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02/02/2005 23:49
Randy H.

not registered

02/02/2005 23:49
Randy H.

not registered

NA procedure for DC update


Yes, you managed to find one of the few sites where NA (among other things) is mentioned. NA is not new. In fact it is a new twist on a very old procedure.
It's not for everyone all the time, but has helped many avoid Traditional Invasive Surgery. Your best source of info is Dr. Eaton's site:


Learn as much as you can. Please for give the current state of wackiness on this site. It's totally unregulated and has gained a lot of attention because it is the vehicle that brought the knowleged of NA to the US. Good Luck.

    02/05/2005 23:00
    Steve Abrams

    not registered

    02/05/2005 23:00
    Steve Abrams

    not registered

    Dr. Eaton

    In January of 2004 I visited my family physician; he diagnosed my condition as Dupuytren's and referred my to a hand surgeon, who I saw in February of 2004. He said I would need surgery, but it could wait until after the "golf season". In the interim I did a lot of research, and ultimately scheduled a visit with Dr. Eaton who I saw 9 days ago, on Friday, January 28, 2005. By this time, my contracture had reached 55 degrees. Dr. Eaton performed the NA procedure and reduced my contracture to under 10 degrees. My wife came with me from Wisconsin, in order to drive our rental car post-procedure. With NA I this was unnecessary - I was driving the next day, and could have driven immediately upon leaving Dr. Eaton's office.

    Obviously I will know better about the results after considerable time has passed. I can say now that I was completely satisfied with Dr. Eaton - he acted in a professional manner, completely explained the procedure to my wife and my self, answered all questions. I recommend him highly.

    When I had mentioned NA to my local surgeon, my impression was that he was not completely aware of the procedure. Given the long recovery times with conventional surgery, I was surprised that this surgeon did not ask about my job, and whether I could economically tolerate a possible 12-week layoff.

    There are many physicians in France practicing NA; I believe Dr. Eaton was the first to do so in the US, and he has only been performing it for 1.5 years. I believe more physicians will learn NA as word spreads, unless collagenase injection becomes the primary treatment of choice. My only regret is that I did not have NA performed a year ago, when the contracture was much less severe.


      02/05/2005 23:42

      not registered

      02/05/2005 23:42

      not registered


      I am so glad your NA work so well. I had NA 1.3 years ago with Dr. Eaton. My finger is still straight. Best luck to you Steve.

      Thank you Dr. Bell for reminding us that there is now four NA doctors in the USA:

      Dr. Paul Zidel, Dr.Bourland, and Dr.Eaton. Now we can add
      one more: Dr. Keith Denkler, 275 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspar, CA 94939. Phone: 415.924.6010.


        02/05/2005 23:22
        No name

        not registered

        02/05/2005 23:22
        No name

        not registered



        Nothing you say is believable. Why made up stories? Your surgeon did not know about an alternative theory that's widely written about? Really!

          02/05/2005 23:11

          not registered

          02/05/2005 23:11

          not registered



          Ignore last two posts as they are probably written by the same person - our forum troll.

          The person who has taken over 'Frances' is someone who began using Frances's nickname because she objected *for many months* to their insistence that Dr. Bourland is an NA practitioner; infact, she exposed many of his manipulations quite nicely, and ultimately it has been pointed out that Dr. Bourland has never stated that he is an NA practitioner.

          Since this person began using her nickname, I have noticed that often within the hour of a 'Frances' post, there is an aggressive post like the one from 'name with held'.

          So don't take their words personally, the poor soul needs a straight jacket.


            09/26/2006 23:02

            not registered

            09/26/2006 23:02

            not registered

            NA for Duputren~sq~s

            I discovered that Dr. Eaton recently gave a seminar in Washington to 300 hand surgeons regarding the NA treatment for Duputren's. Does anyone know of other docters in the southeast who are doing this now as a result of this training?

              09/26/2006 23:20
              09/26/2006 23:20

              I think a seminar ( or presenting a paper ) can hardly be called a training.

                09/26/2006 23:33

                not registered

                09/26/2006 23:33

                not registered


                I was just asking if any doctors in the GA, SC, NC area are doing NA.

                  09/26/2006 23:41
                  09/26/2006 23:41
                  NA - Dr Bourland

                  Yes, Doctor Wm. Bourland is a CHS that performs the NA procedure in Memphis, Tennessee, and has been for a long time. He was and is the second CHS in the USA to perform the procedure following Dr. Charles Eaton who instructed him.

                    09/27/2006 23:03
                    09/27/2006 23:03
                    Read the fine print first

                    I thought Dr. Eaton has not trained ANYONE up to now????

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                      Aproneurotomy   misinformation   recommendation   California   Contracture   Dupuytren~sq~s   surgery   training   post-procedure   practitioner   Dupuytren   surgeons   Frances   procedure   performed   Bourland   trained   Collagenase   doctors   enthusiastically