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Very positive results for reducing DD nodes
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01/08/2016 07:47
01/08/2016 07:47

Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

I have had good luck with cortisone shots in the nodes. It shrinks the nodes and the pain is completely eliminated. Much rest is needed for this to react positively. Padded gloves are a must to protect the hand if necessary. I also wear Fixxglove every night.
Surgery on my RT. Pinky caused a fatal flare in all my fingers in my RT. Hand. The pinky and fourth finger actually contracted all the way to the fist position. Thick scar tissue from surgery also was a huge issue. Xiaflex opened both fingers. They are disfigured and DONOT open or close all the way. Daily exercises help keep up strength and grip. The Xiaflex also eliminated all the scar tissue. As the DD contraction is caused by collagen build up as is scar tissue. Xiaflex is a protein which eliminates collagen & helps make it possible for the fingers with even serious contraction / closed to palm , to be manipulated to open after a two week wait in my case.
My home treatments include strengthening exercises, home ultra sound which in my case does keep the nodes in check. (It's a very small affordable ultrasound unit see online) for message , cortisone injections when appropiate, rest , and wear FIXXGLOVE every nite. Sometimes I use hot wax for relaxing muscles and tendon when hand is sore from daily use. I haven't tried DMSO. 1 yr later pinky cord is white and tight with dimple in the palm. NA may be next.
What type of bio oil do you use? THANKX .

Kind Regards,

01/08/2016 08:11


01/08/2016 08:11


Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

Hi Christopher,

if you want to experiment with these ointments, then it would be more useful if you did one treatment first, for some time, and then the other. If any of these treatments help using them seperately would help understanding what works and what doesn't.


I will give the bio-oil a go and take weekly photos of my hand as I go along... But I will most likely be applying DSMO and SSKI as well after I finish my research on it, but at different times during the day.

I'll be documenting with photos on a weekly basis, and if anything positive, negative, or neutral comes of it I'll post results.


01/09/2016 02:12
01/09/2016 02:12
Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

SB - I understand that what may work for one person may not for another and my intention was merely to raise awareness of the possibilities based on my experience. At least it is very cheap and a bottle for $10 can last 6 months and as it does no harm it does seem reasonable to give a whirl whilst waiting to see the outcome of a DC.

Cherise - The stuff I have is just called Bio-Oil and is in a clear bottle with a white cap containing a rosemary coloured liquid. Says it contains Purcellin oil.

CLJ - I note also what wach says and it may be difficult with multiple treatments to ascertain which one is working but hey if you try all 3 you propose and it works then that can only be good for you. I did not take pictures of my hand as it was not an experiment at the time so that was a big shame really. After I had surgery on the pinky it was about the only thing around that was purported to help with the scar.

Appreciate your feedback and if you have time you could always try 2 applications a day and see if it helps in the timescale of things. Initially I used it ad hoc - sort of here and there - but then after some time I noticed an improvement and so began more regular treatment with a corresponding better response. Look forward to your results.


01/19/2016 05:23
01/19/2016 05:23
Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

I have tried some of the home remedies suggested on this forum with no success. I live in Australia and many of the substances are not available without a prescription. Surgery opportunities are also extremely limited, unless I go overseas.

I read the opening post of this thread about bio oil and thought I will not be able to get it in Australia. Surprised, it is readily available and I bought a 60ml bottle for $13 from a pharmacy. Probably expensive, but I live in a small country town.

Anyway, if I call my 2 pinky fingers as 0' degrees if normal and 180' degrees if touching the palm, then I would say my left pinky is at 180, and my right pinky at about 160.

I rubbed in the bio oil, my right pinky went to about 90', and my left to about 120'. I was able to actually fit al fingers around the steering wheel of my car.

It is not massaging, as I've tried that before. The results are not permanent, but I will try a twice daily regimen.

Note: I've only used it once. Will update.

01/19/2016 05:54


01/19/2016 05:54


Re: Very positive results for reducing DD nodes

Hi Rayozz,

if rubbing in an oil once opens your fingers already by 60 or more degrees then chances are that your contracture has other reasons than Dupuytren disease. Of course, you may have Dupuytren disease as well but no oil in the world would instantly stretch a Dupuytren cord so much.


I have tried some of the home remedies suggested on this forum with no success. I live in Australia and many of the substances are not available without a prescription. Surgery opportunities are also extremely limited, unless I go overseas.

I read the opening post of this thread about bio oil and thought I will not be able to get it in Australia. Surprised, it is readily available and I bought a 60ml bottle for $13 from a pharmacy. Probably expensive, but I live in a small country town.

Anyway, if I call my 2 pinky fingers as 0' degrees if normal and 180' degrees if touching the palm, then I would say my left pinky is at 180, and my right pinky at about 160.

I rubbed in the bio oil, my right pinky went to about 90', and my left to about 120'. I was able to actually fit al fingers around the steering wheel of my car.

It is not massaging, as I've tried that before. The results are not permanent, but I will try a twice daily regimen.

Note: I've only used it once. Will update.

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corresponding   surgery   massaging   over-conscious   positive   Cherise   consideration   treatment   something   reducing   Christopher   contraction   results   understanding   dupuytren-online   fingers   physiological   opportunities   application   treatments