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07/11/2004 23:35

not registered

07/11/2004 23:35

not registered

Plantar Fibromatosis/Ledderhose

Forgot to mention that in between the two surgeries, I tried "active release" done by my chiropractor - definitely didn't work and hurt like the dickens. Waste of time.

09/12/2004 23:31

not registered

09/12/2004 23:31

not registered

No good news

Just inserted some Dr Schols in my slippers.....I have read much the last 2 weeks since I noticed the "pea" sized problem,,,,went to orthopedic surgeon and had ultrasound,,,it benign and plantar fibromatosis,,,found a second further back in same foot today,,,,so are there ANY positive , non surgical,,resolutions to this problem. I am 59 and [layed tennis for 10 years,,,,switched to speedwalking miles daily afetr shoulder tendonitis;;;and now am avoiding the morning walk,,,,again,,,,I am adverse to nsaids,,,and more to surgery,,,,,can I hear from an optimist?

09/13/2004 23:26

not registered

09/13/2004 23:26

not registered

Orthotics & LD

Prescription orthotics fitted by Podiatrist have helped ease the pressure on the LD in my feet. I have replaced most of my shoes with Ecco, Rockports or similar & got rid of any leather soled shoes. My old Timberland shoes & boots are the only ones I have kept as they provide good support and comfort.

That course of action was suggested by the orthopedic surgeon who says he has found a need to operate in only 1/20 cases - recovery period is too long and they usually come back. The prescription orthotics are shaped to fit your foot and ease the pressure on the nodules. Off the shelf items are unlikely to do that.

09/20/2004 23:56

not registered

09/20/2004 23:56

not registered

just maybe

Thanks,,,,I will do,,,,,I am trying several different pairs of shoes now,,,,so as to disscrd the uncomfortable,,,
Another question,,,,,,Are there any cases out there of remission,,,,,,that htey just go away onn their own,,,only one person has suggeted the possibility in all questioned

09/20/2004 23:56

not registered

09/20/2004 23:56

not registered

just maybe

Thanks,,,,I will do,,,,,I am trying several different pairs of shoes now,,,,so as to disscrd the uncomfortable,,,
Another question,,,,,,Are there any cases out there of remission,,,,,,that htey just go away onn their own,,,only one person has suggeted the possibility in all questioned

10/12/2004 23:05
Bob in Panama

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10/12/2004 23:05
Bob in Panama

not registered

just maybe

2 Months ago I was diagnosed with plantar fibromatosis. I had only one pea sized nodule on the bottom of my right foot. An ultrasound was done, and the joint diagnosis was a fibroma, and the recommendation was surgery. Fortuanaltely for the internet I was able to discover the complications of foot surgery. I told the doc I would wait and see. 2 weeks later a second almond sized nodule surfaced in the arch nearer the heel. Now I had 2 and was getting ready for the worst, ( meaning surgery ). But my mother always avoided the knife like the plague, and all of her three children have suvived 50+ ignoring the scapel. I began to apply ARNICA on the sole of my foot three times a day. The pea is gone and the almond appears to be shrinking and is certainly less inflamed. I DO NOT know the connection, but if Arnica, harmless and at less than a dollar an ounce, is having apositive effect,,,,well so be it. I just wanted to mention this in case anyone else tries this and gets results. It would be great to finally see something that really works for this disease.

10/19/2004 23:58
Gary Hoekman

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10/19/2004 23:58
Gary Hoekman

not registered

Ledderhose Forum

I noticed in this section a group forum for Ledderhose patients, but unable to locate this on the internet. Is it still out there, or does anyone know of any forum to tap into that deal primarily with LD. Gary H

10/19/2004 23:49

not registered

10/19/2004 23:49

not registered

no operation

I have had this on both feet for over 50 years and while I was frightened into having tradional surgery on my right hand twice with bad outcome, I was always told to just leave the feet alone which I did. The lumps go up and down and have stayed basically the same..just do a wait and see before having surgery..

10/20/2004 23:12

not registered

10/20/2004 23:12

not registered


What is this. Who makes it? Where can you buy it?

10/21/2004 23:01

not registered

10/21/2004 23:01

not registered


you can buy in health food stores...I tried and it didn't work...supposed to help in bruising as well and that didn't work either...good luck and hope it works with you..

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plantarfibromatosis   Ledderhose   fibromatosis-acupuncture-it   complications   cryotherapy   painful   Fibromatosis   plantar   Results   experience   Ledderhose—Indication   podiatrist   surgeon   anti-inflammatories   orthotics   nodules   radiation   Disease   Surgery   treatment