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About Needle Aponeurotomy for Dupuytren~sq~s Contracture
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05/13/2004 23:39
E. Wicks

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05/13/2004 23:39
E. Wicks

not registered

About Needle Aponeurotomy for Dupuytren~sq~s Contracture

Needle aponeurotomy is a procedure in which fascia contractures are sectioned percutaneously with the sharp-edged bevel of the needle used for the injection of anaesthetic. Sectioning of the bands by sawing and perforating motion of the needle. Resistdue to the cord is felt, and this sensation is easily recognized by physicians that do the NA procedure. Rupture of the cord may be completed by extending the digit until the band is torn with a characteristic snap. Contractures are always sectioned in the same order, from the proximal to the distal palm and if necessary to proximal phalanx. When the treatment is over, a dry dressing is applied which must not be removed for three days. The patient is instructed no to wet/soil his/her hand for this period (three days). At the end of the session, about 20 to 30 minutes, the patient can use the hand for most norml activities, with the exception of heavy lifting or pressing for 10 to 15 days. For stages III and IV of the disease, with capsular contractures of the P.I.P. joint, use of an extension orthesis during the night may be useful to achieve desired results.

05/21/2004 23:57
J Stephenson

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05/21/2004 23:57
J Stephenson

not registered

Needle aponeurotomy Doctors

Do you know of any doctors in New England who use NA?
Surgeons in Rhode Island say there is not alternative to hand surgery, but mine (4/1/03)was a failure.

09/27/2005 23:45
Leslie Bloom

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09/27/2005 23:45
Leslie Bloom

not registered


Looking to hear from someone who's had needle aponeurotomy for Dupuytren's; short and long term effects/benefits.



09/27/2005 23:22

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09/27/2005 23:22

not registered


Interesting, if you've read down to posts that are from 2004 then you've read lots about NA.

09/27/2005 23:22

not registered

09/27/2005 23:22

not registered


Interesting, if you've read down to posts that are from 2004 then you've read lots about NA.

09/27/2005 23:23

not registered

09/27/2005 23:23

not registered


Oops clicked return by accident. My guess Bert is that you chose this thread for a reason. Tsk Tsk Tsk.

10/08/2005 23:57
10/08/2005 23:57

There is a Dr Pess in NJ that will do the procdure on me this coming Oct19Th if you like I will post the out come or I can give what info I have to anyone might like it

10/08/2005 23:01

not registered

10/08/2005 23:01

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Go For It

Anything you post about your experience with NA procedure will be appreciated.

10/09/2005 23:32
Randy H.

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10/09/2005 23:32
Randy H.

not registered

Go For It


Those of us who have discussed the relative benefits of NA Vs OS would want to know
1) which joints(s) were straightened (PIP/MCP)
2) what was the Before and After degrees of curvature
3) How aggressive is your disease: how long did it take for your finger(s) to reach this point?

God Speed, RBH

10/21/2005 23:13

not registered

10/21/2005 23:13

not registered


Hi To All,
As promised here I am ,I had the NA in NJ with DR.Pess and now have at least 90% of my hand back,I couldn't be more happy.I walked into his office at 12:00 noon and walked out at 12:20.The only thing I felt during the NA was a small pin prick and that was it,I do have some stiffness in my pinkie and a little swelling, this is the third day and even this is starting to go away.I would tell anyone that suffers from DC to have this done .I have spoken to other people that have had the "operation" and they were very sorry that they didn't know about NA,However I quite sure if I knew about NA then their doctor's should have also.Let me say this,I did not jump into this NA right away I considered it for almost a year ,as I said I couldn't be more happy I did the right thing.Spread the word this is the way to go.If I can help anyone with more information on pre or post NA please email me and I would be more then happy to try and give you direction.


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