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Can Glucosamine and/or Condritin promote Dupuytrens??
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05/18/2002 23:16
05/18/2002 23:16

It looks to me like these points are important after surgery :
1 Wound healing : utmost care should be taken to avoid infection, which can occur very easily.
Internally there can also be some infections (noticeable by warm feeling) and some fluid formation.
Helpful treatment (on closed wounds) might be ultrasonic and vacuum. Laser seems to be out of the question, since it cannot be applied in a sufficiently controlled way.
2 Finger straightening : a splint (preferably dynamic) is generally used the first couple of days, and after that during the night, for at least 1 month.
Exercising is recommended, tho maybe some care should be taken not to put too much strain on still existing collagen tissue (if any), since this might activate it.
3 Finger bending (forming fist) : several daily exercises are mandatory, either or not with the help of a hand therapist (I had 60 sessions in total)

05/22/2002 23:47
Bernard Prosser

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05/22/2002 23:47
Bernard Prosser

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Dupuytrens Contracture

Intersesting reading the forum. I have had the symptoms for some years now. I went to see my GP this morning and he confirmed my own diagnosis. I came upon the definition whilst researching connective tissue problems associated with Diabetes Mellitus. I have been insulin dependant (type 1) for 19 years, I am 50 years old. I suffered a frozen shoulder last year which was succesfully treated by surgical manipulation under a general anaesthetic, I have DC on both palms and this evening I learned from my mother that my maternal uncle and grandfather both had DC (although my mom did not know the name of the disorder, she called it "bent little finger" I confess to enjoying a drink so I have a full set, IDDM, Genetic Predisposition and too fond of a gargle. Eat your heart out Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagen

05/31/2002 23:30

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05/31/2002 23:30

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Link between GC and the onset of DP...

New to the forum...

I am a runner and developed "runner's knee" (cartilage wear...painful) last year. I cut back on my running and started taking 1500 mg glucosamine/1200 mg chondroitin daily during November and December to accelerate cartilage repair. I stopped taking GC in January as the knee condition improved, and over the span of about two weeks in February, developed a 1/4" diameter nodule between the main folds of my right hand in line with my middle finger. The nodule has not enlarged since, and there is no apparent onset of contracture or other nodule development.

I visited an orthaepedic surgeon three weeks ago and he diagnosed the nodule as DP. As he described the condition, I immediately had a flashback of my grandfather who had full contracture of his pinky and ring fingers on his right hand...no problems with his left hand. Apparently, his contracture began while in his seventies and he thought it was arthritis. Also while in his seventies, he developed related Peyronie's disease. No apparent problems with his feet, however (all based on relative accounts...he died many years ago).

I am a 44 year old, right-handed, white male and am obviously genetically predisposed to contracting DP. I am curious about the potential link between taking GC and the onset of DP. As for alcohol, I drink one glass (6 ounces) of red wine daily with dinner, have for years, and still do.

06/10/2002 23:39
Julia Stone

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06/10/2002 23:39
Julia Stone

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Glucosamine/Sulfate/ Computers

I have recently in the past two months developed
a painful nodule, on my right hand in the palm on
the tendon of my little finger which has been diagnosed as the early start of Dupuytrens Contracture.
I was taking Glucosamine Sulfate for a couple of months, just before this nodule grew, so I am curious as to whether this could have had any effect, the nodule
suddenly grew very swiftly at this time, I had never taken
Glucosamine Sulfate before.
I eight years ago I had a Painful Nodule under the Arch of my right foot, this nodule was removed with Surgery, unfortunately this grew back rapidly within two years.
I did not have it removed again. It did calm down and I decided to live with it. When the nodule appeared in
my hand, I realised that there was a connnection.
So it is apparent that I have this condition in my Genes.

I have recently seen a hand surgeon who has confirmed the condition.
I spend a lot of time working on Computers, using a mouse for many hours a day, and do find that that this seems to agrevate the nodule as it does become more painful, since I understand that the Silver Skin under the Palm which helps us to grip is involved, I am curious to know whether Occupational Activities such as using a mouse can make the condition worse, since quite a lot of gripping is involved does anyone else also
have experience of this ?

06/10/2002 23:14
Gary Evans

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06/10/2002 23:14
Gary Evans

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Dupuytren~sq~s and Glucosamine

I think that any number of things can trigger Dupuytren's. If a person has a genetic predisposition for DC, it seems that anything or nothing can get it going. From the collective experiences that I have read and my own, it is best not to give DC a chance to get going. The more activity (including surgery) the greater the chance of growth. I had surgery on my hand when little finger reached 90 degrees 6 months ago and it is now normal. I still would not rule out recurrence in the future, however.
My DC was/is painless. It almost seems like there are variations of DC. Nodules seem usually painful, while the "dermal pits" (look like a callus) usually not painful.
Good luck

06/14/2002 23:52

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06/14/2002 23:52

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dupuytrens and Gloc/cond.

