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Dupuytren Doctors in Washington DC Metro Area
04/16/2015 14:56
04/16/2015 14:56
Dupuytren Doctors in Washington DC Metro Area

Hi all,

First time forum visitor and poster here.

I'm a newly diagnosed 33 year old, having found nodules in the same location on both hands pop-up almost overnight.

Because I can still lay my hands down flat on a table my doctor said the best course of action is to check-in every year and see if it gets worse but no action for now.

My right hand, though appearing to have the same size nodule, has some mild discomfort in recent months.

My questions are (and thank you all in advance):

1) If I am not a candidate for formal treatment yet, is there anything I can do to help slow down the disease?
2) Does anyone know of any true Dupuytren specialist in the Washington DC area I can see?
3) Can anyone recommend good sites, other than this one of course, to look up doctors who work in this specialized disease?

Thanks all in advance - great to see a strong community in place.

Edited 04/16/15 17:56

04/16/2015 15:21


04/16/2015 15:21


Re: Dupuytren Doctors in Washington DC Metro Area

Hi mluca

Sorry to hear you have joined our club. But for most it's a slow progressing disease that often never becomes a problem with contracture, at all, or until later in life.

I hope you have read about the main treatments available, RT, NA, Xiaflex and differing surgical options.

Most DD specialist are hand surgeons, and they like to do surgery, but our user experience is that for the majority surgery should be used as a last resort. There are a few multi-skills or knowledgeable doctors around who know about RT and advise on the suitability of NA or Xiafelx ahead of surgery.

There are some related risk factors, alcohol, diabetes, genetics, glucosamine, some epilepsy drugs, etc, there's a list here http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/disease_info/risk.html which is on our sister UK site. Of course some of these are unavoidable, such as genetics, and others may not personally affect you anyway.

There is an open Dupuytrens Contracture Facebook Group as well, and they have additionally created another group advocating RT (DART). These are friendly helpful groups with lists of Doctors and lots of US users who may have personal experience of Doctors in Washington. Just be aware they are unmoderated so do your own research and draw your own conclusions.

The Dupuytrens Foundation is based in the US http://dupuytrens.org

Best wishes


Doctors   glucosamine   conclusions   multi-skills   dupuytrens-society   knowledgeable   specialized   Dupuytrens   suitability   specialist   experience   Dupuytren   contracture   disease   additionally   progressing   unavoidable   treatments   unmoderated   Washington