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Will I need help after Xiaflex?
04/05/2012 02:47
04/05/2012 02:47
Will I need help after Xiaflex?

I'm having my first injection next Tuesday, April 10. Then I'll have the manipulation on Thursday, the 12th. Dr. Costas' is the doctor I'm seeing and he was part of the Xiaflex trials. His office is about 1.5 hours from my house. At this point, I do not have anyone who is able to go with me to either appointment. The bad thing is that both days will require me to drive home during the afternoon rush hour in Atlanta. That may make the trip much, much longer.

Can anyone here tell me if I'll be okay driving both days? It's my right hand being treated. The nurse mentioned that I may be pretty sore and tender when I drive to the appointment on Thursday. But when I leave on Thursday to drive home, I'll still be numb from the lidocaine.

Just thought I'd get some feedback from those of you who've had the injections. A friend mentioned that taking ibuprofen before each appointment also helped. Thoughts, suggestions?

04/05/2012 02:50
04/05/2012 02:50
Re: Will I need help after Xiaflex?

Another question ... will this prevent me from using my hand for a few days? Since it's my right hand I just wondered if I'll have problems doing day to day things for a few days.

04/05/2012 05:28


04/05/2012 05:28


Re: Will I need help after Xiaflex?

I did not drive after the xialflex injection. Actually my hand got quite thick and I personally would recommend driving. After the injection I had a bandage on my hand for one day. I had restricted use of my hand for about 10 days, then the swelling and bruising was gone.

Did the clinic not tell you that you shouldn't drive after the collagenase injection?


04/05/2012 12:49
04/05/2012 12:49
Re: Will I need help after Xiaflex?

I did ask the nurse about driving and she said I should be fine. The only thing she mentioned was the soreness that I'd have driving to the Thursday appointment.

So you're saying that your hand was already swelling and sore immediately after the injection? I really don't have anyone who can go with me. It's taken two months to get this scheduled and I don't want to reschedule it.

04/05/2012 13:23
04/05/2012 13:23
Re: Will I need help after Xiaflex?

I did ask the nurse about driving and she said I should be fine. The only thing she mentioned was the soreness that I'd have driving to the Thursday appointment.

So you're saying that your hand was already swelling and sore immediately after the injection? I really don't have anyone who can go with me. It's taken two months to get this scheduled and I don't want to reschedule it.Hi
Hi there,I drove 750 miles from Oaklahoma City to Nashville after my double injection.It will swell up alot but that is normal.An hour and a half should be ok.The injection itself dosent swell up as bad as when u get the lidocaine ijections.Thats when it swells up.Should still be numb by the time u get home.Good luck Dave

04/05/2012 15:00
04/05/2012 15:00
Re: Will I need help after Xiaflex?

I did ask the nurse about driving and she said I should be fine. The only thing she mentioned was the soreness that I'd have driving to the Thursday appointment.

So you're saying that your hand was already swelling and sore immediately after the injection? I really don't have anyone who can go with me. It's taken two months to get this scheduled and I don't want to reschedule it.Hi
Hi there,I drove 750 miles from Oaklahoma City to Nashville after my double injection.It will swell up alot but that is normal.An hour and a half should be ok.The injection itself dosent swell up as bad as when u get the lidocaine ijections.Thats when it swells up.Should still be numb by the time u get home.Good luck Dave

That's what the nurse said - that on the manipulation day it will still be numb by the time I get home. So were the effects worse after the injection or after the manipulation? Just curious. My husband is working out of state and I'll be on my own to manage and take care of kids. I've got quite a few health problems and am pretty tough when it comes to medical stuff. I am just wondering how it will go without the use of my right hand for a couple of days.

04/05/2012 19:06
04/05/2012 19:06
Re: Will I need help after Xiaflex?

I did ask the nurse about driving and she said I should be fine. The only thing she mentioned was the soreness that I'd have driving to the Thursday appointment.

So you're saying that your hand was already swelling and sore immediately after the injection? I really don't have anyone who can go with me. It's taken two months to get this scheduled and I don't want to reschedule it.Hi
Hi there,I drove 750 miles from Oaklahoma City to Nashville after my double injection.It will swell up alot but that is normal.An hour and a half should be ok.The injection itself dosent swell up as bad as when u get the lidocaine ijections.Thats when it swells up.Should still be numb by the time u get home.Good luck Dave

That's what the nurse said - that on the manipulation day it will still be numb by the time I get home. So were the effects worse after the injection or after the manipulation? Just curious. My husband is working out of state and I'll be on my own to manage and take care of kids. I've got quite a few health problems and am pretty tough when it comes to medical stuff. I am just wondering how it will go without the use of my right hand for a couple of days.
The injection it self isnt bad try to keep it elevated and dont bump cause it does hurt then.The doc will put a temporay splint on and wrap it with coban it dosent hurt to bad till you unwrap it and stretch and bend the finger.I had my last injection March 10th it was a saturday and on Monday march 12th I was back to work cutting meat with my treated hand.You will be surpised at how fast you get back to normal life.Dave

04/06/2012 01:37
04/06/2012 01:37
Re: Will I need help after Xiaflex?

Thanks for your replies, Dave. Sounds like you did really well after your injection. I suspect I will do the same. Did you consider going to Atlanta for injections? It'd be a lot closer than Oklahoma. Or maybe you wanted to see a particular doctor there. I hope you continue to do well.

appointment   mentioned   reschedule   collagenase   pia2some   manipulation   swelling   scheduled   injections   driving   lidocaine   ijections   soreness   immediately   injection   Nashville   suggestions   Oaklahoma   Thursday   Xiaflex