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New nodules when I hurt my arm
04/17/2019 15:38
04/17/2019 15:38

New nodules when I hurt my arm

It happened twice since last year. I had one nodule- chord in my right palm since 2014
It has been kind of stable till last year in July2018 when I bumped my right elbow pretty bad . After a month or so
I got a second nodule in my ring finger. Then in March 2019 I hurt my right hand lifting an heavy box
The back of my hand swollen and after a week a 3rd nodule started to grow just after the 2nd one on my ring finger.
I'm scared : every time I hurt my right arm or hand I get a new nodule.

Does it happen to others?

And I'm right hand , trying to learn to use my left better I can...but it's not easy
The only positive side is that I sleep with my hand flat under my pillow and very often I massage my nodules with hand cream to keep it from hurting and bending too much.

I read that in 2016 someone tried an experiment with IBS Bromelain based enzyme
Is anyone trying it or heard of ?
Any suggestion?

Edited 04/17/19 18:49

04/17/2019 16:41


04/17/2019 16:41


Re: New nodules when I hurt my arm

I’ve done it three times now. But a real bruise, strain or cut not just normal or heavyish handling. The first one was using tree loppers, the second one using the wrong metal tool instead of wrench or spanner. Both these nodules grew overnight, sore and angry for several months. I went into overdrive with my own self treatment plan, which may or may not have helped (except in my head), but the nodules are now quiet, softish to firm. I’ve recently punctured my palm with scissors, that resulted in bruising, swelling, a hard scarred area around the puncture, and seems to be healing into a DD nodule. Of course I’m not happy with myself about this My advice, which I obviously ignore is take care of your hands with heavy work. By contrast I play tennis, albeit with a glove, with no problems at all.

04/18/2019 23:59
04/18/2019 23:59

Re: New nodules when I hurt my arm

I’ve done it three times now. But a real bruise, strain or cut not just normal or heavyish handling. The first one was using tree loppers, the second one using the wrong metal tool instead of wrench or spanner. Both these nodules grew overnight, sore and angry for several months. I went into overdrive with my own self treatment plan, which may or may not have helped (except in my head), but the nodules are now quiet, softish to firm. I’ve recently punctured my palm with scissors, that resulted in bruising, swelling, a hard scarred area around the puncture, and seems to be healing into a DD nodule. Of course I’m not happy with myself about this My advice, which I obviously ignore is take care of your hands with heavy work. By contrast I play tennis, albeit with a glove, with no problems at all.

Thanks for your advice
I'm trying too to be careful but it's not easy mostly when you are very active.
I play golf with two gloves, left and right. I stopped playing tennis because ,
first I'm not a good player
and second I thought that holding the racket too long could hurt my hand more,
while playing golf I don't need to hold the club continuously.

Since two days I'm trying to do the cross-frictional massage and stretching
I took a photo of my finger and will compare in 8 weeks.

Edited 04/19/19 03:04

04/19/2019 05:06


04/19/2019 05:06


Re: New nodules when I hurt my arm

My anecdote about DD and tennis is this. I play regularly, club standard, and a few years ago had to stop for a few months due to injury, maybe tennis or golfers elbow, I forget now. On resuming tennis it was immediately apparent I had a new nodule on a finger that I had not noticed day to day, but rubbed when gripping and manoeuvring a tennis racquet. I carried on playing but used strapping on the finger. Again, after a few months without noticing day to day I realised the nodule had gone. I assert, with no other evidence than wishful thinking, that the action of rubbing and using a tennis racquet is the reason the nodule went away.

04/19/2019 20:30
04/19/2019 20:30

Re: New nodules when I hurt my arm

Very interesting ! It looks like friction is helping, like it did for my feet and the study about cross-frictional massage, and now your story.
This is a pleasant discovery and proof of what I'm doing will eventually help...with a “big” wishful thinking.
Thanks: it's a very nice Easter surprise, it gives me hope and probably to other DD sufferers as well.
Happy Easter!

Edited 04/19/19 23:35

suggestion   punctured   experiment   stretching   treatment   obviously   continuously   spanishbuddha   nodules   PMC4921045   immediately   overdrive   356689X11001925   overnight   sciencedirect   manoeuvring   cross-frictional   bruising   eventually   interesting