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Hot or Cold Hands?
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02/03/2004 23:38

not registered

02/03/2004 23:38

not registered

Hot or Cold Hands?

I would like to do an informal survey to determine if a majority of persons with Dupuytren's are warm blooded or cold blooded (ie. warm hands or cold hands).

As for myself, I hate winter and I often have cold hands.


If this survey shows a strong trend one way or the other, I plan to use it for my web site:


02/04/2004 23:07
Stage One

not registered

02/04/2004 23:07
Stage One

not registered

Cold versus warm

In general, I have warm hands and toes. Peripheral blood
flow is related to several factors, including relaxation.
I once took a course in Bio-feedback to learn how to "relax." In the process I learned how to raise the teperature of my fingers. The premise was/is, that fight
or flight reactions draw blood centrally into major organs.
Absent warm blood, fingers and toes chill. biofeedback teaches one how to raise finger temp. by relaxing; i.e.,
one cannot be simultaneoiusly, relaxed and thtreatened.
When relaxed, one's blood flows away from central organs
(liver, pancreas, spleen, etc) to peripheraal organs
(skin) and warmth ensues. It is the fight or flight response. DD/DC may play a role; however, many other factors contribute to "cold feet" and cold hands. Heart
disease and anxiety disorders are two of them. So, no, I have no "cold hands," "cold feet" to report along with
my (now corrected) Dupuytren's contractures.

02/04/2004 23:40
John W.

not registered

02/04/2004 23:40
John W.

not registered

Kevin-hot or cold hands

I have DC in both palms for 3 and a half years now. Yes, my hands and feet get chilled really easily.

02/04/2004 23:14

not registered

02/04/2004 23:14

not registered

Cold Hands

I live on Galveston Island and have DC in my right hand. As soon as the temps dip into the 40s and 50s here both of my hands ache like hell. I'm originally from Minnesota - no way I could ever move back there with this condition.

02/04/2004 23:52
jim h

not registered

02/04/2004 23:52
jim h

not registered

Cold hands

I've always had cold hands. And 2 DC surgeries only made that worse.

02/05/2004 23:31
02/05/2004 23:31
Cold hands

I have always had cold hands and feet, even as a child. Feet probably worse than hands. And I actually have the problem in my feet and hands (though my feet actually do not cause me a problem, at least not yet).

02/05/2004 23:49
02/05/2004 23:49
cold hands/feet

I've never suffered from cold hands nor feet
Have DC in both hands and both feet.
I'll sure be interesed in reading your conclusions when you've finished your survey!
good luck and thanks.

02/05/2004 23:52

not registered

02/05/2004 23:52

not registered

Cold Hands - Warm Heart

I have a friend who has always had very cold hands and feet. A simple test by the doctor for "Reynauds Syndrome" (sic?) tested positive. This syndrome is sometimes associated with DC, along with diabetes, epilepsy, alcoholism, and others. JIM

02/05/2004 23:47
02/05/2004 23:47
Hot or Cold Hands?

I have DC in both hands. And yes my hands and feet are always cold...hot days of summer are my only relief.

02/05/2004 23:01
Wayne Vogen

not registered

02/05/2004 23:01
Wayne Vogen

not registered


I have DC in both hands and both feet. My feet do no bother me. I have very warm hands and feet in almost all conditions.

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unsuccessful   permanantly   Dupuytrens   under-active   approximately   accompanying   procedure   simultaneoiusly   cold-tolerant   exceptionally   Bio-feedback   circumstances   surgeries   considerable   Temperatures   contractures   dupuytrens-a-new-theory   thtreatened   scleroderma   Dupuytren