Info about After Care following Radiotherapy of Dupuytren Disease |
03/02/2019 08:05
03/02/2019 08:05
Info about After Care following Radiotherapy of Dupuytren Disease
To all affected persons who have undergone radiation therapy:
This Leaflet is provided to all patients who have received radiotherapy for Dupuytren Disease and want to care for the affected extremities and areas of radiation treatment.
The second form helps to structure a simple follow-up report after completion of the radiation treatment.
In addition photographic documentation on a regular basis is advised. e.g. every 3 months after the radiation treatment for the first year or at the time a significant change can be observed.
Edited 03/02/19 10:06
03/02/2019 22:55
03/02/2019 22:55
Re: Info about After Care following Radiotherapy of Dupuytren Disease
I'm amazingly 10 years from my treatment at Poole hospital on my right hand (thankfully that's all that needed treatment) and it is still in good shape and functioning well. Those instructions and follow up would have been useful.
Cambidgeshire, UK.