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Women with Dupuytren's
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02/05/2015 18:13
02/05/2015 18:13
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Hello Ladies,

I'm a 26 year old female with a pretty aggressive form of DD. I was diagnosed with DD about 4 months ago. I have a pretty good amount of contracting in my right pinky, ring finger and its starting in my middle finger as well. I also have it in my left pinky and ring finger. Just wanted to give a little taste of what I'm dealing with and I'm sure we're all dealing with before I ask; what careers or jobs are you able to do with DD? I'm no longer able to have a career in dental hygiene and my other career choice of becoming a pastry chef is most likely not on the table.

What jobs and careers do you do?

02/12/2015 04:33
02/12/2015 04:33
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Hello Ladies,

I'm a 26 year old female with a pretty aggressive form of DD. I was diagnosed with DD about 4 months ago. I have a pretty good amount of contracting in my right pinky, ring finger and its starting in my middle finger as well. I also have it in my left pinky and ring finger. Just wanted to give a little taste of what I'm dealing with and I'm sure we're all dealing with before I ask; what careers or jobs are you able to do with DD? I'm no longer able to have a career in dental hygiene and my other career choice of becoming a pastry chef is most likely not on the table.

What jobs and careers do you do?

Don't give up on the things you want to do!! Have you considered Radiotherapy or NA? The radiation stopped the progression of my DD. You are way too young to just resign yourself to it. I had radiation at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle WA. I was referred by Dr. Kline in Portland. OR. Early intervention is the most important thing you can do. By the way, my insurance paid for most of it.
Best wishes,

02/12/2015 16:57
02/12/2015 16:57
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Hello Ladies,

I'm a 26 year old female with a pretty aggressive form of DD. I was diagnosed with DD about 4 months ago. I have a pretty good amount of contracting in my right pinky, ring finger and its starting in my middle finger as well. I also have it in my left pinky and ring finger. Just wanted to give a little taste of what I'm dealing with and I'm sure we're all dealing with before I ask; what careers or jobs are you able to do with DD? I'm no longer able to have a career in dental hygiene and my other career choice of becoming a pastry chef is most likely not on the table.

What jobs and careers do you do?

Don't give up on the things you want to do!! Have you considered Radiotherapy or NA? The radiation stopped the progression of my DD. You are way too young to just resign yourself to it. I had radiation at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle WA. I was referred by Dr. Kline in Portland. OR. Early intervention is the most important thing you can do. By the way, my insurance paid for most of it.
Best wishes,

I agree with Lori, too young, and definitely too soon to give up! If you have just been diagnosed, and you already have contraction then chances are you have had this for awhile and didn't know it. A lot of people do not have pain or are aware of this disease until it begins to rapidly progress. I cannot encourage you enough to find a doctor experienced in RT and NA to explore real, potential possibilities to help you. Many people, including myself, have been helped by one or another form of treatment. Since you do already have contraction I would also strongly suggest you locate a doctor well acquainted with the disease at various progressive stages, and not just an oncologist/radiologist that does RT. I went to Prof. S in Germany. Consider a consult or two with someone reputable, check out the Forum for recommendations.

The very best to you! Nan

03/26/2015 19:51
03/26/2015 19:51
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

My onset of Dupuytren's happened at the age of 45 and I am now almost 50 and have still not gone through menopause so if there is a connection with DD and menopause it doesn't apply in my case. It seems the more I research and the more I read on this forum, there is no real rhyme or reason as to when or under what conditions this disease starts. I see the basics proving true such as heritage, description of appearance and progression, and often the other related illnesses such as Ledderhose and frozen shoulder. Other than that it seems there's still so much to learn. In the meantime we've just got to do the best we can and educate ourselves because the medical community is still learning too.

03/27/2015 07:50


03/27/2015 07:50


Effects on disease

I fully agree with you, there is still so much to learn. I would add that often there is some triggering event. Logically there must be such a local event because we have the heritage and genes all over the body and nodules only in distinct places. So there must be some local trigger, probably a small damage in the hand and a disturbed healing process creating a growing nodule.


... I see the basics proving true such as heritage, description of appearance and progression, and often the other related illnesses such as Ledderhose and frozen shoulder. Other than that it seems there's still so much to learn. In the meantime we've just got to do the best we can and educate ourselves because the medical community is still learning too.

Edited 03/27/15 09:51

05/06/2015 11:49
05/06/2015 11:49
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

I am 47. I was first diagnosed with trigger finger then shortly after Dupuytren's in my right hand, this all prior to age 45. I now have it in both hands, both time's have started with with trigger fingers. I understand this is not uncommon. Dispite stretching fingers and massaging the developing scar tissue I am slowly losing mobility in my hands.
Like the rest of you, I'm not sure of the exact cause and why I have early onset. My mother has just strated getting nodules - she is 81. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters and none of them have any signs or symptoms of this.

05/06/2015 12:54


05/06/2015 12:54


Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Just curious: are you smoking or did you smoke? Smoking seems to cause an early onset of Dupuytren's.


I am 47. I was first diagnosed with trigger finger then shortly after Dupuytren's in my right hand, this all prior to age 45. I now have it in both hands, both time's have started with with trigger fingers. I understand this is not uncommon. Dispite stretching fingers and massaging the developing scar tissue I am slowly losing mobility in my hands.
Like the rest of you, I'm not sure of the exact cause and why I have early onset. My mother has just strated getting nodules - she is 81. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters and none of them have any signs or symptoms of this.

05/06/2015 15:34
05/06/2015 15:34
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

I'm not a smoker, however, I was very hard on my hands for many years. I used to lift heavy things without gloves, I used a palm sander for my projects, and I often used harsh chemicals when I should have been protecting my hands. That said, I'm very careful now, and I was fortunate to have radiation before contraction set in. I feel like I "dodged a bullet"-so to speak. If it weren't for this society, I would have blindly followed the hand surgeon's recommendation to 'just keep an eye on it, until your fingers start to contract.' I was told they could do injections and possibly surgery when and if I needed it. I was horrified, so that's what led me to research this website...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! It has been about three years now, and I've had no reoccurrence of the disease.

05/06/2015 15:57
05/06/2015 15:57
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

I was one of those on here that kept telling everyone don't do surgery because i consider it mutilation on the hands. Sorry about that and have had people tell me i'm wrong but its been 5 years since i have had radiation on both of my hands. I put up pictures on here of my radiation treatments and to this day i can't believe that was me doing this. The best thing i ever did for myself and if i needed to do it again i will be running there. Hand are still good.

05/08/2015 20:58
05/08/2015 20:58
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

I would like to know more about radiation treatments. I noticed not every state even has a place that will do it. It is an accepted procedure by insurance companies (or like some things you have to fight an insurance company to cover)? Is it a one time treatment or does it require several treatments. I would like to know as much as I can.

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