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08/17/2003 23:08
08/17/2003 23:08

Why perpetuate the arguement that I put down NA. I seriously considered NA before having surgery. I spoke to my surgeon about it. I was disappointed that it wasn't available in the U.S. I didn't have NA because my finger was at 85 degrees and into the PIP joint extensively. I then opted for surgery and had a very successful outcome. Naturally, I am happy with the surgery I had. It was not a big deal. It is as good as before I had DC (pending recurrence). Because I have spoken about having successful surgery, there are some who can't stand the idea of having successful surgery because they didn't have success. They try to discredit anything and everything that anyone says about successful surgery to make themselves feel somewhat better. They send emails off the forum to get others to attack successful surgery. They have probably emailed you.

08/18/2003 23:10

not registered

08/18/2003 23:10

not registered

Conspiratory mail me at t_groan@hotmail.com

Sean, contrary to your last post I'm totally unaware of a conspiracy to attack you or your stance on surgery vs. NA.

It's your obstinacy, inaccuracy, grandiose statements, insults, ad hominems, etc. that have many resent you.

And it there is a conspiracy, I want to know why I havent been contacted!!!

08/18/2003 23:06

not registered

08/18/2003 23:06

not registered

off forum email

Sean, Please post your e mail address.I'll make sure you get in on all of it!

08/18/2003 23:56

not registered

08/18/2003 23:56

not registered

Successful Surgery


I am certainly not interested in "attacking successful surgery". After surgical correction of a 50 degree PIP contracture of my left pinkie over four months ago, I'm planning on continuing my hand exercises three times a day to achieve the same success you have had. I should end up loosing 10 to 15 degrees of straightness, as the scar tissue alone makes return to 0 degrees physically impossible. (This according to the #1 top hand surgeon at UCLA). I'm pleased for you that you report returning to a perfect 0 degrees. You are to be congratulated for achieving the impossible (and counting your blessings that the disease hasn't spread to your other hand and both feet like it has with me within three months of surgery).

Sean, I'm a bit curious about something. You've had a single highly successful surgery, achieving miraculous results; have no reoccurrence or spread of the disease. Your hand is as good as new. You can now get on with your life and forget this ever happened. If I had your results, that's what I would do. I'd be WAY down the road by now. So why are you on this site? It's clear that if you have a reoccurrence you'd stick with surgery, so what can you possibly hope to learn from us malcontents?

08/18/2003 23:52
08/18/2003 23:52

I have DC in the other hand, but it hasn't started to contract as yet. I have had what they call "dermal pits" (unlike nodules) for ten years in that other hand. I do have a nodule in each arch of my feet. I have been very careful not to abuse my arches and the nodules have decreased in the last three years. DC is interesting for me, that is why I keep on the forum.
I exercised continually after my surgery and I think that is what really helped my hand. After about three months I was thinking that I would not be able to break down the scar tissue, but the more stretching I did and by using the nightime splint, the scar tissue went away totally. There is no sign of surgery except a very thin line only noticeable from about a foot away if a person is looking for it.

08/19/2003 23:36

not registered

08/19/2003 23:36

not registered


After reading Sean/Gary's experience with splints, therapy, scar tissue, etc., it is fairly obvious that NA should be for most the preferred method of treatment. The list of NA advantages are too numerous to repeat.

Sean/Gary you comment on almost all topics (acting almost as if you are the board moderator) yet are remarkably silent on the NA threads where people are enthusiastic regarding their success with that procedure. I can't help but wonder why.

08/19/2003 23:06
08/19/2003 23:06

I know nothing about NA except that it is not done in the U.S. and most of the world. There is no valid comment I could make, because I have no personal knowledge of the procedure. I do know that a limitited fasciectomy worked very well for me and also for personal friends of mine.
I am not about to endorse or refute NA just from the (over and over) information given by a few on this forum that had a very unsuccessful experience with surgery and are bent on discrediting all hand surgeons, the AMA and everyone connected with hand surgery. DC surgery is being performed successfully every day in the world. There would be hundreds of people on this forum complaining if it weren't being done successfully. But all we have are made up names of fred, jake, jim and joe of the same person trying to discredit surgery for their own self fulfillment.
If you want to go to France for NA, that's great. Go and good luck. But your trying to invalidate surgery just beause of your bad experience is not productive for anyone.

08/19/2003 23:42

not registered

08/19/2003 23:42

not registered


Sean/Gary, I as of yet have no contraction and no surgery. Another erroneous assumption. I criticize an entrenched medical establishment/hierarchy with an inflexible attitude towards procedures that threaten the profit margin. Hopefully I will not have contraction but since I have taken the time to investigate this topic,I will not wait until it is too late for NA. I will opt for the procedure since there is very little risk, can be done over and over, does not traumatize the hand, requires no physical therapy, etc. etc. etc. It is such an easy decision to make.

You act as if you know a lot about hand surgery, hand surgeons, insurance companies, medical procedures used worldwide, surgery success rates, obscure medical texts, etc.. This, coupled with your derogatory and arrogant manner, has led me to consider that you are here due to a perceived threat by the hand surgery industry.

08/19/2003 23:03
08/19/2003 23:03

Sean, Who are you to acuse these folks of fakery.What's your name?Gary or Sean.Where is your email address?Seems as if you not others are hiding behind something here.

08/19/2003 23:58
08/19/2003 23:58

My name is Sean, I live in Colorado. I read this forum for a while before posting. I had successful surgery similar to the "Gary" and agree with much of what he said when reading past posts. I have followed up on much of what he said. There is no reason to put my email address on this forum.

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