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Dupuytren Pain
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02/14/2013 02:20
02/14/2013 02:20
Re: Dupuytren Pain

I take a couple days off from the forum and "BAM",someone found a cure?Figures!!! Im goin for my follow up visit in the morning Ill ask Doc if he endorses the Duct tape treatment.LOL.Dave

02/14/2013 14:50
02/14/2013 14:50
Re: Dupuytren Pain

Computer typing definitely irritates my palm nodule pain. What I discovered is that typing with my ring finger, is the major cause of irritation, because the nodule is underneath that finger. If I keep a bandaid on the finger, to prevent it from curling, this forces me to keep the finger straight while typing, and puts less stress on the palm, allowing me to type for a longer period. FWIW. - Mark

The bandaid probably does little more than remind you to be gentle with that finger and as a result you type with less
force with that entire hand. Stress can caus e us to subtle things like use too much unnecessary force on the keyboard.

You have a repetitive stress injury to your hand. I doubt that it is 'Dupytrens' . I'll bet that it it is malnutrition or something which is weakening your tendons, making them shorten and making them easily injured. The result is a shortening, torn
tendon in your palm and the repeated injuries and inflammation are creating scar tissue which is curling your finger.

It's an insidious condition really, because the pain can seem so innocuous.
It is not an intense pain, and as we grow up we get accustomed to how rugged
our hands are. Hands are designed to heal extremely quickly and to absorb an
immense amount of punishment.

As a result we get accustomed to ignoring what might seem like minor hand pain.
The problem is that after a few bouts of re-injuring it , we get accustomed to living
with chronic pain, and its not really minor hand pain anymore when you realize
that it is this dull pain, which you thought was nothing, which is actually
preventing you from sleeping, making you depressed, or making you shy away from
even simple tasks involving the hand , such as housecleaning or stretching.

If it hurts you to type with that hand, then it probably hurts you to carry heavy things
with those fingers, such as heavy full plastic grocery bags. Any motion with involves both stretching
and pulling can be terribly irritating. Such as using a rowing machine or any exercise machine
where you are stretching upward to pull down weight and most of the strain is on your injured hand.

02/15/2013 10:36

not registered

02/15/2013 10:36

not registered

Re: Dupuytren Pain


Has anyone tried TENS [Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation ..I think] devices for pain relief?

Second surgery on 25th and getting nervous.

02/15/2013 12:23


02/15/2013 12:23


Re: Dupuytren Pain

I use TENS a lot for things like muscle related back and shoulder aches and pain. It helps you relax and avoid creating a vicious cycle of pain, tension, pain related from the tension, allowing much faster recovery.

I have never really tried it for other types pain including DD or recovery from surgery.

02/15/2013 15:28
02/15/2013 15:28
Re: Dupuytren Pain

My husband uses it for back pain, and swears by it. It is easy, inexpensive and you can travel with your device. I have never used it for DD.


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