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Xiaflex Treatment
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10/14/2014 15:58
10/14/2014 15:58
Xiaflex Treatment

I have Dupuytren's in my little finger with considerable cords in my palm. I am hoping I am a candidate for Xiaflex. Does anyone out there have experience with Dr. Robert Pae in NYC? Or do you have another doctor in the area that you went to for Xiaflex treatment that you would recommend?

    10/14/2014 18:10


    10/14/2014 18:10


    Re: Xiaflex Treatment

    Dr Pess, close by http://www.centraljerseyhand.com/gary-pess-md.htm, was recommended in another thread.

      10/18/2014 00:25
      10/18/2014 00:25
      Re: Xiaflex Treatment

      ... do you have another doctor in the area that you went to for Xiaflex treatment ...

      The XIAflex.com site lets you find a doctor based on your ZIP code.

      Edited 10/18/14 04:42

        10/22/2014 20:30
        10/22/2014 20:30
        Re: Xiaflex Treatment

        I used the Xiaflex site but it is terrible. 3 of the doctors in my area had performed 3 or fewer procedures and none were certified hand surgeons and none of the 5 closest doctors had any experience with NA as well as Xiaflex.

        It is important that you find a doctor with experience with both techniques as on the same hand there can be areas where there is a possibility of hitting a nerve and causing damage and Xiaflex is better and other areas where NA is a better choice and some areas where it is best to do both, Xiaflex on the first day one and NA on second day when the hand is being manipulated. It only takes 12 hours for Xiaflex to dissolve whatever tissue it will dissolve and better to do the manipulation before there is extreme swelling of the hand.

        The doctor who did my first Xiaflex procedure has already performed the procedure on more than 100 patients at that time and had done NA on many hundreds of patients and that was in 2011. I had him do the Xiaflex again in July 2013 and he had refined his procedure over the hundreds of applications he had performed and refined it still further when I had him do a second round of Xiaflex (second vial) in November during which time he also did extensive NA work.

        I now find myself nearly a year later and my hand is in the best shape it has been in the past 7 years. There is not a chance in a million that I would have obtained these results with any of the other doctors operating in my state of California.

          10/22/2014 20:56
          10/22/2014 20:56
          Re: Xiaflex Treatment

          I agree. Making sure you choose a dr who has successfully performed at least 30 Xiaflex injections (or ANY DC procedure) before you have it done. Also, I always recommend selecting a dr who is skilled in all the DC practices- NA, surgery or injection. Few, if any, surgeons are familiar with RT at this time.

            10/31/2014 04:19
            10/31/2014 04:19
            Re: Xiaflex Treatment

            I had Xiaflex treatment 3 weeks ago. I went to the UCLA medical center. I did some research and found that the doctors in my area had next to no experience. The doctor I saw, Dr. Prosper Benhaim, does all three of the major treatment types: surgery, NA, and Xiaflex. He has done the Xiaflex treatment on hundreds of patients, and confirmed that it would be the best treatment for my hand. If you have the opportunity, see if you can find a teaching hospital or university hospital that offers the treatment. They will be more likely to be up on the latest treatment techniques.

              11/01/2014 13:18
              11/01/2014 13:18
              Re: Xiaflex Treatment

              Interested in knowing the results of your treatment. Three weeks out would you say it was a success? Also, why was this the recommended protocol? I'm early stage DD and am always interested in the results of all the treatments as I'm sure I will be there eventually!

                11/01/2014 15:08
                11/01/2014 15:08
                Re: Xiaflex Treatment

                I had Xiaflex on my left hand 4 months ago and am extremely pleased with the results. I had ~30 degree contracture on middle and ring finger, I can now hyperextend my hand over 30 deg. So far I see no indication of cords coming back and there is no discomfort. I will most likely have it done on my right hand when the nodules develop into cords. If I could figure out how to post pictures here I'd show them. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to find a practitioner who has successfully done this procedure at least 30 times and who also does NA and complex hand surgeries. My doc is a plastic surgeon who specializes in hands. Success of the Xiaflex procedure depends upon the skill of the practitioner.

                  11/11/2014 00:09
                  11/11/2014 00:09
                  Re: Xiaflex Treatment

                  I had (I LOVE to say had, instead of have!) a 45degree bend in the left pinky. Took 8-10 years to develop. I didn't know the name until recently, but when I found pictures of severe cases on the internet - I got a referral to a hand surgeon that had done NA for many years and recommended XIAFLEX since he'd gotten such good results with it.

                  Had the shots 4 days ago, hand swelled up for about 7-9 hours and kept it raised the entire day. By bedtime, swelling was mostly gone. Didn't need any pain pills, took the bandages off the next afternoon as not needed.
                  Wondered for several days "what next?" but just a bruise showing around the injection site. Back to doctor's today, he squeezed around, I jumped a bit when he hit the tender spot, but that didn't last. He wanted to know if I wanted him to break the cord or not - told him it's his decision .. He wanted to.. Numbed the hand and with what seemed like gentle massage, I heard the 'pop' and the finger now is straight!! well, almost. There's a bit of a bend where none showed before - in the PIP joint. The hand therapist said it'll likely be ok after using the splint at night.

                  After being scared off so many years ago with horror stories of surgery .. I'm glad I found the article describing the non-surgical treatments that weren't known 5 years ago.
                  I hadn't seen the "Patients" personal experiences (see above) until I began searching for 'experiences' .. But I can add that there was excellent results with the XIAFLEX, and the doctor confirmed that even though he'd done many NA procedures, he much more recommends the drug.

                  All in all - much much less pain than expected, ie none.

                  Bob K.

                    11/11/2014 01:12
                    11/11/2014 01:12
                    Re: Xiaflex Treatment

                    You sound like another successful Xiaflex customer! Glad it all went well. I have absolutely no side effects or discomfort from mine, I almost had surgery a couple of years ago, I am glad I procrastinated. Maybe by the time my right hand develops cords, there will be something even better than Xiaflex.

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                      results   surprisingly   straightened   applications   Treatment   non-surgical   Xiaflex   procrastinated   procedure   injections   experiences   practitioner   MelioraDockery   conventional   successfully   performed   centraljerseyhand   recommended   manipulation   experience