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Will History Repeat itself, but in Reverse?
01/31/2013 06:51
01/31/2013 06:51

Will History Repeat itself, but in Reverse?

From my reading of our Forum and contact with Wolfgang, it occurs to me that history may be ready to repeat itself, but now ironically in reverse.

If you comb the old BioS Forum files you will learn that a small but vocal number of Americans were all crazy about this little procedure they had done in France called NA. They were trying to convince Americans to fly to France to do this thing with a needle, not even done by a surgeon but by a Rhumatologist of all things. How on earth do you use an incognito Internet platform to get people to disregard every MD and CHS they can find and instead get on a plane to some hard to find place in Paris for something you only heard of on the BioS Forum? You've got to be kidding.

But they did. And eventually Eaton took up the cause in the US......Amazing.

Forward 10 years. Germany has essentially kicked Xiaflex out of their county. Too expensive, not better than NA, etc. But for Wolfgang's situation it was just the ticket. And if he has recurrence of that same scenario, guess what? He will rightly choose Xiaflex again. Will it eventually be completely unavailable in Germany? (Maybe just on the Black Market and in some back ally after 2:00 AM.)

Now what? Correct me if I'm wrong Wolfgang, but wouldn't you need to reverse the travel and come to the US for treatment? Maybe London would do the trick, but the irony is inescapable.

Isn't the Internet great? Amazing? We know exactly what we want and why. But they will not give it to us because they know better. But in reality........they really don't.

03/20/2013 22:14
03/20/2013 22:14
Re: Will History Repeat itself, but in Reverse?

History will repeat itself as it does in many other areas and activities. The vast array of information on this forum will help educate a new generation of people with DD as well as clinicians with little or no experience. If one trawls through the site for long enough answers to most questions will be found somewhere as I am finding as I revisit the site after about 6 months absence.

I refer this site to anyone I come across who has DD as well as to the doctors I see. The radiologist I see has visited the site as he mentioned it yesterday.

Thank you very much to those who established and maintain this outstanding web site.

completely   established   radiologist   Wolfgang   experience   inescapable   information   Rhumatologist   History   essentially   clinicians   Reverse   eventually   outstanding   activities   Americans   unavailable   recurrence   ironically   generation