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Dupytrens and Peyronies
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01/26/2005 23:36

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01/26/2005 23:36

not registered


Dr. Bourland has not said that he can perform NA.

01/28/2005 23:05

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01/28/2005 23:05

not registered

Peyronie's and Dupuytren's Disease

Who's research? Yours? You are not an expert. Dr. Eaton has not declared himself an NA practitioner so I fail to see how any 'research' of yours could show otherwise.

I don't know why you keep insisting on posting the name of a doctor who had not been trained in NA and does not call himself an NA practitioner.

You are not doing the doctor your DC patients any favors.


01/28/2005 23:15
Clarifying Lotion

not registered

01/28/2005 23:15
Clarifying Lotion

not registered

Peyronie's and Dupuytren's Disease


I suspect from your previous posts that you meant 'Dr Bourland' has not declared himself an NA practitioner.


To the person who keep posting about Dr Bourland under different nicknames - we get the point - you love Dr Bourland - fine. However, I find your 'pop-ups' frustrating, if you are going to be part of this forum please contribute to the discussion at hand rather then spam us all the time.

Clarifying Lotion

06/20/2005 23:42
Jim C.

not registered

06/20/2005 23:42
Jim C.

not registered

Peyronie's and Dupuytren's Disease

I am a male, 50 years old. While in my early 30's, I was diagnosed with Duy. My symtoms were large pads on the knuckles of my fingers on both hands. I have had 2 surgurys on the knuckles and the pads keep reappearing. Any future surgury will require a skin graft because of the scar tissue on the knuckles. I have now been diagnosed with Peyronie's, also. Life just can't get any worse.
I believe there is a connection between the two diseases, although I don't know what it is. I am confused about the treatment for the Peyronies and what direction to go in. My penis is badly distorted, hourglass shaped near the base, and bends off in two directions. My penis is much smaller than it used to be, and I am unable to now achieve an erection. When I get a semi-erection, there is substantial pain associated with the erection.
Does anyone of any suggestions or experiences that they can relate to me and provide me any advice as to what to do relative to the Peyronie's. I'm divorced and am unable and reluctant to start any new relationships as long as I am affected by Peyronie's. Is there help available? Or, do I suffer quietly and refrain from any relationships? I feel I have lost my manhood and I am embarrassed.

06/20/2005 23:19

not registered

06/20/2005 23:19

not registered

Certainly looks like it.

There is without doubt a strong connection. In fact they are apparently 2 manifestations of the same disease. Several years ago when I had my first DC surgery, the surgeon told me I might get Peyronie's too because I had an agressive, early-onset case. He was right.

With DC there's pretty much a consensus that there are no systemic (drug) treatments, only mechanical solutions like surgery or NA. In the world of Peyronie's, that reality has been obscured by the promotion of a number of non-surgical treatments, none of which have proven to be effective. Most of us are resigned to waiting for injectable collagenase (which is in trials, albeit moving slowly) or some anti-fibrotic drug to give us a non-surgical alternative.

Check www.peyroniesassoc.org for a starting point in learning about the condition.

06/22/2005 23:46

not registered

06/22/2005 23:46

not registered

Certainly looks like it.

Hi all, I am 37 and in 2001/2 noticed lumps in my penis, I contacted my doctor in late 2002 and was told that it was Deep Vein Thrombosis (misdiagnosed obviously). In 2003 I had my wrist broken, and when the cast was removed, low and behold a lump at the crease of my little and ring finger on my right hand (coincidence I think not). I have also got a lump on the underside of my middle finger pip joint. I have now also remembered I used to have a lump on the upper side of that same finger, which has now gone.
I have no curvature of the hand as yet, I am a programmer and consider typing to be exercise of such, and am hoping that the hand doesn't contract, but if it does I am without doubt going to be using the NA technique, I will be seeing my doctor tomorrow about the penis thing, let's see if doctors here in the uk know about that side of things.

09/12/2005 23:13

not registered

09/12/2005 23:13

not registered

dupytrens disease

Is dupytrens connected to peyronies disease

09/12/2005 23:36
09/12/2005 23:36
Peyronie's and Dupuytren's Disease

In 1985, before my Dups appeared (both hands) and before my Plantar Fibroma (ledderhose disease), I was diagnosed with Peyronies. Same as you describe, narrowing, bending and shortening of the penis. But it never got as bad as you describe.

I was given Potaba - six large pills a day if I remember correctly. The pain went from about a 6 when erect to about 2 after a year of treatment. Even today, there is a contracted area at the site of the plaque, but little pain. My hands and feet and knickles hurt much more.

When diagnosed, the last - very last - option was a penile implant that I never needed - thankfully. But as you describe your current condition, you should talk to a urologist about your options. Corrective surgery can sort of straighten it out at the cost of even more shortening.
I think I would have opted for the implant if I couldn't have sex.

Talk to your Urologist to see what your options are.


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