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Dupytrens and Peyronies
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01/20/2001 23:14
01/20/2001 23:14

Sir, May request info about "french treatment" for
peyronies disease that you refered to in your comment.
Thank you, Russ

02/19/2001 23:12
martin hammon

not registered

02/19/2001 23:12
martin hammon

not registered


I half overheard a radio interview with the jazz pianist Dave Brubeck and he said that he has had dupytrens for years but he takes large quantities of a vitamin (B6, I think).
I've tried to find his autobiography to check this out, but can't find it.
I have had 4 separate operations, 3 on one finger, and one on the other, and have just had the 3 finger operation amputated (stitches out tomorrow)
Martin Hammon

02/25/2001 23:45

not registered

02/25/2001 23:45

not registered


im 28, just found out i got this disease. anyone else around my age, and did you need surgery? if so, how long after you noticed it until surgery was neccessary? any alternative cures? is it true vitamin B6 helps?

04/07/2001 23:04

not registered

04/07/2001 23:04

not registered

Verapamil - Topical Useful in Dupuytren's ?

Because the nature of Peyronie's and Dupuytren's are similar
and there is some indication Varapamil may do some good for Peyronie's I decided to try applying a 2% Verapamil ointment
morning and night.

Results are inconclusive; but, the condition has not worsened in four months.

The following is a page that may be of interest.

08/28/2001 23:51
Niels Bylund

not registered

08/28/2001 23:51
Niels Bylund

not registered

dupytrens and peyronies

Since 1996 I have had 2 surggery's for Dupytrens in my right hand (ringfinger). The second one in 1998. And now i am waiting for a new operation in the same hand (finger). This operation is scheduled to oktober/november 2001.

But thats not all. Since Millenium I also have developed Peyronies Disease witch is a 60-70 de-grades "upperbend" type, If you know what I mean. How lucky can you be?. I am not yet menthally or physically prepaired for a suggery for that disease the next year ore more, unless it will be total unnessesary. So I would be very happy to hear advices from male's with simular cases and there experience with penile exercicises for to strenghten blood running and keep the oppertunety too praktice almost normal sexuality with there wife.
Im a 46 years old male from Denmark.
Thank you, and excuse my bad written english.
Niels Bylund

12/05/2001 23:50
12/05/2001 23:50
dupytrens and peyronies

I have both deseases. any treatment available or experience of how to deal with will be welcome.

01/04/2002 23:02
Doug Rosen

not registered

01/04/2002 23:02
Doug Rosen

not registered

Peyronie's and Dupuytren's

I have had Peyronie's syndrome since age 32, all symptoms went away spontaneously at age 33. I am now age 52. Now I notice Dupuytren's bumps bilaterally on the fourth finger base location on each palm, have been doing a little web research. Several web sites have disallowed the connection between Peyronie's and Dupuytren's, but I seem to be living evidence. My Dad had Dupuytren's, two brothers have it as well.

01/09/2002 23:49
01/09/2002 23:49
Inheriting Dupytrens

My Father has Dupytrens and has had 3 operations to remove the growths. What I would like to know is my chances of getting it. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

03/24/2002 23:08
Bill Forrest

not registered

03/24/2002 23:08
Bill Forrest

not registered

New to Dupytrens

I have just been diagnosed as having the condition in my right hand. I have 2 painfull swellings in the palm of my hand and as of yet no noticeable contraction.

Is this the "normal" way in which the condition accurs?
How long does noticeable contraction take to appear?
Any other websites to visit?

I would be grateful for any information

11/10/2002 23:14
Niels Bylund

not registered

11/10/2002 23:14
Niels Bylund

not registered

Is Dupytrens connected to Peyronies Disease

I would like to ask the forum to delete my discussion message dated 29/08 - 2001
Niels Bylund

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aponevrotomy   Dupytrens   diagnosed   operation   surgery   Peyronies   treatment   schwanomatosis   practitioner   Non-Surgical   Dupuytren   research   relationships   disease   peyroniesassoc   Dupuytrens   collagenase   information   condition   peyronie