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What if I do nothing?
06/18/2014 11:41
06/18/2014 11:41
What if I do nothing?

My Dupuytren Contartune seems to be staying at the same bend and the the 3 nodules on my right ring finger seem to stay the same size and texture for a year now. Should i leave this alone and watch it? When i lay my hand flat on the table palm up the ringer finger sticks up about 2 inches above the table. I live in N Michigan and 63 year old male, and this doesnt affect anything in my daily life. No pain except it gets stiff at night while sleeping. Sometimes I feel like chewing the nodules off. any thoughts on this

06/18/2014 12:04


06/18/2014 12:04


Re: What if I do nothing?

I would say if you have no problem then just leave it as it is. Most people with Dupuytren's never need any treatment and treatment might trigger the disease to become more aggressive. The good news is, the older you get the slower and less aggressive Dupuytren's becomes (on an average, individually it might be different).


06/18/2014 12:43
06/18/2014 12:43
Re: What if I do nothing?

Thank you Wolfgang! I like the answer!

06/18/2014 23:27
06/18/2014 23:27
Re: What if I do nothing?

Don't "chew the nodules off"! The more you mess with Dupuytren's the more it fights back.

06/19/2014 00:28
06/19/2014 00:28
Re: What if I do nothing?

hey everybody, haven't been on in a while...let's talk...STEM CELLS!!! It looks so promising. Anybody know about stem cells for dupuytrens? It's being used successfully to HEAL shoulder tears and other orthopedic issues! LET'S TALK STEM CELLS!

06/19/2014 03:18
06/19/2014 03:18
Re: What if I do nothing?

I am having a stem cell transplant in about a month. I'll let you know how it works out. Problem is only about 15 to 20 percent survive for more than a year in my age group (60-70 years old).

06/19/2014 10:00
06/19/2014 10:00
Re: What if I do nothing?


what do you mean "Problem is only about 15 to 20 percent survive for more than a year in my age group " You can die from getting stem cell transplant for your hand? That seems kinda extreme.

06/22/2014 21:17
06/22/2014 21:17
Re: What if I do nothing?

I am having a stem cell transplant in about a month. I'll let you know how it works out. Problem is only about 15 to 20 percent survive for more than a year in my age group (60-70 years old).

Best of luck to you, it's not for the timid. My over 60 y.o ex-sister in law is still going strong more than 3 years after her stem cell for multiple myeloma. I'm sure you've also checked out alternative methods and boards. She swears by curcermin.

thoughts, prayers and strength to you.


06/22/2014 21:33
06/22/2014 21:33
Re: What if I do nothing?

hey everybody, haven't been on in a while...let's talk...STEM CELLS!!! It looks so promising. Anybody know about stem cells for dupuytrens? It's being used successfully to HEAL shoulder tears and other orthopedic issues! LET'S TALK STEM CELLS!

There are different kinds of stem cell therapy.
1) There's the heavy duty one (blood and marrow) used to treat different types of cancer where you have to be "conditioned" (Conditioning, also known as bone marrow preparation or myeloablation, is treatment with high-dose chemo and/or radiation therapy. It’s the first step in the transplant process and typically takes a week or two. It’s done for one or more of these reasons:
• To make room in the bone marrow for the transplanted stem cells
• To suppress the patient’s immune system to lessen the chance of graft rejection
• To destroy all of the cancer cells anywhere in the patient’s body) and then you receive either your own treated cells or those from another person. It's very rigorous with lots of side effects and complications.

2) I believe the treatment you are speaking about is called '"regenerative therapy" or "PRP" (protein rich plasma) and it's a totally different procedure and much more benign than the first. This is being used for orthopedic issues and for a number of other things. However, there is no-- I repeat "NO" evidence that it works for anything other than orthopaedic (and I don't believe there are any long-term double blind studies even there). PRP is used to promote healing in bone surgery-- I actually had it for dental implants. This started in Europe but has now come to the US with a fervor with all sorts of wild claims (both here and abroad:


06/23/2014 00:44
06/23/2014 00:44
Re: What if I do nothing?

Thank you Diane. There are success stories out there that everyone going through this cling with hope. It is a very tough recovery that very few (if any) return to the "normal" prior to the transplant. I'm not looking forward to the adventure.

Dupuytren   regenerative   orthopedic   transplanted   alternative   nothing   preparation   patient’s   dupuytrens   myeloablation   conditioned   aggressive   different   Conditioning   orthopaedic   treatment   complications   transplant   successfully   individually