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Vibration leading to numb fingertips??
12/29/2018 23:51
12/29/2018 23:51
Vibration leading to numb fingertips??

I had surgery on my dominant left hand 6 weeks ago. The hand has healed OK - just a bit of bothersome scar tissue.

3 days ago I did a small amount of DIY using a power drill to drill a few tiny holes. About 15 minutes off and on, using very little pressure. I used my left hand because I'm left handed!

But since then, all the fingertips on my left hand are numb. I have used a power drill very occasionally in the past and have never suffered this numbness.
I know there's a connection between vibration and Dupuytrens e.g. for people whose career involves drilling, but this is a few weeks after surgery.

Is this likely to be temporary, anyone know? Why would this happen when it has never happened before? I'm nearly 70 BTW and female if that's relevant.

12/30/2018 07:34


12/30/2018 07:34


Re: Vibration leading to numb fingertips??

I don’t know the answer, just speculating that there’s less supporting tissue in your hand than before, healing is still taking place, so you’ve possibly bruised some already bruised nerves. I would have worn padded gloves and iced after. Maybe worth a call to your physician or nurse, but hopefully temporary.

12/30/2018 11:20
12/30/2018 11:20
Re: Vibration leading to numb fingertips??

I don’t know the answer, just speculating that there’s less supporting tissue in your hand than before, healing is still taking place, so you’ve possibly bruised some already bruised nerves. I would have worn padded gloves and iced after. Maybe worth a call to your physician or nurse, but hopefully temporary.

Thanks, Spanishbuddha. I guess I should call it more a tingling than actual numbness because I can feel actual textures.
I almost always wear a padded cycle glove on my left hand, for driving, vacuuming, pushing a supermarket trolley. But this little chore with the drill didn't seem like a big deal!
However, the numbness I've had in my pinkie ever since the op. (it was quite severely contracted) is starting to lessen, so I'll hope the rest of the fingers will come right.

contracted   hopefully   leading   Vibration   Dupuytrens   vacuuming   speculating   bruised   physician   occasionally   supporting   temporary   numbness   supermarket   spanishbuddha   there’s   possibly   connection   bothersome   fingertips