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10/24/2013 22:12
10/24/2013 22:12
Re: New here. RT

4th day of RT. They are using the bolus, gel sheet. Ever the optimist, I think i see reduction in the nodes. My skin has had no reaction so far.No dryness, no redness.

10/25/2013 11:20
10/25/2013 11:20
Re: New here.

Hi Valerie,
So is it Dup? Why the cortisone shoot?

10/25/2013 11:57
10/25/2013 11:57
Re: New here.

Yes I have dup the shot was to help with the pain trust me when i say it did not help!! Was up all nite tried putting heat on it then ice pack still very sore but not as tight as it was last night! Wont do that again!! All pick up my MRI cd and try to post a picture, I'm in the early stage of dup left hand one nodule and 3 cords,right hand just starting to show small nodule and cord! And he had never heard of radiation for dup he seems to be very up to date on dup treats lot of people there is 3 hand surgeons in the practice, he did say he would look in to it! Was very impressed with him he spent a lot of time with husband and I explaining my situation .


10/25/2013 14:22
10/25/2013 14:22
Re: New here.

4th day of RT. They are using the bolus, gel sheet. Ever the optimist, I think i see reduction in the nodes. My skin has had no reaction so far.No dryness, no redness.

Hi Karenhart,

Congrats on your RT week.

I completed round one of RT on hands 6 weeks ago. This week is the first week I have experienced the dryness on the palm of the hands. Its nothing, no big deal, extremely manageable. I too, am in early stages of Dup in both hands.

Before RT and the week after RT
I had the buringing crawling tingle sensation. Following the 3rd week and the weeks after the hands began to calm down.

Today: week six I have noticed good results. Coupled with dryness. As stated above. It is very manageable and no pain

My oncologist treats with a 12 week break. My hand surgeon
Heard of RT but said it was not a mainstream treatment in the USA.
Regarding the burning, crawling, tingle pain sensation I was having My hand surgeon stated:
According to medical research those symptoms are not known for Dupuytren. However in the next sentence she said other patients with Dupuytrens have complained of the same symptoms.

Edited 10/25/13 21:13

10/25/2013 17:17
10/25/2013 17:17
Re: New here.Radiation therapy as a new technique for my radiologist

My radiologist had never heard of Dupuytren's and of course, this is his first time treating it. I have had 4 sessions and see a noticeable reduction in the nodes. He is an oncology radiologist. He does treat other benign conditions, such as keloid.
There is a very helpful Dupuytren's page on facebook.
I have not had the itching sensation but others on facebook have complained of it.

10/25/2013 18:14
10/25/2013 18:14
Re: New here.

Hi Karenhart
what state are you being treated in again?

10/25/2013 19:11
10/25/2013 19:11
Re: New here.


Below is a MRI of my hand. The image is as if my fingers are chopped off and you are looking at the end of the bones. The dark spot you see below the middle finger is a nodule You can see that is a small dark mass. I do not know what yours looks like but this might help you.


How did you copy your picture ? I notice its in a jpg file i have full hand image that show the mass pretty good, but don't no how to change the file sorry!


10/25/2013 19:11
10/25/2013 19:11
Re: New here.

I am in Pittsburgh Pa.
There is an established clinic at Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee, and one at VCU in Richmond Virginia and one close to DC. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fatigue would make travelling to these clinics very challenging. Where are you?

10/25/2013 21:34
10/25/2013 21:34
Re: New here.

Yes I have dup the shot was to help with the pain trust me when i say it did not help!! Was up all nite tried putting heat on it then ice pack still very sore but not as tight as it was last night! Wont do that again!! All pick up my MRI cd and try to post a picture, I'm in the early stage of dup left hand one nodule and 3 cords,right hand just starting to show small nodule and cord! And he had never heard of radiation for dup he seems to be very up to date on dup treats lot of people there is 3 hand surgeons in the practice, he did say he would look in to it! Was very impressed with him he spent a lot of time with husband and I explaining my situation .


image.jpg image.jpg (3x)

Mime-Type: image/jpeg, 79 kB

10/26/2013 10:53
10/26/2013 10:53

Re: New here.

Ok saw Dr Blackwell NO surgery yeah!! And i do have Arthritis in my thumb! And he has never heard of radiation therapy!?he said I should not have any pain but i do! It hurt for my granddaughter to hold my hand! To hold a book, do yard work ect... So he did give me a cortisone shot(spell???) witch was not anything like it was on the feet! Ugh
So Ill just wait and see, he did say putting heat on my hand was fine BUT don't do finger stretches or massage the hand this could cause stimulation to the DD. Imaging center is making me a copy of my MRI all pickup tomorrow, and try to post!


Hi Valerie

when you next see Dr Blackwell can you please ask the Dr what evidence he has that massage of the hands "stimulates" DD.

I ask as a massage therapist interested in helping clients with DD.

Thanks Stephen

Edited 10/26/13 15:04

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