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DD and LD
02/10/2009 21:08
02/10/2009 21:08
DD and LD

It's been only recently that I've noticed some growing nodes from the middle of my palm extending to the base of my left ring finger (if I'm not using proper terminology, my apologies; but researching this for the first time today has me a bit alarmed and uneducated).

Let me preface by saying that I’ve had what may have been the beginnings of middle finger knuckle Garrod’s Pads since my twenties (I am now 44) that are visible and bit painful on three left hand fingers and one on my right. All have grown and become more painful, but with some work regain most mobility.

Almost 5 years ago, I saw a foot doctor for what I may be reminded is Ledderhose on the arch of my left foot. I was relieved when the doctor showed me that he suffered the same and has not gotten increasingly noticeable since. I sometimes experience a little numbness in a few of my toes.

What’s bothering me is the rapid advancement of what appears to me today being Dupuytren in my left hand currently affecting my left ring finger.

I see something called Peyronie’s disease affecting the penis and is common with people who suffer from both DD and LD, but I see no signs of it.

I guess I’m looking for some advice as to what I should be doing to ensure that these things don’t progress, if possible, and what type of consultation I should seek. I certainly don’t want to go to a doctor who is going to volunteer surgery for something that may worsen as a direct cause of it or serves as little remedy.

I currently play and have played guitar since 13, right handed, and am in a band. I felt that if there are any other musicians out there, they may provide some support as well.

I also read that alcohol may be a direct cause? Is there truth to this? I have to admit I drink more than I’d like to admit.

Any feedback would be helpful and thanks!


02/11/2009 11:52
02/11/2009 11:52
Re: DD and LD

Hi Fdecca,

There are many other people on this site who would be better placed than me to respond (this site seems to provide the most complete, and reasonably reliable information of any I have found), but here I go!

DD and related complaints seem to be terribly unpredictable, and progress varies from one person to another.

I am nearly 58.

First, my experience with knuckle pads. I started getting pads in my teens. I had one operation, which made things much worse. Since then I developed pads on all my fingers, but the only restriction on my life was I could not close my fists. However, since passing through my 40s, the pads have diminished and are much less of an issue. My mother also had pads, and they disappeared in her later stage of life.

I also have LD on both feet (one operated on when about 8, which was successful), and other operated on when about 24, which made things worse (triggered development of scar tissue and more nodules). However the feet have not got any worse since my twenties.

I have recently developed DD on one hand.

As to what causes DD, it seems that the strongest factor is hereditary. Issues such as alcohol have not got any strong supporting evidence (somebody please correct if this is wrong). There are probably other good reasons for reducing alcohol intake beside DD. My mother had DD, and only very occasionally had a shandy!

The general wisdom, at least from people on this site, concerning surgery is that it should not be the first option. I gather that the conventional wisdom (as determined by visiting various doctors) is that surgery is recommended only after the complaint has reached a stage where there are severe limitations. Given a scenario of only surgery, this makes sense as the DD may not progress, or progress very slowly. Surgery can also make things worse by promoting more nodes, etc.

However, thanks to this site there may be other options to consider.

I suggest it is worth your while to visit the conventional people to at hear what they say. However, your are unlikely to hear anything other than surgery.

I am currently have radiation treatment for the DD in my hand (see "Radiation therapy" on this site). You may wish to consider this (for me, being somewhat older, the risk of cancer side effect is small). I chose this path because it seemed to make sense to stop it in the early stages. If the treatment is successful I will be left with some small lumps in my hand, but no impairment of movement. It is too early to report (anecdotally) on this, although I am psychologically ready to be positive about it. There are others who provide positive reports about it. I live in Australia, and this treatment is definitely not mainstream.

Steriod Injection (see site) may be worth looking at.

You can let things go, and if it develops, NA may be be appropriate. This is potentially less invasive than surgery. However, being a musician, it may not be attractive to let it go. And then there is surgery!

Peyronie’s   However   recommended   conventional   occasionally   restriction   currently   information   successful   experience   surgery   progress   development   disappeared   increasingly   unpredictable   advancement   limitations   consultation   psychologically