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Is stretching the hand/fingers of any use?
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01/16/2013 04:25
01/16/2013 04:25
Re: Is stretching the hand/fingers of any use?

A night splint is like consistent, mild stretching. Wearing one has been very effective for me. I see it as pushing back against Dupuytren's, but not fighting against it as hard stretching would be. A little different perspective.

Many thanks flojo.
I did see splints mentioned somewhere. I shall look further into that option. Glad it's working for you.

01/16/2013 08:37


01/16/2013 08:37


Radiotherapy / joint supplements

"... but am concerned about the side effects which concerned me after reading the UK's NHS website: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Dupuytrens-...es/Surgery.aspx"

That's a surgery site and might (or might not) have some bias against RT. Our website is explaining radiotherapy on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html and side ffects on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radioth...de_effects.html. The NICE guidance is available on http://guidance.nice.org.uk/IPG368 .

"I would like to also point out that I have been taking joint supplements containing collagen for about a year for my knees and interestingly the bands and nodules of Dupuytren's are made up of collagen. A new injectable medicine called collagenase clostridium histolyticum is being used to treat Dupuytren's by dismantling the collage. So are my supplements to blame for this onset?"

A clear maybe/maybe not as answer to this question ... You might also read at the paragraph at the bottom of http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr..._therapies.html. Collagenase won't help as long as you just have nodules. It helps straightning bent fingers http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_collagenase.html.


Edited 01/16/13 10:40

01/16/2013 16:05
01/16/2013 16:05
Re: Is stretching the hand/fingers of any use?

A night splint is like consistent, mild stretching. Wearing one has been very effective for me. I see it as pushing back against Dupuytren's, but not fighting against it as hard stretching would be. A little different perspective.

Does the splint need to be custom made? or do you just go to the Pharmacy and buy any generic one?

I thought splinting was mostly for post operation only. I have heard of people splinting with varying degrees of bent fingers, and increasing the tension on the splint in the opposite direction over long periods of time eventually breaking the cords in their hands or fingers , obviously long drawn out pain and no surgeon would recommend this practise, but
It has been done to relieve bent fingers.
It cant see why it wouldnt work. especially if caught early enough.
Me? Im still waiting for some indication of loss of flexability. The worst thing is not knowing if it will get as bad as some people experience. Or is my worrying about it all for nothing. I may only have a mild case of it. so far one nodule and a bit of thickening under the trigger finger incision. Does the cord usually develop all at once under the skin and just get bigger or does it develop by inching its way toward the finger to be affected?

01/16/2013 16:27
01/16/2013 16:27
Re: Is stretching the hand/fingers of any use?

I agree with the night spint theory...been wearing them for years on both hands....
a CHT just made me a new set....total cost was $ 398 . Glad my ins, plan covered all of it..

01/17/2013 20:10
01/17/2013 20:10
Re: Is stretching the hand/fingers of any use?

"... but am concerned about the side effects which concerned me after reading the UK's NHS website: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Dupuytrens-...es/Surgery.aspx"

That's a surgery site and might (or might not) have some bias against RT. Our website is explaining radiotherapy on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html and side ffects on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radioth...de_effects.html. The NICE guidance is available on http://guidance.nice.org.uk/IPG368 .

"I would like to also point out that I have been taking joint supplements containing collagen for about a year for my knees and interestingly the bands and nodules of Dupuytren's are made up of collagen. A new injectable medicine called collagenase clostridium histolyticum is being used to treat Dupuytren's by dismantling the collage. So are my supplements to blame for this onset?"

A clear maybe/maybe not as answer to this question ... You might also read at the paragraph at the bottom of http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr..._therapies.html. Collagenase won't help as long as you just have nodules. It helps straightning bent fingers http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_collagenase.html.


Thanks for the clarification and links "wach"/Wolfgang.
I was thinking that the collagen supplements I had been taking were actually causing my dupuytrens to develop more quickly. I have stopped taking them now but collagen is appearing in more and more supplements recently so I need to really check the ingredients.

01/18/2013 02:49
01/18/2013 02:49
Re: Is stretching the hand/fingers of any use?

I could not believe how fast DC progressed in 1 year!! I was depressed and still in shock in 05. Oct of 06 I was tired of waiting for this crazy DC to take one more once of my quality of life! No more anti- inflammitory meds and no more therapy I said at that time. I researched on the net for the best personal trainer in the area I could fine. We started and continued with 2 1 hour sessions a week with strength training , weight- lifting , stretching with weights. I did this until June 07 until I was able to do this on my own. It was the best thing I have ever done for my health! I only have contracture so to speak in the pip joint were I had the 2 surgeries and my ring finger and middle finger are straighter and stronger that they were before I started. My grip is at almost equal strength as my right hand , my shoulder and elbow is better with full mobility. My feet still hurt but have regained mobility in my big toes. ( cords in hand and feet broke during training) And plus I am in the best shape of my life! I am stronger and a faster runner than I was in my late 20's. I am a firm believer in exercise to help maintain DC , when it hits when you are younger you have to what ever you can to stay as active as you can. No more sitting around for me..