Thanks for all of the info. posted here. I am 66yrs. with no family history of this as far as I know. I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago, nodules appeared in both hands at base of ring fingers in Jan. Dr. thought it was ganlion cyst but sent me to a hand surgeon who saw me for about 5mins. and gave me a pamphlet and the rest of the info I have found online. Have taken glu/con for about a year for arthritis in two finger joints helped a lot for that problem. Will now stop taking this product. Since my fingers are still straight I have made an appointment with an Occupational therapist, have any of you had any luck with this route? June

06/15/2002 23:32
06/15/2002 23:32

Very interesting forum. I am a 29 year old male with no family history of DC. In Dec 01 I had surgery on my left wrist to repair a torn ligament. While the cast was on I noticed a tender area in my palm. The hand had been shifting in the cast and I would sometimes irritate the area trying to scratch my arm, so I thought it was just irritated. I started taking gluc/chon right after surgery as well. I also have taken 1 - 2 grams of Vit C for the last 5 years. When the cast came off I noticed a node on my left palm below the PIP joint of the ring finger. Last week I was diagnosed with DC. Since I am a dentist and a lefty, this is very concerning. I think there is definitely a connection between the injury and irritation of the area while in the cast and my diagnosis, and am VERY suspicious of the gluc/chon and Vit C as well. Needless to say, I am no longer taking those 2 wonderful and expensive pills. I believe that gently stretching of the finger may help to prevent contracture. My best to everyone with this disease. Alway remember, there are always worse things to have. Stay positive and pray.

06/15/2002 23:32
06/15/2002 23:32

Very interesting forum. I am a 29 year old male with no family history of DC. In Dec 01 I had surgery on my left wrist to repair a torn ligament. While the cast was on I noticed a tender area in my palm. The hand had been shifting in the cast and I would sometimes irritate the area trying to scratch my arm, so I thought it was just irritated. I started taking gluc/chon right after surgery as well. I also have taken 1 - 2 grams of Vit C for the last 5 years. When the cast came off I noticed a node on my left palm below the PIP joint of the ring finger. Last week I was diagnosed with DC. Since I am a dentist and a lefty, this is very concerning. I think there is definitely a connection between the injury and irritation of the area while in the cast and my diagnosis, and am VERY suspicious of the gluc/chon and Vit C as well. Needless to say, I am no longer taking those 2 wonderful and expensive pills. I believe that gently stretching of the finger may help to prevent contracture. My best to everyone with this disease. Alway remember, there are always worse things to have. Stay positive and pray.

06/15/2002 23:34
Gary Evans

not registered

06/15/2002 23:34
Gary Evans

not registered

Dupuytren~sq~s and Glucosamine/

The jury is still out whether stretching the hand stimulates DC growth. This is NOT a tendon we are talking about, it is diseased tissue above the tendons. DC can be stimulated in many ways including surgery, but also from physical manipulation including stretching. Often, the more you fight it, the more it responds.
Remember, you can have DC and for many people they can go through life without it ever contracting. I have several friends that are in their 50s and 60s who have DC and are quite functional with insignificant or no contraction. All of these people have chosen to ignore the DC and have tried not to stimulate growth.
DC is interesting (?) in that it reacts differently for different people, so be careful about the stretching. Even a little might be harmful.

06/28/2002 23:25
Jan Zumbo

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06/28/2002 23:25
Jan Zumbo

not registered

Dupuytrens & Glucosamine/Chondroitin

I am a 69 yr old nurse who was diagnosed with DC 6 months ago. The condition has worsened and in trying to get some practicle information I just happened to find this site.

I have been taking Gluc./Chon. for about 12 yrs due to knee problems which responded well. I also have had breast cancer for 6 years and am currently in remission. I am stopping this compound immediately thanks to you folks! It appears I may have been literally playing with fire!

An interesting aside, I recently heard that there is a genetic trait for DC passed down by certain Vikings. In doing some geniology research, I found that one of my ancesters was a Viking chieftain who settled in Ireland.

Best wishes to all and I hope that a successful treatment can be found. Here's hope that avoiding Gluc./Chon. is a step in the right direction!

Jan Zumbo

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