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Talk with Your congress Person
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08/11/2003 23:50
Ron Schimpf

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08/11/2003 23:50
Ron Schimpf

not registered

Talk with Your congress Person

There seems to be so many that have had surgery and the terrible results. Has anyone every asked an insurance company for comments on having the surgery or going for an alternative. When looking at a $10,000 bill or opting for an unconventional treatment, would they be willing to listen. With as many of us as there are, we should form a loose knit forum to contact the surgeon general and as many people in congress as necessary to get the attention we need to get something done other than a cripling surgery. Does anyone want to take on the challenge? I have just started a new business and cannot devote the time, but if anyone else does, I think this is what is necessay to maybe get the needle therapy approved in the U.S. I am loosing the battle with this monster that is twisting my hand more and more every day. Questions? Comments?

08/11/2003 23:37
08/11/2003 23:37

Where did you get the data that surgery costs $10,000.00? We discussed the topic previously in this forum and the cost of all that responded was between $1,500.00 and about $4,000.00, with the exception of Jerry. No one who I know had a cost of more than $4,000.00. Also, everyone that I know had successful surgery.

08/12/2003 23:49

not registered

08/12/2003 23:49

not registered

Sean is so full of himself

Sean,you are just a liar!Your absence this past month has been a blessing to those wanting to share ideas and truth!

08/12/2003 23:12
jim h

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08/12/2003 23:12
jim h

not registered


Total costs for each of my 2 surgeries were within the range suggested by Sean.

08/12/2003 23:30
08/12/2003 23:30

Everyone you know had successful surgery? How is it you 'know' so many DC patients? I doubt your 'testimony'.

08/13/2003 23:49
Mary Beth & Richard

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08/13/2003 23:49
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

Dupuytrens Sufferers United

Check your email. You're not WAY off base as some
would suggest. Thanks for giving your email address. So
many don't.
Richard & Mary Beth

08/13/2003 23:44
jim h

not registered

08/13/2003 23:44
jim h

not registered

Dupuytrens Sufferers United

I don't buy in to conspiracy theories about the AMA and surgeons trying to milk us for thousands of dollars in unneeded surgeries. And I don't think all hand surgeons are unskilled or greedy. What I do think is that in litigation-crazed America today it's difficult for a doctor to start performing a new or different procedure like NA. They'll get no support from their corporate bosses or from their malpractice insurance companies. Change has to be initiated from above, the doctors have little latitude to experiment. Things seem to be quite a bit looser in Europe. There are probably other conditions for which European doctors have effective treatments that aren't available here.

08/14/2003 23:59
Mary Beth

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08/14/2003 23:59
Mary Beth

not registered

Dupuytrens Sufferers United

You make some excellent points. Not only do Dr's have
little latitude to experiment, but also are not trained to
perform NA. Couple that w/ medical malpractice issues and
it would be going out on a limb. Change does then have to
be initiated elsewhere. Hopefully sufferers will work to-
gether to achieve change to allow options.

08/14/2003 23:24

not registered

08/14/2003 23:24

not registered

Dupuytrens Sufferers United

The statement 'traditional NA surgery' should read 'traditional DC surgery'.

08/14/2003 23:26

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08/14/2003 23:26

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Dupuytrens Sufferers United


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Sufferers   successful   Dupuytrens   surgeons   successfully   endlessly-delayed   surgery   insurance   automatically   rheumatologists   reoccurrence   litigation-crazed   alternative   medical   companies   Establishment   BioSpecifics   unconventional   professionals   congratulated