NA for DC Appointment - DR. Bourland |
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02/10/2005 23:11
02/10/2005 23:11
hand doctors
I live in the mid west. My doctor recently told me I have Dupuytren's disease. He said I have to have surgery, but I would rather have this NA. It looks like Dr. Bourland is within driving distance from me. Could any of you tell me about your NA experiance with him? I really need to take care of this soon.
02/13/2005 23:07
02/13/2005 23:07
NA/DC - Dr. Bourland
Dr. Bourland did the NA procedure For DC on my hand and two fingers about one year ago. The procedure was was easy. The results were excellent. Fingers still straight.
02/13/2005 23:16
Gerry Widennot registered
02/13/2005 23:16
Gerry Widennot registered
Someone keeps posting overly favorable posts about Dr Bourland under different names. Unfortunately the poster below may or may not be this person as any other favorable poster you may read. I would give him a call talk to him directly and see if he can give references of any patients he successfully performed NA on. I know if I had a medical problem that was successfully corrected by a doctor I would have no problem talking to a prospective patient about my experience.
02/20/2005 23:55
D Beason not registered
02/20/2005 23:55
D Beason not registered
Why argue about Dr. Bourland? Why not just call his office and ask if he does the French needle. Ask how many he has done. Ask if there were any problems. Then be done with this arguement and move on.
02/21/2005 23:13
Alfred not registered
02/21/2005 23:13
Alfred not registered
NA/DC - Dr. Bourland
That's right. There is no sense argueing about whether Dr. Bourland does NA for DD. Just call his office and settle this petty dispute.
02/22/2005 23:49
Graemenot registered
02/22/2005 23:49
Graemenot registered
Good Idea - Dr Bourland
To Randy H.
thanks for another of your enlightening and intelligently scripted posts. There has been so much mistique surrounding Dr Bourland and you have had the foresight to phone him. He engaged you in a fruitful chat and the result is you've provided us with some clear answers. This helps to fill in the gaps for us all!! Good on you Randy and good on you Dr Bourland.
02/22/2005 23:01
George Barbarownot registered
02/22/2005 23:01
George Barbarownot registered
Finally Facts rather than advertising !
Thanks Randy: Your post is the first on Dr. Bourland that presents factual information rather than advertising.
It is encouraging that Dr. Eaton will be making a presentation and sharing his experiences with the many hand surgeons that are ignorant of the beneifts of NA.
My own experience is posted at:
02/22/2005 23:33
D Beason not registered
02/22/2005 23:33
D Beason not registered
Dr. Bourland - NA for DC
Once again you have shown your leadership in this forum. I tip my hat to you...well done. You have proved that Dr. Bourland indeed does NA for DC. You have laid to rest the misconception that USA hand doctors must observe the French NA technicians before they will be acceptable to DC patients for NA.
02/22/2005 23:39
darrisnot registered
02/22/2005 23:39
darrisnot registered
I wonder exactly what is meant by "certified." Certified by whom?
02/22/2005 23:10
George Barbarownot registered
02/22/2005 23:10
George Barbarownot registered
Dr. Pess WebPage Obsolete
Dr. Pess needs to update his page on Dupuytren's it was updated January 1999 and does not mention NA
I did send him an Email suggesting an update !
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