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Stretching to delay contracture
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04/18/2003 23:57
04/18/2003 23:57

Are you saying that stretching should be used to reverse contraction? Or are you just talking about making nodules feel better? For me to stretch to reverse contraction was like trying to bend my elbow backwards.

04/19/2003 23:31

not registered

04/19/2003 23:31

not registered


After 7 surgeries I have found that stretching didnt help me.In the begining I had all kinds of casts etc. Alos found that when I carry bags or luggage the hands seem to get worse, even holding onto the steering wheel of the car or holding the handlebars of a bike. I worked for 20 yrs filing and typing etc. so used the hands extensively. I have tried everything to no avail, so Thursday am going for another on. I was born in England and father who was a Scot had this also, after he had trauma to the hand.

04/20/2003 23:51

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04/20/2003 23:51

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After all those surgeries it's a wonder you have any use of your hands.

04/21/2003 23:09

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04/21/2003 23:09

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I am not sure that stretching can reverse a contraction. All I am saying is that it has been my experience that deep tissue massage and regular, vigorous stretching seems to have kept the DC area in my hand from becoming rigid and inflexible. John

05/12/2003 23:13
05/12/2003 23:13
Info on Stretching Devices

Roman Macgregor has kindly provided me with links to a site that may be of interest to those considering stretching regimes.



at the site


which makes the Digit Widget.

06/07/2003 23:38

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06/07/2003 23:38

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Any specific stretching tips?
Is it possible for you to email me?
Just started after Carpal Tunnel surgery

06/07/2003 23:04
Carol Ann

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06/07/2003 23:04
Carol Ann

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stretching hands

Hi, all, I have searched for an answer to the soreness and lumps in my palms, and finally DD seems like the answer. I am 60 years old, write Christian music, play a keyboard and sing...I find that my hands this year have become so much worse. We lived in Fla for 11 years, and they did not seem to be so bad,but after spending the last two wintrs in Michigan, My hands are very sore and painful, and I am wondering if being in the cold has made the difference. My right hand has several nodules in the palm and the chords seem to be drawing to my middle and ring fingers, also feeling a lot of numbness when I stretch my hands.My left hand has one large nodule below ring finger in palm and is pulling a chord to pinkie and ring fingers both. Any ideas on being more comfortable? I have used hot water soaks, and heating pad, in addition to stretching but doesnt' seem to help a lot....thanks

03/11/2005 23:14

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03/11/2005 23:14

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Stretching to delay contracture

I heat my hands with hot water and stretch my fingers with yoga. My DD fingers have not bent much lately. They feel better after I strech them.

03/12/2005 23:56

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03/12/2005 23:56

not registered

Stretching to delay contracture

Dear Graeme,

The post by Val was made in 2003, I don't know if she's still around to give you an answer.


03/16/2005 23:19
03/16/2005 23:19
Stretching to delay contracture

I have Dupuytren's disease in both hands. I live in San Jose. I took my first yoga class at a Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury yoga teacher last night. They heat the room to 103 and we do all kinds of stretching. After I warmed up my bent fingers got loose and they straightened out. They contracted again after I cooled off, but I was happy to see them straighter for a while.

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