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Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?
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04/23/2012 09:42


04/23/2012 09:42


Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

There is actual little evidence, only anecdotal. This web site is therefore warning about a "Potential conflict with glucosamine/chondroitin", not more. You ought to be aware of it, that's all.


I hope your still not taking the supplements. Glucosamine and Chrondrointin. What i have read on here and other places it is not good for DD. Feel free to contact me if you need a doctor that will do RT in Missouri.

I find this an interesting statement. Is there any evidence? What are these substances? When I look at the labels they are derived from shellfish. So is this not a contradiction that "diet" has no effect on DC? Just wondering?

I just started having pain and DC like bumps in joints on my fingers and thumbs. Not saying it is DC, but it looks and feels like it, and it is in the fingers just above the other DC lesions. Two things I have been doing that have been absent from my life for 10 years during which DC was in remission are that I have recently started adding fish, squid, shrimp and some shellfish and eggs also to the mostly plant based diet regularly, AND I have used the enzyme inhibitor, Viagra, once or twice a week for a couple of months. Looks like both have done more harm than good. Are both or one of these to blame for the new joint symptoms that to me seem obviously correlated? I discontinued the seafood about a week ago and the pain and lumps are subsiding. So, if the "foods" that comprise the two mentioned joint supplements do affect DC, then why are we so quick to rule out diet generally? Diet is hard to change, and even harder to study, but since we ingest a lot of food it seems like a good place to start any discussion. Of course, it is an emotional issue like politics so it is also a good way to end any discussion. LOL.

04/23/2012 13:35


04/23/2012 13:35


Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

When I visited ProfS in Germany he took me through a questionnaire looking for links or associations. I was taking Glucosamine then. He told me to stop as 'there's a clear link'. Maybe I've not quoted him correctly, but he certainly gave me the impression at the time that evidence is available. I did not ask for references or papers.

04/23/2012 13:56
04/23/2012 13:56
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

OK, I might add that I started taking Omega 3 Fish Oil pills in quantity (3600 mg) that coincided with my Dupuytren's activating after being dormant for 12 years. Could there be a connection with the similar diet of our Viking ancestors? Just a thought that probably has no validity.

04/23/2012 15:22

not registered

04/23/2012 15:22

not registered

Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

In my own personal experience I think there is a good reason to ask that question about fish oil, glucosamine chondroiton. Didn't the seafaring vikings eat a lot of fish? I wonder, Wolfgang, is DC considered an inflammatory immune disorder, a collagen disease or some other general classification?

04/23/2012 18:18
04/23/2012 18:18
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

Hm-mmmm . . .
Interesting observation, Callie. I take one fish oil capsule daily and have for a long, long time. I don't think that would be relevant, but I'll keep it in mind. I stopped taking condroitin/glucosamine as soon as I saw there might be a connection.

It would be interesting to consider Vikings diet and possible relevance to Dupuytren's disease. I'm going to watch and see if someone researches it.

04/23/2012 19:19
04/23/2012 19:19
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

There is no doubt that the Viking diet was heavy on fish, especially the type of fish they use for the fish oil pills. But, the fish oil pills are considered very helpful in so many ways.

04/24/2012 10:49


04/24/2012 10:49


Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

Dupuytren's is considered a benign tumor. But that doesn't say how that tumor starts and why it starts and in fact that is still subject to discussion. Dupuytren's is not just excessive collagen deposition or some sort of scarring process that is out of control. More likely there is an initial tumor and the later developing cords are reactions of the body to pulling forces acting on that tumor. Inflammation may accompany Dupuytren's, whether as cause or as side-effect is unknown.


In my own personal experience I think there is a good reason to ask that question about fish oil, glucosamine chondroiton. Didn't the seafaring vikings eat a lot of fish? I wonder, Wolfgang, is DC considered an inflammatory immune disorder, a collagen disease or some other general classification?

02/23/2018 03:30
02/23/2018 03:30
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

I also believe diet is very important. My advice is avoid dairy.

