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Diet & Topical recommendations
06/02/2021 21:54
06/02/2021 21:54
Diet & Topical recommendations

HI, I'm sure this topic exists here, but didn't have time to deeply search. I've had the D for 20 years (I'm 48 now). I've had 3 Xioflex injections and a pretty major surgery on my left hand (ring & pinky fingers). It's only been 18 months since my surgery and it's already showing itself again.

1) Is there any research on diet (i.e. anti-inflammation) that is proven to help? I've seen nothing concrete.
2) Has anyone found success with either Topical rubs or supplements? Or combination of both?

I can't imagine having to go through that surgery and recovery again. It was simply awful.

Thanks and hang in there everyone!

06/03/2021 06:11


06/03/2021 06:11


Re: Diet & Topical recommendations

Regarding diets you might have a look https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuyt...s_research.html (paragraph at the end of that page).

In my view your best chance to to recurrence would be raduiotherapy https://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html . The cost very much depends where you are located and how you are insured. It is for free in some countries and extremely expensive in others.


06/03/2021 06:17


06/03/2021 06:17


Re: Diet & Topical recommendations

HI, I'm sure this topic exists here, but didn't have time to deeply search. I've had the D for 20 years (I'm 48 now). I've had 3 Xioflex injections and a pretty major surgery on my left hand (ring & pinky fingers). It's only been 18 months since my surgery and it's already showing itself again.

1) Is there any research on diet (i.e. anti-inflammation) that is proven to help? I've seen nothing concrete.
2) Has anyone found success with either Topical rubs or supplements? Or combination of both?

I can't imagine having to go through that surgery and recovery again. It was simply awful.

Thanks and hang in there everyone!
Hi, I have not seen any published research on this, but there are plenty of anecdotal reports on here and on Facebook from people on the benefits or negative effects on their DD by changing their dietary intake of sugar, dairy, alcohol, turmeric, glucosamine, the oral uptake of quercetin, magnesium, Vit C, boron, and so on; I have probably missed some. Similar for topical use of various oils, especially containing vitamin E, or magnesium, or soaking with epsom salts (this includes me) or using DMSO to penetrate with things such as SSKI, and so on again. There is a FB group on this topic that may provide further information more directly from people with these experiences. I would say there is no one things that benefits all if in fact any. I myself stopped taking glucosamine for joint health, and cant say if my DD improved or joints got worse. Best wishes SB

06/03/2021 16:51
06/03/2021 16:51
Re: Diet & Topical recommendations

Regarding diets you might have a look https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuyt...s_research.html (paragraph at the end of that page).

In my view your best chance to to recurrence would be raduiotherapy https://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html . The cost very much depends where you are located and how you are insured. It is for free in some countries and extremely expensive in others.


Thanks Wolfgang - very helpful

06/03/2021 16:52
06/03/2021 16:52
Re: Diet & Topical recommendations

HI, I'm sure this topic exists here, but didn't have time to deeply search. I've had the D for 20 years (I'm 48 now). I've had 3 Xioflex injections and a pretty major surgery on my left hand (ring & pinky fingers). It's only been 18 months since my surgery and it's already showing itself again.

1) Is there any research on diet (i.e. anti-inflammation) that is proven to help? I've seen nothing concrete.
2) Has anyone found success with either Topical rubs or supplements? Or combination of both?

I can't imagine having to go through that surgery and recovery again. It was simply awful.

Thanks and hang in there everyone!
Hi, I have not seen any published research on this, but there are plenty of anecdotal reports on here and on Facebook from people on the benefits or negative effects on their DD by changing their dietary intake of sugar, dairy, alcohol, turmeric, glucosamine, the oral uptake of quercetin, magnesium, Vit C, boron, and so on; I have probably missed some. Similar for topical use of various oils, especially containing vitamin E, or magnesium, or soaking with epsom salts (this includes me) or using DMSO to penetrate with things such as SSKI, and so on again. There is a FB group on this topic that may provide further information more directly from people with these experiences. I would say there is no one things that benefits all if in fact any. I myself stopped taking glucosamine for joint health, and cant say if my DD improved or joints got worse. Best wishes SB

Thank you!

recurrence   spanishbuddha   Topical   especially   supplements   raduiotherapy   surgery   magnesium   experiences   research   dupuytren-online   containing   information   injections   recommendations   anti-inflammation   combination   benefits   Questions   glucosamine