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Window for weakened cord
04/19/2013 14:22
04/19/2013 14:22
Window for weakened cord

Does anyone know the general window of opportunity for breaking a Xiaflex weakened cord? I had my injections on Monday and the joint extension procedure on Tuesday. The extension procedure was not as successful as I had hoped, as I still have some degree of contracture for both my PIP and my MCP, though the PIP is worse (not unexpected). I was given exercises, which I am doing diligently. However, in spite of my disappointment, yesterday I did feel a distinct cord pop of my MCP, but nothing since. How long till I maybe should just stop trying? Of course, I'll continue the exercises, but should I be pushing so hard? It freakin' hurts like hell to do so. Thanks, in advance, for all replies. ~Diane

04/19/2013 18:39
04/19/2013 18:39
Re: Window for weakened cord

The Drugs half life is 2 weeks so you could still get a release.I know its pretty tender right now but there might be another cord.Feel arround when you can and you might find another.You can feel them better after the Xiaflex softens your scar tissue.We have a clear shot at my last 2 cords,We didnt even know they were there when we started.Just pick them off one at a time.Might take 4-5 injections but you will have some staight fingers.They tell you "no self manipulation"but never hurts to stretch them.lol.Dave

04/20/2013 17:21
04/20/2013 17:21
Re: Window for weakened cord

Thanks, Hammer. I was kind of hoping there would be some additional disolving of the cords, but for how long, I didn't know. However, my hand seems to be healing quite well, although I did not get full release of either my MCP or my PIP. And, the healing seems to likely limit the degree of additional cord breakage I may be able to get. Needless to say, I'm disappointed. My next doc appt is April 29. I will try to be patient and see what the doc says. Meanwhile, I stretch away.....

04/21/2013 00:06
04/21/2013 00:06
Re: Window for weakened cord

You have 3 more injections coming.This stuff will blow them out!!!!.If I could tell anybody bout this Drug is that it takes several injections to pop them all but they pop.Its still pretty new.The last clinical study i was in in Oklahoma where Dr Fraser was,they told me he fixed every hand in 3 studys,almost 300 injections by now.He hasnt performed an Open Surgery in 6 years for DD.It takes 4-5 injections if you have scar tissue but it will soften that that up too.Dave

04/21/2013 03:00
04/21/2013 03:00

Re: Window for weakened cord

Hello There...My husband had his injections about 2 weeks ago,and now has a splint to wear mainly at night, and his finger now has about a 90 percent improvement as far as straightening and he is still getting continued popping and release every day. He may need another injection in the same finger, but it is really looking good at this point. I encourage you to keep manipulating your finger and it will improve your release. Karyn

diligently   opportunity   successful   weakened   extension   disappointed   injections   procedure   release   straightening   another   disappointment   continued   exercises   manipulating   manipulation   unexpected   additional   improvement   contracture