That was a very inspiring post, and I imagine it has helped a lot of people. I initially backed off my training so as not to aggravate the Dup. in my hands. Then I got frozen shoulders. I got the book "How to treat your own rotator cuff injury" for exercises, and my shoulders got better in a few months. Then I started exercising again. I had one hand surgery five weeks ago, because one pinky cord was so thick that it was not suitable for NA. So now I have a fresh start with no cord and a night splint. I can't make a fist yet, but am still working out hard, not letting it slow me down either.

BTW, did you hear about the hippy who got Dupuytrens on his thumb? Terrible! He couldn't hitch-hike for a year! ;)

04/10/2018 11:34
04/10/2018 11:34
Re: Is stretching the hand/fingers of any use?

I just realized this year I have DC in both hands but I was aware of the nodules and thickened tendons since 2015. I am 61 and my mom has this in both hands and her feet and she is very disabled because of it. For years she has had this condition worsen but she was convinced it was due to her Rheumatoid Arthritis. I noticed this in my palms 2015 because I was doing hand stands daily and doing many pull ups and dead hangs on a monkey bar so I just thought it was the result of my workouts increasing tendon strength. Now that I am aware that I have this condition I stretch my fingers daily during my workouts so I maintain my full range of motion. I bend my fingers forcefully for up to twenty minutes over a period of an hour and a half during my workout. I have been doing this for a few years but with greater intention this year after discovering I have DC condition. I have this on the tendon attached to my pinky finger on both hands and at this point I can't say if the condition is progressing slower. I know for sure I still have very good flexibility and range of motion in both hands and fingers and very good grip strength in my hands. I began rolling my palms on a PVC pipe during my workouts hoping I can break up the fibers as I do with muscle and connective tissue. Its painful at first but after a few seconds the pain goes away completely.

04/10/2018 15:31


04/10/2018 15:31


Re: Is stretching the hand/fingers of any use?

I just realized this year I have DC in both hands but I was aware of the nodules and thickened tendons since 2015. I am 61 and my mom has this in both hands and her feet and she is very disabled because of it. For years she has had this condition worsen but she was convinced it was due to her Rheumatoid Arthritis. I noticed this in my palms 2015 because I was doing hand stands daily and doing many pull ups and dead hangs on a monkey bar so I just thought it was the result of my workouts increasing tendon strength. Now that I am aware that I have this condition I stretch my fingers daily during my workouts so I maintain my full range of motion. I bend my fingers forcefully for up to twenty minutes over a period of an hour and a half during my workout. I have been doing this for a few years but with greater intention this year after discovering I have DC condition. I have this on the tendon attached to my pinky finger on both hands and at this point I can't say if the condition is progressing slower. I know for sure I still have very good flexibility and range of motion in both hands and fingers and very good grip strength in my hands. I began rolling my palms on a PVC pipe during my workouts hoping I can break up the fibers as I do with muscle and connective tissue. Its painful at first but after a few seconds the pain goes away completely.
Do let us know how this works out for you. Most Drs in the field, and this website, recommend against stretching, because there is a theory that the contracture occurs to counter the stretching forces being exerted in the hand/fingers, and the potential trauma or inflammation will just increase the disease activity. There is a link between hand trauma and DD.

To clarify a bit in your post, you likely have DD not DC based on your description since you don’t have a contracture, tendons are rarely involved as the cords develop in the fascia and may attach to the pretendinous bands, or the skin which is when you see pitting.

04/10/2018 15:42
04/10/2018 15:42
Re: Is stretching the hand/fingers of any use?

I’ve been using a night splint (glove) to effectively stretch my finger and it’s been working well for the past couple of years.

So the question regarding stretching being bad must have to do with how far you push it because it’s effectively working for me.


04/10/2018 15:53


04/10/2018 15:53


Re: Is stretching the hand/fingers of any use?

Hi Ed,
the usual night splints do not stretch the finger but are passive, i.e. not exercising a force onto the hand, and are worn to just avoid that the hand resides in a fist at night.

But having said this, there are dynamic splints that actually do bend the finger. Both methods seem to work https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuyt...-splinting.html , which is somewhat against the theory but if it works ...


I’ve been using a night splint (glove) to effectively stretch my finger and it’s been working well for the past couple of years.

So the question regarding stretching being bad must have to do with how far you push it because it’s effectively working for me.


Edited 04/10/18 18:54

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