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Post surgery experience
02/01/2013 20:57
02/01/2013 20:57
Post surgery experience

I am new to this forum and am on it to try & find out other peoples experience post op. my dad is early 60's & had the op to remove nodules & straighten middle finger 8 weeks ago. Op went well, he can touch end of all fingers to thumb, still weak & occasional numbness in middle & index finger but seems to be going in the right direction. Biggest prob is intense pain & swelling at night. He gets to sleep but early am the swelling & pain wake him & prevent him getting back to sleep. He is pretty tough normally so this is not normal for him. He has been given something to numb the nerves but he's now taking upto 60% of the dose and there not touching it. He has a sheath type thing to stretch finger at night but this is too painful. He has pain killers to take too.
I suppose the reason I'm on here is, has anyone else experienced this & what were you able to do to improve the situation?
Would appreciate anyone's thoughts / suggestions?!? He is still seeing medical people butting doesn't hurt to sPeak to others.
Thanks for your time and help.

02/02/2013 00:19
02/02/2013 00:19
Re: Post surgery experience

That experience is not normal, especially at 8 weeks. What have the medical people suggested as the problem? Have they eliminated infection? What type of therapy is he doing? I have felt that often hand therapists try to work hands too strenuously in the recovery period. Therapy shouldn't hurt. Sometimes I think they do more damage than good. You are working toward flexibility and very little more. I had almost no pain with my surgery at any time. That was eleven years ago. I did all of the therapy myself.

Edited 02/02/13 02:20

02/02/2013 00:45
02/02/2013 00:45

Re: Post surgery experience

Hi Lisa-Australia Calling.
I've had many surgeries including grafts to both hands so I will give you my take. Defininately do not overdo things. During the day immediately after surgery keep the hand elevated .I used to keep my hand resting on the shoulder. Move the finger many times during the day as though playing the piano. This action helps with circulation and reduces the swelling. At night rest the hand on an extra pillow again to help with the circulation. First thing in the morning I would soak the hand in warm water using the shape of the basin to gently stretch hand (palm down) . During the day make a fist by gently using the other hand then resting and moving the fingers. Unless the swelling is reduced one force is fighting the other. My Physio supplied me with medical plasterceen, which I placed in the hand and squeezed, which will help build up the strength in the hand . It is a slow process again depending on the size of the surgery. Finally use plenty of moisturiser ie with Urea/vitamen E .Purchase Scar Creme which has silicone use sparingly . I have seen the product here from the US. Keep Smiling.

Edited 02/02/13 02:53

therapists   flexibility   appreciate   Defininately   especially   circulation   therapy   plasterceen   moisturiser   swelling   straighten   Lisa-Australia   occasional   surgery   strenuously   suggestions   experience   eliminated   immediately   experienced