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If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?
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04/17/2007 01:55
04/17/2007 01:55
Re: If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?

My nodule has always been painful, and the contracture was painful before the NA.

(Has anyone else noticed when you mention the pain to a doctor, they always proceed to press down and squeeze harder?!?)

04/18/2007 18:42
04/18/2007 18:42
Re: If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?

Ha! Yes, indeed, I've had that experience, at least twice. It may be that they can't
resist experimenting to gather empirical evidence. I've never had a female doctor do it, however.

04/19/2007 00:28
04/19/2007 00:28

Re: If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?

I think it all comes down to the definition of "Pain". Surgeons deal with patient pain far greater than what a Dups tissue can produce, like when my surgeon pulled off the bandage after Open Surgery. Now *that* was pain. I about passed out.

Certainly Dups tissue can be somewhat painful and NA can relieve a lot of it by reducing the pressure it exerts. So can OS. I have talked to one person who had surgery just to relieve the pain, but I believe that amount of pain is fairly rare.

04/19/2007 02:14
04/19/2007 02:14
Re: If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?

I agree with that, Randy.
I could just as easily describe my experience with the nodule and contracture as very uncomfortable, and perhaps mildly painful when pressure is applied.
I think what threw me at the onset was that the bulk of what I was reading, and what the doctor was telling me, was that it generally isn't a painful condition at all.

04/19/2007 03:13
04/19/2007 03:13
Re: If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?

I have tried a couple of different things since your last post..but the only one that seems to work is the rubbing the palms togther briskly - but lightly - to make the skin heat up a bit with the oil...I tried without the oil and got no relief, tried deeper massage, but that just hurts longer...I am going to try other oils to see if its just the heat generated by the slickness of the oil or if it really has something to do with the ingredients in this particular oil...

04/19/2007 23:26
04/19/2007 23:26
Re: If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?


My Naturopath suggested that I keep my hands lubricated with Castor Oil.

I rub a bit of it into my hands ech day, and then rub my hands togehter lightly.

Castor Oil is quite viscous, so I don't use very much.

You might give it a try.


04/23/2007 12:37
04/23/2007 12:37
Re: If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?

I have a lot of thobbing and pain in my hand. I am a big golfer and I wonder if that is the cause of the irritation. I cannot decide to keep using my hand or to baby my right hand. Once again this is a new disease to me and I am not sure what is right or wrong.

I am heading to Germany on the 11th of May. I am sure I will get a lot of answers them

04/23/2007 16:59

not registered

04/23/2007 16:59

not registered

Re: If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?


I have not experienced pain in my nodules or contractures.i am also a keen golfer.I do however have large knuckle pads which are very sensitve and can be painful if knocked.

I found 3 post ops to be relatively painless, but very ugly,looks much worse than feels type of thing.

I'm sure there is a good joke in there but i have resisted and stayed sensible

11/10/2007 17:31
11/10/2007 17:31
Re: If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?

Its been over 6 months since I started on the oil/massage. Thought I should post a followup...I no longer have any noticable pain in either hand, the lumpy stuff in the left hand has softened enough that I cannot 'see' it in my palm when I flex my fingers backwards (it used to stick up quite prominently from the palm) and I have no sign of progression of the disease to affecting the cords...
I tried other oils, but so far, the one with peppermint oil, grapeseed oil and soy oil with arnica, lavendar and vitamin E is the only one that seems to do anything...

11/11/2007 10:17


11/11/2007 10:17


Re: If its Dups, why does it hurt so much?

Sounds good! It would be great if we knew what ingredient really helps, bedises the massaging itself. Any idea?



Its been over 6 months since I started on the oil/massage. Thought I should post a followup...I no longer have any noticable pain in either hand, the lumpy stuff in the left hand has softened enough that I cannot 'see' it in my palm when I flex my fingers backwards (it used to stick up quite prominently from the palm) and I have no sign of progression of the disease to affecting the cords...
I tried other oils, but so far, the one with peppermint oil, grapeseed oil and soy oil with arnica, lavendar and vitamin E is the only one that seems to do anything...

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