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Suggestions/Advice for Wrist Ganglion
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12/16/2002 23:22
Randy Dyer

not registered

12/16/2002 23:22
Randy Dyer

not registered

Suggestions/Advice for Wrist Ganglion

I had a question regarding Ganglion Cysts. I am a 22 year old male, and I have been told I have a Ganglion Cyst on my top right wrist. I had a physical well over a year ago, and my doctor told me it was up to me whether I wanted to have surgery to get it out or not. I am a bit nervous about having surgery, but if its going to do me well, then I guess I should take that route.

I have done some research on the cysts on the Internet, and have read up on the recovery period being six to eight weeks for wrist Ganglions. So, if I need to have it out, then I think I would like to wait until June of 2003, because I am a full time college student, and right handed, so it would not work having the surgery now, although I do realize my health is important. (Would rather wait forever, as I am not too keen on the idea of surgery!)

About a year and a half ago, I actually accidentally slammed my hand against my bedroom door, and was a pain for a few minuntes, but the cyst disappreared for a few weeks. Ever since, the cyst goes away, then comes back, in a 2 - 3 week cycle.

The last month has been fine up to about two weeks ago. It started coming back again. This time though, I noticed a very small lump in front of the cyst, and showed my parents and they agreed, that it seems like there is another cyst beginning in front of the regular sized one I have now. Is this normal?

Are these cysts something that is hereditary? My parents said they never had these, but I don't know about my grandparents. I did injure my wrist in elementary school, but nothing that needed surgery.

My sister just discovered a Ganglion cyst on her index finger and she is 16. She saw a doctor and they referred her to an Orthapedic Surgeon. She has not seen him/her as yet, so I don't know the result to hers.

When the cyst bothers me I have been taking tylonol, and wrapping it up in an ace bandage as a cushion as it can get tender to the touch. I also occasionally will put ice or heat on it, but it doesn't always make it feel any better. When it goes down to almost nothing, there is nothing I feel the need to do, its only when it comes back to normal size, every few weeks.

I wanted to get a second opinion and any suggestions anyone would be able to give me on this whole thing, and was wondering if it is wise to wait until June to get this taken care of, because of my present circumstances.
Randy Dyer

05/22/2003 23:31

not registered

05/22/2003 23:31

not registered

Ganglion Cysts

I would like to start this post by saying that this is only a recount of my experience with ganglion cysts and not a 'how to manual' and give a strong warning not to try this on yourself or another unless you get a quack doctor to ok it.

It goes like this... One day I noticed that two bumps had risen on the backs of both of my hands. How long they had been developing-I do not know. I noticed mainly because they began to hurt when I extended and retracted my middle and index fingers. It seems that these bumps would 'roll' over the the bones in my hand thus causing the discomfort.

Initially, I though they were some kind of calcium deposits as they seemed pretty solid. Asking around, a friend of mine refered to them as 'Bible bumps' and she explained that they were called that because in days past people would wack them with the biggest book in the house, a bible, to be rid of them. So being adventurous and BROKE, I decided what the heck its cheaper than a hospital visit and if I break something then, well I was going to end up at the doctor anyway. I laid either of my hands in turn on a sturdy flat surface and urged my friend to 'go for it!' Reluctantly she slammed the cysts into nonexistance.

It has been years since I have seen them and one has come back albeit about one inch lower on the left hand then its original position. One must keep in mind, as I did, that the brunt of the force had to be applied to the cyst else I could have ended up either not smashing the cyst at all OR broken a bone.

I am about to go find a big book when I log off and take care of this new one. I must say, the momentary pain of beating oneself with literature and the lack of expense involved in it will keep this technique in my personal home remedies book forever.


05/22/2003 23:03
05/22/2003 23:03
Ganglion Cyst

Interesting information, but what does a Ganglion cyst have to do with Dupuytren's? Is there any connection whatsoever? I have never seen a connection in the literature.

05/22/2003 23:29
05/22/2003 23:29


I too developed a cyst from the same injury that caused my D/C.

It also was smashed into obscurity by a heavy tome: In my case Bartlett's Familiar Quotations.

The connection? Injuries cause both cysts and D/C.

05/22/2003 23:48

not registered

05/22/2003 23:48

not registered


To Unoecho, thanks for the well written episode. If i ever need to do this, i will chose title of literature carefully.

05/23/2003 23:48
05/23/2003 23:48
Ganglion on Top of Left wrist


Always appreciated your sense of humor.

05/24/2003 23:14

not registered

05/24/2003 23:14

not registered

Ganglion on Top of Left wrist

i wonder if unoecho would recomend his treatment for peyronies too

09/15/2003 23:47

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09/15/2003 23:47

not registered

Ganglion on Top of Left wrist

I am a 21 year old male, I have had problems with my wrist for the last five or six years due to a ganglion on my left wrist. Last november I had it removed. It was gone for about 2 months. It came back and was much bigger and much more painful. It is now June and the cyst is finally gone for about the last month. But I am having severe pain, and I have a very limited movement of my wrist. I am taking very strong pain killers, as the pain is very hard. And I may have to have surgery again if it is necessary to fix the problem that my first surgery has created. I would never recommend having this surgery as I regret it to the fullest. It may seem like it is bad having that ganglion on the wrist, I suffered for 5 or 6 years like it. But I would go back it any day if I could get rid of half the pain I am having now. It is excrutiating and goes from the tips of my fingers to my elbow, so if anyone is even considering having this surgery I would just recommend getting a prescription for Vioxx or something of that sort as it will reduce swelling in a few days, and helps ease pain. But if anyone has had this happen to them please contact me and let me know what you had to do to get it fixed. Thanks.


09/16/2003 23:04

not registered

09/16/2003 23:04

not registered

History of ~sq~Bible~sq~ treatment

This paticular treatment for a cyst shows up in the book 'The Godfather', where Sonny's girlfriend (Lucy) goes to a Doctor in Las Vegas for help with a 'bump'.

11/26/2003 23:22

not registered

11/26/2003 23:22

not registered

ganglion cyst

Please scroll down to Jerry, dated 5/23 for relief from Cysts. Seems like it is worth a try rather then surgery.

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discomfort   treatment   something   developing-I   circumstances   recommend   straight-forward   inadvertently   surgery   because   literature   recommended   Ganglion   prescription   information   ~sq~Bible~sq~   dupuytrenscenter   nonexistance   occasionally   connection