before it could be proposed directly by the forum.

FYI I live on an island in the middle of the Pacific so dont have some of the resources you may have.


01/07/2016 22:35
01/07/2016 22:35
Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

Thanks for posting this Rdevin. Much appreciated!

I'm scouring the net assembling a home remedy effort and will give this a go as I have some bio-oil I purchased to help heal a recent set of stitches above the upper lip that became keloid after the stitches were pulled. I've read good things about the product.

Funny thing is I've had numerous stitches, staples, and surgeries over the years from leading an overly adventurous or masochistic life, but never have any of my scars had problem healing fast and never keloid until 2 years ago, around the same time I developed 'trigger finger' on my left hand middle finger. When that happened, my vision started its first signs of failing as well. I'd just turned 45, so it's possible to chalk it all up as a natural recourse to aging, but at the time I was under an unusual burdening load of emotional stress and could feel my body taking the punishment for it. I had an overall inflammatory response within my body, and there were a number of physiological reactions; old back pain reignited and was almost crippling, old nerve injury pain flared up, started needing glasses, and trigger finger . At any rate I'm trying to pay attention to as much as possible as in "cause and effect" without teatering into neurotically over-conscious, and try and connect the dots were possible or logical.

I will give the bio-oil a go and take weekly photos of my hand as I go along... But I will most likely be applying DSMO and SSKI as well after I finish my research on it, but at different times during the day.

I'll be documenting with photos on a weekly basis, and if anything positive, negative, or neutral comes of it I'll post results.


Having had surgery on the right pinky I began using Bio oil on the scar to help recovery and it seemed to work.

However the most positive result is on the left hand where I had a node in the palm on the thumb which was about the size of half a pea, a little tender and when the thumb was out stretched showed a pale line where the cord was being pulled.

After 3 months of daily, once a day, application of the oil the size has reduced to about 10% of the original and it is way less sensitive plus the cord is not so visible when stretched. For me this has worked very well and may be a way to stop further progression of DD.

On my left ring finger I also had a half pea size node and that was already pulling the tip joint to around 30 degrees and this one after similar treatment has shrunk by half or more and is softer and has stopped pulling the tip which is great relief.

So I for one are 100% convinced that daily application of Bio Oil has reduced the DD in 2 places.

I have seen some skeptics who argue that the oil will not get through the skin but with 10 to 15 minutes of very gentle rubbing all the oil is absorbed so it certainly goes somewhere and the results show something is happening.

I would be interested to hear if others have had a positive result and I would have to strongly recommend any sufferer of DD give this treatment a go and give it the time needed.

R Devin

History: 1st Nodule started 6/2015 ring finger, left hand. Untreated
Trigger finger started 11/2013, middle finger, left hand. Treatment: 3 corizone injections over past 2 years (effective for 8+ months)
D.C. Family history: 2 older brothers; multiple DC surgeries, same with father, uncle, aunt, & grandfather.

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Cherise   corresponding   massaging   positive   dupuytren-online   reducing   something   contraction   understanding   physiological   results   consideration   opportunities   over-conscious   treatment   surgery   treatments   Christopher   fingers   application