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Started RT in Colorado on Monday - Hoping for the Best
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02/15/2011 19:42
02/15/2011 19:42
Started RT in Colorado on Monday - Hoping for the Best

I am working with Dr. Brian Kavanagh in the Radiation Oncology Dept at the University of Colorado Hospital. THANK YOU so much for all the info on RT that I learned from this site and all the personal experience stories shared. I didn't even know about the RT option when I landed here about 2 months ago. As a violinist with nodules rapidly spreading in my left palm, I was feeling a bit panicked and highly motivated to learn about my options for treatment. My own doctor advised me to wait until I had some disability & then look into surgery. Poor advice for a patient who is an amateur musician.

I am Dr Kavanagh's first patient - he consulted with Dr. Weiss & Dr. Cuttino in VA before agreeing to treat me. I have read many posts by those with a strong preference for going right to Germany to the doctors with more experience but traveling to Germany is simply not an option for me. I have been amazed by the help I've received from both Dr. Weiss and Dr. Kavanagh. It was actually easier to get in contact with them than my own primary care doctor.

The staff at U of Colorado Hospital Radiation Oncology have been wonderful with their genuine caring attitudes and amazing patient care - the best I have ever experienced in my 52 years. So I'll be in for treatment 3 more days this week for a total of 5 days and then back in about 8 weeks for round 2. Will update and let you know how it all turns out.

02/15/2011 20:28


02/15/2011 20:28


Re: Started RT in Colorado on Monday - Hoping for the Best

Best wishes, I hope the RT helps and stalls the disease progression.

I'm an amateur pianist, and my (primary) physician was also a bit uninformed and advised waiting until I had bent fingers! This site was a the main source of information on the options available.

02/15/2011 21:35
02/15/2011 21:35
Re: Started RT in Colorado on Monday - Hoping for the Best

Great news! Thanks for doing the groundwork. This helps others who live in your area. Keep us posted on the results. I continued to have improvement for 2-3 months after treatments were over.

02/16/2011 21:36
02/16/2011 21:36
Re: Started RT in Colorado on Monday - Hoping for the Best

I was just diagnosed today with Dupuytren in both hands although I have a nodule on only one hand at the moment and cords forming. I am wondering if the doctor in Colorado is administering the radiotherapy in the same strength and amount of doses as the doctor in Hamburg Germany. I am anxious to hear how you do with this procedure. Best of luck to you!

03/03/2011 16:52
03/03/2011 16:52
Re: Started RT in Colorado on Monday - Hoping for the Best


Do you have any news you can share? I'm weighing my options of staying stateside or heading to Hamburg.
We spend a great deal of time in CO, so this mught be an option. I'm a little leary of being patient number 2.
Can you share anything about costs?


03/03/2011 16:59
03/03/2011 16:59
Re: Started RT in Colorado on Monday - Hoping for the Best

Good luck with your treatment... I had RT Nov. 09 and it was very successful. Nodules continued to shrink for months after the RT. Keep us posted.

I also am interesting in costs and insurance coverage...

03/03/2011 17:41
03/03/2011 17:41
Re: Started RT in Colorado on Monday - Hoping for the Best

Hello! I am in Colorado for a few days but not for treatment. I am going to Germany on March 31 and treatment will begin on April 4 and end on April 9. I will return 6 or 8 weeks later for round two. I will let you know how it goes. I emailed pics of my hands to Dr. Seegenschmidt and traded e-mailsl back and forth with him for a day or two. He was quick to respond and answered all my questions. I am sure I will have more when I get there and meet him face to face. On costs...I live in Amarillo, Texas and can fly one way to Hamburg on Wednesdays for $295. The actual costs for treatment I think he said was 500 Euro per treatment site so I think I am looking at $700 per hand. I am not turning it in on insurance because I don't want to hassle with it and whatever we pay will be about the deductible price. And once it hits insurance it is a "pre-existing" condition.
I will let you know more as I go along. Love to hear from you about the long term on treatment in Colorado.

03/03/2011 17:45
03/03/2011 17:45
Re: Started RT in Colorado on Monday - Hoping for the Best


I live in Plano, will fly from DFW. Where did you find the $295 fare? I found $495 and thought that was good.


03/03/2011 17:52
03/03/2011 17:52
Re: Started RT in Colorado on Monday - Hoping for the Best

DO any of you have all four extremities effected? That is my situation. So, it it is $700 per, I may need to stay in the US, and let insurance do what they will.
Also, any issue with walking around after the treatments? Wouldn't want to go to Hamburg and not enjoy the city!
Cindylee, why do you say it would be a pre-existing illness?

03/03/2011 18:56
03/03/2011 18:56
Starting RT with "unexperienced" doctors anywhere ....

To Anyone who starts with "unexperienced" radiation therapy doctors

I think everybody who starts with "unexperienced" radiation therapy doctor should know that the radiation therapy technique appears simple and easy to learn and doses in US and Europe are probably the same ...

However PALPATION, INSPECTION, DECIDING from PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE to treat or NOT TO TREAT requires a lot of personal skills which grow slowly over years. I have learned my lesson well, and being in medicine myself, I can confirm how difficult it is to make the right judgement about "Is this a nodule ?" "Is that a cord ?" "What safety margin should be taken to cover the palpated changes ?"

If the physical examination is WRONG from the beginning, how could the treatment be correct ? I have learned that many doctors - even in GERMANY - don't know to palpate correctly, they forget to palpate the feet as well ! They can't weigh the risk factors and so on ...

I was not willing to be an experimental bunny, as I know that you can treat only ONE TIME and that has to be done properly. I didn't want to get a PATCHWORK treatment ....

In conclusion: I think, doctors who start their experience should have done some practical courses to make them aware of all the variabilities of DD and LD. Why not getting these willing doctors together to let them exchange their skills ??

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treatment   Radiation   experience   Germany   physiotherapists   Started   approximately   Seegenschmiedt   rheumatologist   experimental   Kavanagh   Colorado   doctors   brother-in-law   insurance   contracture   pre-existing   unexperienced   variabilities   treatments