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Working out and Dupuytren
12/20/2015 04:28
12/20/2015 04:28
Working out and Dupuytren

My name is Chris and I am 30 years old and I am a very active person. I have had Dupuytren for a couple of years and I have it in both hands. I am new to this site and new to looking into this issue. I currently do not have any contraction that I am aware of. I am working out in a crossfit gym. I am wondering if anyone knows if working out in this manner can make this disease worse? We do a lot of pull ups, olympic lifting and kettle bell work. Does anyone know if stretching helps?

If anyone can give me any advice or any information I would really appreciate it! Thanks

12/20/2015 06:51


12/20/2015 06:51


Re: Working out and Dupuytren

My name is Chris and I am 30 years old and I am a very active person. I have had Dupuytren for a couple of years and I have it in both hands. I am new to this site and new to looking into this issue. I currently do not have any contraction that I am aware of. I am working out in a crossfit gym. I am wondering if anyone knows if working out in this manner can make this disease worse? We do a lot of pull ups, olympic lifting and kettle bell work. Does anyone know if stretching helps?

If anyone can give me any advice or any information I would really appreciate it! Thanks
Hi Chris

There's no clear answer to your question. There is evidence of a link between trauma and DD, and in my own experience I have twice aggravated the condition and caused a flare of new nodules doing some manual activity (once in the garden, once with tools on the car). Having said that I play tennis, albeit with a glove without problems. Everyone is different and I would suggest wearing gloves or strapping wherever possible doing crossfit, but others on here have different experience and don't bother protecting their hands. Deliberate stretching on the palm and fingers is probably not to be advised though.


Edited 12/20/15 08:52

12/20/2015 13:42
12/20/2015 13:42
Re: Working out and Dupuytren


12/20/2015 17:44
12/20/2015 17:44
Re: Working out and Dupuytren

Hi Chris, I have had DD in my right hand for about two years, I am also 30 years old and very active.

The DD never gave me any trouble until about 4 months ago, when I noticed I could feel tightness and pulling along the fascia connected to my diseased pinky, when doing certain yoga poses, e.g. Downward Dog. I continued to do these poses for about a week or two, until I realized I was aggravating the condition, not "stretching it into submission."

About a month ago, I attempted to gently massage the two nodules that are along my right pinky, and that has further aggravated the condition. I stopped working out for about a week because one of the nodules became extremely sensitive to any pressure and turned bright red. Now I have to be very careful when working out, and certain exercises are simply out of the question because of the pressure they put on the sensitive nodule.

So, I suggest you avoid stretching, massage, and anything that puts direct pressure on the nodules. It seems living an active lifestyle is possible, until DD decides otherwise. It's unclear when/if that may happen in your case.

Also, it's unclear to me if gloves are helpful, harmful, or useless. You could argue that the additional padding provided by a glove will protect the nodules from irritation. In my experience, the added thickness of the glove makes it more difficult for me to gauge where pressure is being applied on my palm, and I am thus unable to avoid applying force to the nodules.

12/22/2015 01:18
12/22/2015 01:18
Re: Working out and Dupuytren

Thank you all for taking the time to respond. This is a frustrating thing to deal with because there don't seem to be definitive answers to these questions, everyone's circumstance seems to be different. I will be more careful with the things that I do. Is it fair to say that if a movement or activity does not aggravate my hand then it is okay to do? Or even if it doesn't hurt I could still be doing damage? I know there probably isn't a definitive answer to this either. Again as I am new to this any advice would help. Thanks

12/22/2015 01:22
12/22/2015 01:22
Re: Working out and Dupuytren

My name is Chris and I am 30 years old and I am a very active person. I have had Dupuytren for a couple of years and I have it in both hands. I am new to this site and new to looking into this issue. I currently do not have any contraction that I am aware of. I am working out in a crossfit gym. I am wondering if anyone knows if working out in this manner can make this disease worse? We do a lot of pull ups, olympic lifting and kettle bell work. Does anyone know if stretching helps?

If anyone can give me any advice or any information I would really appreciate it! Thanks
Hi Chris

There's no clear answer to your question. There is evidence of a link between trauma and DD, and in my own experience I have twice aggravated the condition and caused a flare of new nodules doing some manual activity (once in the garden, once with tools on the car). Having said that I play tennis, albeit with a glove without problems. Everyone is different and I would suggest wearing gloves or strapping wherever possible doing crossfit, but others on here have different experience and don't bother protecting their hands. Deliberate stretching on the palm and fingers is probably not to be advised though.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. If activities don't hurt my hand is it okay to continue? Or could it still be doing damage even when it is not painful? I have found using a glove seems to help me out a lot. Thanks again

12/22/2015 08:00


12/22/2015 08:00


Re: Working out and Dupuytren

My daughter does crossfit and some activities seem extreme to me, and not just on the hand! I mentioned I play tennis, with gloves, and that seems ok, even though tennis can be hard on wrist, forearm and shoulders. One thing I used to do was chin pull ups from a bar; no way I would do that now, even in gloves, the strain on the palm from hanging body weight is just too much. But that's just IMHO, and I think you have to find the right balance for yourself. Handling hard metal tools, wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, secateurs, etc, all used for plumbing, car repair, gardening, cause me problems, and I would imagine the same with some of the weights and equipment in crossfit. I use rubber resistance bands now for strength training. Probably quite tame compared to crossfit. Maybe a rule such as, if the activity creates calluses, or you need gloves for the grip, improved friction, then don't do it? Or ease up modify the technique a bit.

Working   frustrating   experience   screwdrivers   definitive   Dupuytren   nodules   crossfit   information   aggravating   different   stretching   contraction   appreciate   spanishbuddha   probably   aggravated   circumstance   condition   activity