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Plantar fibromatosis...
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06/09/2004 23:46

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06/09/2004 23:46

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What are you expecting insurance to pay? If you are newly diagnosed for DD in the hand and you just felt a lump on your foot, what is there to do that insurance would pay?

06/15/2004 23:51

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06/15/2004 23:51

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plantar fibromatosis

Was told to try Ben Gay or similar product on the feet. Pain stopped.

06/15/2004 23:35
06/15/2004 23:35
Ben Gay

For what it's worth ....

You might want to have a look at http://health.allrefer.com/health/sports-cream-overdose-info.html#definition

06/21/2004 23:50
06/21/2004 23:50
one lump or two?

i have 4 lumps on my right foot,one the size of a golf ball and one on my left foot. it started 6 years ago.2years ago i had my right foot run over by a 7 ton forklift truck.unfortunately,it didn't flatten the lumps,just made them grow bigger.i still work 10 hours a day in a foctory on my feet.i use 2 insoles in my shoes,but lumpy still hurts.don't know what the future holds but i know i wont let it beat me.

06/27/2006 23:38
Bill Paters

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06/27/2006 23:38
Bill Paters

not registered


I have great pain in the morning. I awake with morning wood. An erection is greatly painful since my member is way bent. Be greatful for lesser ailments.

06/27/2006 23:43

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06/27/2006 23:43

not registered

Used to have pain in the morning

I used to have severe cramping in both feet upon getting out of bed in the middle of the night and first thing in the morning. There were times that I got up too fast and almost fell because of the sharp pains that seized my feet; even though I only have a small nodule in one foot. I also had cramps in the hand that has a nodule.

Since I've been on the ketogenic diet all cramping and pain has stopped.

07/10/2006 23:25
07/10/2006 23:25
Ketogenic Diet

what is a ketogenic diet?

07/10/2006 23:32

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07/10/2006 23:32

not registered

Ketogenic Diet

Sorry about the double post.

Simply put; the ketogenic diet is the process of getting your body to burn fat for energy, instead of glycogen. This is done by strictly limiting your carb intake and creating a balance of a 4 to 1 fat to protein ratio. It was developed by The Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University medical schools for treating seizure disorders in children; and has proven very effective for some types of epilepsy. The Atkins and South Beach diets use this principal to get your body to start burning fat. However, maintaining a constant ketogenic state, as a lifestyle, is the goal of some people, including myself.

As a hypoglycaemic, I was on a constant cycle of sugar induced highs and lows. Once I got the carbohydrates out of my diet; the cravings stopped and I now feel better than I ever imagined I could. I have more energy, and no longer crash in the afternoons. It sounds like a commercial, but I have nothing to gain by promoting this lifestyle.

I'm not sure what the exact relationship to my DD is; but I suspect that it has something to do with sugar or insulin. All I know is that my nodules are smaller now.

googling ketogenic diet or ketosis should tell you what you need to know.


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nodules   morning   unfortunately   careful   ketogenic   fibromatosis   carbohydrates   Plantar   diagnosed   disappeared   ledderhose   Disease   hypoglycaemic   relationship   distances   contraction   maintaining   Insurance   sports-cream-overdose-info   commercial