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Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment
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02/23/2012 11:33
02/23/2012 11:33
Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment

Had Xiapex injection in small finger eleven weeks ago. Very bad reaction with swelling and bruising to whole hand and under arm. Manipulation following day which resulted in large blood blister leaving only nail exposed. Unable to use splint or do exercises because of this huge blister. Blister burst on one side nine days later but became very hard, almost like plastic until it finally peeled off three weeks later. This made it very difficult to bend finger. Skin under blister still sore, taking ages to heal. Use Jelotex and finger bandage to prevent infection but every time I try to bend finger, skin splits open. Unable to form fist because of pain and ring finger also very stiff. Wrist, upper arm/shoulder also painful which I think is because of way I am holding my little finger. Have not been able to wear splint because it presses dressing into wound. Whole experience has become a nightmare. Surgeon has discharged me back to my G.P. and considers there is no tendon damage because I can move my finger slightly. Before the treatment my small finger almost touched my palm and has straightened about 50% but is still not perfect. Other than that I was able to use hand. Now all fingers are very stiff and ring finger is especially painful. I will not have another injection because of the reaction I had to the Xiapex. I only hope that once the skin has healed and I can do some exercises and wear the splint at night, things will improve.

02/23/2012 12:49


02/23/2012 12:49


Re: Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment

Very sorry to hear of your experience Amby and thanks for sharing it.

It sounds like you had quite a severe contracture beforehand, is that correct? In those cases I think there is a risk of a skin split, perhaps what caused your blood blister. Or maybe the surgeon is too quick in saying there is no other damage. Do you know how experienced your surgeon is/was with giving the injection and managing treatment after?

I hope it settles down soon. Perhaps seek another experienced surgeon's view to help you through the process. Let is know the outcome in the future.

02/24/2012 04:01
02/24/2012 04:01
Re: Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment

I agree with Spanish Buddha.

Please keep us posted.

03/08/2012 01:55
03/08/2012 01:55
Re: Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment

I have a local doctor trying to get me to try Xiaflex...anyone else have any experience with it???

03/08/2012 02:36
03/08/2012 02:36
Re: Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment

The pinky is the biggest pain in the ass of all the fingers.My left is fiused, and its been 5 weeks since my ziaflex treatment on my right pinky it will contract 40 degrees during the day if i dont leave my finger sleeve on all day.Its a never ending thing.I will give it another month or so then if it continues to contract its time to fuse it straight.My left pinky is fused and its not caused me any pain or problems for 9 years I wonder why the pinky is picked on more than the rest?

03/08/2012 20:13
03/08/2012 20:13
Re: Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment


The pinky is the smallest and the baby. You know the bigger ones are going to pick on it.


03/09/2012 22:19
03/09/2012 22:19
Re: Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment

Ok Im sittin here with a cord full of xiaflex waitin for tommorow to pop this last cord,I think its the last in the right hand.I have 3 or 4 in the left Doc thinks.He was talkitive today,He has not performed surgery for 6 years on his DD patients and a lady who has an even more aggesive case than mine has had 11 injections in 4 differnt clinical studys with only 1 recurrance in 6 years so thats some great news.I must be gettin some tollerance for the Xiaflex because its not itchin at all this time.Ill get some more pics during the manipulation an put together a bunch for everyone to see .DAVE

03/09/2012 22:24
03/09/2012 22:24
Re: Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment

Thanks for keeping us up to date. The low recurrence rate is promising. Glad the doc is keeping track of the results.

03/09/2012 22:35
03/09/2012 22:35
Re: Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment

Julie,the clinic CEO told me that Auxillium was in last week to audit all the records,she said they are very,very tough when it comes to documenting everything.They come in twice a year and do this,they Will be trying Xiaflex on feet soon and frozen shoulders then a clinic for Xiaflex on cellulite.She said the ladys r lining up for that one.lol.DAVE

03/10/2012 04:14
03/10/2012 04:14
Re: Xiapex/Xiaflex Treatment

If they find Xiaflex works for cellulite, that will be the money maker.

Did they say anything about trying it on wrinkles and creases? :-) I'd volunteer for the clinical trial!

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Treatment   documenting   blister   because   clinicaltrials   Xiaflex   discharged   straightened   experienced   contracture   considering   injections   experience   biospecifics   Collagenase   Manipulation   injection   cellulite   Unfortunately   everything