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04/29/2003 23:29

not registered

04/29/2003 23:29

not registered

nothing wrong with wanting NA

i have noticed that Gary/Sean never says anything good when someone posts a success story with NA. Keep in mind that he is not the moderator of this forum, just an NA basher. To question everyone's opinion about NA and to demand that they provide statistics is nuts.

04/29/2003 23:15

not registered

04/29/2003 23:15

not registered


Tom, Len, Jim, Jan, Jerry, etal.:

I would like to propose following solution for the dreaded
"Dr. Evans Show".

It is a relatively simple task identifying posts by
Gary/Sean, and other pseudonyms he/she might use. When we recognize one of his/her "loaded" messages, we ignore his/her calculated blather and re-focus on positive discussion. Over-reation to his/her slanted perspective will damage expected site intent. This forum shares very valuable knowledge, and must be dutifully maintained despite his/her continued attempts to further personal agenda.

My two cents worth!

04/29/2003 23:24

not registered

04/29/2003 23:24

not registered


AMEN , Jose!
As far as Gary/Sean goes:
F*** Him and the horse he rode in on!

04/29/2003 23:27

not registered

04/29/2003 23:27

not registered


My only concern, is that if he is unchallenged, is that new people to this forum could possibly be swayed towards a treatment without considering all options.

04/29/2003 23:09

not registered

04/29/2003 23:09

not registered



Understood, but make the extra effort to refrain from unnecessary confrontation. Re-state your position and move on.

04/29/2003 23:38
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

04/29/2003 23:38
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

everyone~sq~s 2 cents worth

Tom, Jim, Jose, Jan, Nat, Len, Jerry,
Ditto, ditto, ditto!! There are so many afflicted who
have info to share. Most of those realize that everyone's
"diathesis" varies. We are happy to hear any success stories, and everyone should feel free to express them with-
out concern of being ridiculed, questioned, debated, or made
to post proof. Len, you are definitely on the right track
to wait and to avoid conventional surgery. Richard has had
3 fasciectomies in left hand, 1 in right. His hands are
horrible. Sean has thrown out that he has a negative
diathesis, no, he has a horrendous diathesis. We traveled
140 miles this weekend, took our child out of school and
visited a different Ortho surgeon. My numerous emails to
his Physicians Adminstrator, plus a few phone calls were
as plaintive as is humanly possible. We want to discuss
fasciotomy, guess what, he said it won't work. Then he
went straight into discussing doing more fasciectomy, sooner
not later. Not only that but he agreed with previous
surgeon (Plastics) that he probably should just amputate
the left pinkie. However, took my breath away when after
looking at his right pinkie, bad but not nearly as much,
said, "you may want to go ahead and amputate this one too,
then you want have to worry about it and go through more
surgery." I left totally depressed, thanks Jerry for the
emails, but have now stood up and brushed off. Len, my
father used to say sometimes you have to laugh so you won't
cry. I have decided that this surgeon reminds me of the
old John Belushi samarai segments on Saturday Night Live
where he relished in brandishing his sword on virtually
anything. Maybe instead of NA he advocates VA, voluntary
amputation. A sure all cure that gets rid of it all the
first time, GUARANTEED. Anyone who may have true info on
the doc in Canada who studied NA under Dr Badois instruction
please forward, as always good luck.

Mary Beth & Richard

04/29/2003 23:38
04/29/2003 23:38

To all of you( actually the same person or one big happy family),

I have never said anything against NA, in fact I considered it before surgery. I will consider it, among other procedures, when I do my other hand. I have never said anything against collagenase, which I hope gets developed.

05/01/2003 23:19
05/01/2003 23:19
Mary Beth & Richard


You are the only one in the forum with a DUAL PERSONALITY. I guess it takes one to think that all others are identical.

05/01/2003 23:01

not registered

05/01/2003 23:01

not registered

Mary Beth & Richard

Mary Beth & Richard,

I don't know where you live, but I think you mentioned in one of your posts you lived on the east coast usa. If that is the case, I recommend you give Dr. Sowa a call, at First State Orthopedics in Wilmington DE, at the Christiana Hospital. I was very happy with the surgery he did on me. I say this yet I continue to try and avoid additional surgery since my case is so agressive that I would need it every 3-4 years and I am "only" 53 and already have had 2 surgeries. He probably won't do a fasiotomy, but he is a very fine surgeon, if you choose to have another fasiectomy. If you are close to New York, you may want to give Dr Hurst a call at stony brook university.

Regarding Dr. Spacek, her number is listed in other posts in the forum. You may want to giver her a call. No one to my knowledge has posted that they have talked to her.

If you are serious about NA, the doctors in france and switzerland respond quickly to any e-mail. I am currently in the process of arranging for NA in France.

05/01/2003 23:12
Mike B

not registered

05/01/2003 23:12
Mike B

not registered

New to DC

I just started learning about my DC today, and now I have had a glimpse of what those bumps are going to bring me. I hope that all of you will continue to reveal what your stories are, and thus teach me how I can cope. I'm about to turn 55 and still can put my hands flat on the table, but your stories have me scared.

Do I discuss this with my Family Practioner and risk getting me blacklisted with a pre-existing condition if I change insurers?

Are there any other folks who have had successful results with NA bsides Jim?

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