I drank a little more than I should in my student days and but I actually gave it up and haven't touched a drop since I was 23.

I first saw signs of Dupuytren's when I was 24 and I am now 33. My little finger has lost 10 degrees of movement so far. I reckon that my disease was not getting any worse during a few years when I was having no eggs or dairy. I made an effort a year or so ago to have milk every day and an occassional egg (to get more calcium) and it has been getting worse recently. I'm going to stop all dairy now and see what happens.

Obviously taking exercise, avoiding excessive alcohol and having a low fat diet in general can't hurt either!

I thought of this after reading about Bosnia where the Muslim population is genetically very similar to the other populations there but suffered much less from Dupuytren's:



Apparently the Muslims there didn't get much in the way of meat, milk, dairy products and eggs.
Nothing to do with religion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Genetics (and maybe diet) have lots to answer for - did they test any Celtic Muslims?

02/24/2018 14:34

not registered

02/24/2018 14:34

not registered

Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

YES, there is a connection between Dupuytrens and diet, and although I don't know of any double blind studies on Dupuytrens and diet, my personal experience and 30 years of study the connection with disease and diet has given me all the proof you need to take immediate step to improve your problem. First, a whole food plant based diet has been proven to clear the blocked cardiovascular system, reverse heart disease, cure type 2 diabetes and prevent cancer and numerous autoimmune diseases and skin conditions. I won't try to summarize all of the work of Esselystn, Fuhrman, Greger etc, but go to youtube and watch NutritionFacts.com. A repeated theme is the damaging effect of increased IGF1 growth stimulating hormone caused by animal products and the diseases it causes, but especially tumors, cysts and fibroids are relevant to the Dupuytren's and similar problems. Over the last 30 years I experimented with numerous diet plans that span the spectrum between a complete vegan whole food plant based diet and one that included animal products in varying amounts. My finding is that the less animal products the better, and in fact the last two years of 100% no animal products and no OIL or processed food has found a complete cessation of even minor activity in the nodules. Before that just having fish a few times a week would result in some problems although not as bad as in the past when eating more protein and some dairy. It is very gratifying to find all your health issues resolved very quickly and reversing when going on the whole plant food diet. What is it? Fruits, cooked vegetables and fresh too, lots of greens, grains, sweet potatoes, potatoes...a starchy diet is essential. After 2 years on this at age 65 I am a lean and strong extremely active man who sees his neighbors dropping like flies from excess protein and animal products. Makes sense doesn't it. Where is all that added protein going if you can't process it. It is not a real food, and the sooner you get the animal protein out of the diet the sooner you will find what I have and that is: a softening and reduction and total lack of inflammation in the diet. I suggest the Greger homework on youtube and Forks Over Knives movie etc. Half way won't cut it. A happier healthier life awaits if you make the change.

07/21/2018 03:13
07/21/2018 03:13
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

I have just begun my journey with DC and have been reading lots and lots of blogs so that I can have my questions ready for the 'experts' who are going to be in control of my next step in treatment which might be RT
I began the search about diet because of the link to omega 3 in fish and supplements.
It is so interesting that there seems to be a focus on getting meat and fish out of the diet - saying that early man wasn't into meat eating. But what about the Native Americans? They ate all kinds of different meat.
I don't want to start a war, but I just think that not everyone has the same experience of what triggers DC.
I was worried about shrimp - cuz I LOVE some good shrimp (and crab!). - s And I notice that salmon doesn't sit well with me if I eat a large portion but I am not sure that it does anything to the DC because that is a relatively new health development and I have had these issues all my life.

Has there been any research or anecdotes about allergies - possibly food allergies - and DC? I have a lot of plant allergies and also shellfish - so I also have to be careful about shrimp for that reason as well.
Quinoa and maltomeal breakfast cereal (do they even make that anymore?) and brown rice will make my throat start to close up. I totally avoid those, and have changed to only bison meat for my cooking needs.

But, I am a meat eater, and have mild to bad allergies for quite a few plants so Vegan is not really an option.

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