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NA correction for PIP joint contracture
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08/06/2003 23:18
08/06/2003 23:18
NA correction for PIP joint contracture

A lot of positive postings on the NA procedure, I have yet to see a negative one. Can anyone share success/failure stories specifically related to PIP joint correction by NA? I have 80 degree PIP contracture in both hands and still deciding on treatment, probably have waited to long already. I understand that PIP correction is more difficult with any procedure including NA. Anyone who has had PIP joint issues and undergone NA treatment for it, I would certainly appreciate your input. Thanks.

08/06/2003 23:52
08/06/2003 23:52
Success story

What the devil are you waiting for? Do you want to have a permanent fist?

Get your photos off to Europe and see if anyone will perform NA on you...

08/06/2003 23:13
08/06/2003 23:13
Success story

I have already enthused about NA as opposed to surgery, but I had reservations before I went, due to the PIP joint being the most complicated to treat. Even before my NA treatment, the doctor did warn that it might not be fully corrected, which I must say worried me a little, but it was in fact 100% successful, so my advice would be to go for it!

08/15/2003 23:59
Tom Shiber

not registered

08/15/2003 23:59
Tom Shiber

not registered


Sara, I read your post. I have Dupuytrens in the left hand. My pinky is almost down to my palm and pulling the index finger with it. It started in my right hand last year and pulling the middle finger downward. I also have a number of nodules in my right hand. Most information I see advises against surgery. Is NA offered in the states. I don't know much about it, However am anxious to learn more. Appreciate your thoughts. Thank you, Tom

08/17/2003 23:44
08/17/2003 23:44
NA availability


At the moment, as far as I know, the NA treatment is only available in Europe. I had mine done in France, but I believe they also perform it in Switzerland and Belgium.
YOu will find some e-mail addresses listed on this site under NA headings. I believe that some doctors in Canada have undergone training in France, so maybe it will soon be available over there. I realise it is a bit of a trek to go all the way to Europe, but I would highly recommend it as a treatment and certainly worth trying before surgery.

08/17/2003 23:17
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

08/17/2003 23:17
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

Dupuytrens Sufferers United

Tom (Shiber),
Sara is correct. NA is available in Europe, but not
in the US. You can learn much about it at:
http://jvm.com/wstagner/main.htm this is Walt's
Dups page and is very informative w/links. Dr. Badois is
oftened referred to on this forum and he is in Paris. Go
for more info on him. Dr. Rappoport did Richard's NA and
is excellent. He is in Yverdon des Bains, Switzerland. If
you would like to contact him send us an email. Good
Mary Beth & Richard

10/11/2003 23:35

not registered

10/11/2003 23:35

not registered

Good site

Thank you for the good information on PIPs

10/13/2003 23:18

not registered

10/13/2003 23:18

not registered

PIP Contraction

Does the Paris Dr. every turn down patients who have a PIP contraction? I have a PIP contraction that is 51 degrees bent with a big band on my pinky.

10/13/2003 23:01
10/13/2003 23:01
On my way?

I may be on my way. I emailed the good Dr. this morning so I may be off to Paris. I hope he does PIP joint contractions.

02/05/2006 23:04
Kathleen Lonergan

not registered

02/05/2006 23:04
Kathleen Lonergan

not registered

Type 1 Flexor Digitorum Profundus Avulsion

What is long term prognosis for this injury. What limitations can be expected from this injury. Will person injured be able to grip a golf club, lift weights again in the future. What is percentage of ruptures after repair from lifting something heavy for instance? Any information on the longterm affect of this injury would be appreciated. Many thanks

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contracture   reservations   appreciate   informative   complicated   practitioner   information   certainly   specifically   appreciated   correction   contractions   Switzerland   badois-glosommaire   Dupuytrens   availability   limitations   Contraction   treatment   available