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Visit and treatment by Dr.Eaton Jupiter Florida
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07/29/2005 23:14

not registered

07/29/2005 23:14

not registered

Recurrance - no short term reports

Hi all,

I think if we had Dr Denklers CD to present it would make a world of difference.


07/29/2005 23:43
George Barbarow

not registered

07/29/2005 23:43
George Barbarow

not registered

Recurrance - no short term reports

I am approaching two years ( 11-18-05 )since NA and; while I do expect that I might have to go back in another year there have been no short term "do overs" reported.

The local hand surgeon that I gave photos and info on NA has not responded.

He probably does one or two OS suregeries in a year and couldn't be bothered learning for such a few cases.

When and if the Medical Colleges presnt NA as a first option perhaps the next generation of hand surgeons will
help our grandchildren.

07/31/2005 23:42

not registered

07/31/2005 23:42

not registered


I just had surgery on my left hand last wed. It is very painful and after the cast comes off and the stitches come out, I will have to go to physical therapy.
I also have nodules starting on my middle and pointer fingers on my right hand.
At what point do you have the injections by Dr. Eaton?
Do you have to wait until your fingers are starting to contract?
What is his web site?
Thanks for any help on this.

07/31/2005 23:56
Randy H.

not registered

07/31/2005 23:56
Randy H.

not registered

I am more positive

Carol, check it out: http://www.handcenter.org/newfile16.htmhttp://www.handcenter.org/newfile16.htm
Meanwhile, do everything your PT ask of you. Your recovery from traditional invasive surgery is up to you.

George, I'm a little more positive about our NA prospects. The early success of BioS's injectable Collagenase is *well* know by many CHS. Many are waiting and hoping for this to be made available. This proves to me that they are not all knee jerk reactionaries that refuse to change.
The erroneous bad rap on NA will not stand up against Eaton's meticulous data. These CHS *want* an option to OS, they just don't realize they already have one. Eaton should be able to change some minds with his data on 2,000 hands in the 2006 CHS convention. All we need is abut 20 CHS trained by Eaton and we'll be on our way. Eaton can't train until his liability issue are resolved. He's hoping to do that in 2006.

07/31/2005 23:17
07/31/2005 23:17

I think I am having the fastest recurrnce rate I have read.
I was JUST down to see Eaton for the 2nd time for my left hand on MArch 17th and now...4 1/2 month s later
I think I might have to go yet again!

I wonder why it is only my left hand that has this problem

I'll have to send pix to Dr Eaton but I am now quite worried about this.
I wonder whether we sould all compare our diets??? Food has GOT to have something to do with this, dont you think?
Thanks for any input from anyone out there reading this unhappy tale

07/31/2005 23:18
07/31/2005 23:18
Dr Denkles CD


what is on Doctor Denkles CD ?? thanks.

07/31/2005 23:42
07/31/2005 23:42

hello miriam,
i was not the one who commented on Dr. Denkles.

re recurrence--my right hand seems to be getting worse by the day--the tendons in my palm are getting thicker by the day.
i will try to follow my physician's advice on the recuperation and physical therapy for my left hand.

just a bit of info on myself--i am 51 years old--german and french descent.
i try to have a balanced diet. i do drink wine with dinner every night.

i am very frustrated with this-i called dr. eaton this morning to inquire about NA and when to get it.

any inof is appreciated.


08/01/2005 23:47
08/01/2005 23:47
Response to Miriam and Carol

Believe me, Miriam, you are not alone when it comes to the DC recurring at an unbelievable rate. Had my first NA in October 2001 and have had it every 6 months since then. Last saw Dr. Eaton at the end of March and I will be calling shortly for another appt.

Carol - our backgrounds are similar. I'm of French, German, Irish descent, 53 years old. When I was young, I cursed my ancestors for giving me acne and a big butt - now I have a totally different perspective on my questionable gene pool - who knew??? Kristen

08/01/2005 23:46
08/01/2005 23:46

Hello Kristin,
It is really strange. The doctor keeps telling me that DC is hereditary. Neither of my parents had it, none of my grandparnets and as far as I know-none of my aunts and uncles and I had quite a few! They have all passed away now.

One of my sisters is starting to see lumps in her palm. My other 4 sisters and one brother do not have it at all.

Have you had any surgery on your hands? The doctor told me that now that I have had surgery on my left hand, I should not get DC again in the fingers he operated on. My surgeon is Dr. Roy Meals. He is one of the best hand surgeons in the country--so that is some reassurance.
My brother-in-law had surgery 5+ years ago and has zero problems ever since.

I don't think I will be that lucky--as I mentioned in my earlier note--my right hand is getting worse every day. When the fingers start to contract, I will have to decide on surgery vs NA.

Take care,

08/01/2005 23:18
08/01/2005 23:18

I had a fasciectomy 3 1/2 years ago. Now you can't tell I ever had Dupuytren's. I also have nodules in my other hand. They haven't progressed in 15 years, however.

What type of surgery did you have? It is very important to keep the scar tissue moist with a hand cream 24/7 for about three months. The hand therapy can be done on your own if you are very diligent. It is important. You should be getting a nighttime splint. Also important. Flexing your hand to the max during the day is important.

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