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Successful Needle Aponeurotomy
11/14/2011 15:48
11/14/2011 15:48
Successful Needle Aponeurotomy

A couple of weeks ago, I jumped on a plane and flew to Jupiter, Florida. Over two days, Dr Charles Eaton performed needle aponeurotomy on both hands. I writing this note to report that it was terrific experience and the results are amazing.

Like many of you, I read this blog and researched and contemplated all the various treatments. I am 69 years old and I remember my Father (now 94) go through two severe radical surgeries when he was in his 60's and again in his 70's.

My pinkie was pulled in about 60% and all the other fingers on both hands were 20 to 30%. When my Dallas Orthopedic Surgeon insisted it was time for surgery and that my pinkie probably could not be straighted, I really got serious about finding a treatment. I spent at least 3 weeks trying to nail down the costs and results for Xialix. The local Docs that were on the approved Xialix list were not very reassuring about the actual treatment.

I now feel so positive about making the decision to go see Dr Eaton. He and his staff were so professional and accommodating. I have never met another Dupuytrens patient in Dallas, so it was pretty unique to sit in a waiting room with other dupuytrens patients. My pinkie is now about 10% pulled in and all my other fingers are flat. The first time I could put my palm flat in 4 or 5 years.
This is probably not the end of my Dupuytrens story, but for right now, I am thrilled with the results.

11/14/2011 16:17
11/14/2011 16:17
Re: Successful Needle Aponeurotomy

So glad to hear about successful NA! Keep us posted.

I'm sorry to have to agree with you that it is probably not the end of your Dupuytren's story I have had 2 NA procedures and in a couple of years likely have another. That's OK. I'm keeping on top of it so that it doesn't get "Out of Hand" so to speak

11/14/2011 17:32
11/14/2011 17:32

Re: Successful Needle Aponeurotomy

Just wondering, how much is Needle Aponeurotomy with Dr. Eaten? Boy the way I see it, this Dups disease is going to cost me a small fortune. I have both feet - still good, and hopefully will stay that way, but both hands are a mess. I am doing RT right now in Germany, need to go back in December. My right hand has cord and is pulling down my ringfinger, so I guess NA it is, one of those days. Luckily I have Dr. Denkler, just wondering what Dr. Eaten would charge. Might as well have my NA vacation in Florida.


11/15/2011 14:28
11/15/2011 14:28
Re: Successful Needle Aponeurotomy

I tried Ziaflex and did get results but only partial They want to do again

11/15/2011 16:43
11/15/2011 16:43
Re: Successful Needle Aponeurotomy

To answer your question, Christi---- I don't know Dr. Eaton's cost. I have Medicare and Blue Cross -- paid for everything. I had approximate 18 - 20 entry points on one hand and 24 - 28 on the other. That's a lot of holes. All healed up within a week . Only lingering symptom -- and it's no big deal---are the skin cracks. Both hands had been pulled in for so long, that opening the hand caused the stretched out skin to crack.

11/16/2011 00:22
11/16/2011 00:22
Re: Successful Needle Aponeurotomy

I don't know about Dr. Eaton's charges, but Dr. Denkler's charges were about $800, I THINK. (Don't quote me).
Call Dr. Eaton's office or email him. They probably have an approximate cost. I think it is so much per cord or per finger.

deal---are   Orthopedic   straighted   treatments   treatment   approximate   Dupuytrens   procedures   Christi----   ringfinger   accommodating   everything   probably   contemplated   results   professional   reassuring   Aponeurotomy   wondering   Successful