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Traditional surgery vs. N.A.
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05/17/2005 23:24

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05/17/2005 23:24

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Traditional surgery vs. N.A.

I followed Frances'lead (thank you Frances) to find DD recurrence rates. I found this in the results of a study by Bulstrode, Jemec, and Bisson (http://www.raft.ac.uk/research/dupuytrens.html):

"Currently the only widespread treatment is surgery, however this has a high recurrence rate, as much as 60% in some studies."

Does anyone else have recurrence rates for surgery?

    05/17/2005 23:25

    not registered

    05/17/2005 23:25

    not registered


    I found thid one...

    MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1978 Dec 8;120(50):1681-4. [Dupuytren's palmar fibromatosis Hauer G, Wilhelm K.

    The analysis of a total of 500 patients with Dupuytren's contracture is reported. In agreement with the literature it was found that 90% of the patients are men. 29.9% are in the 5th decade of life at the time of the operation. The disease usually begins on one side. But after up to 3 years the second hand is also affected in 51%. Because of the progressive nature of the complaint, relapses are to be expected even after a successful operation. At the time of the follow-up, 26.2% of the patients had recurrences.

      05/17/2005 23:34
      05/17/2005 23:34
      Response to LeMoine

      To LeMoine,

      I got a cynical little chuckle from your hand-doctor's response that none of his patients ever returned!

      Recently I developed beginning Dupuytren's symptoms and have been perusing this site and researching generally on the web.

      The OVERWHELMING concensus everywhere is VERY CLEAR that D.C. VERY COMMONLY recurs.

      I MUST conclude that the particular doctor who led you to believe it doesn't IS NOT VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE about D.C.

      And I ask, did he do such a poor job on his surgeries that no one returned for seconds???

      There's lots of info. out there. And I gather that among traditional surgeons, some know what they are doing and get decent results and others tend to botch things up.

      N.A. is a newer technique and much less invasive than traditional surgery, but not yet accepted/understood by most traditional surgeons.

      Keep asking questions, doing research. An excellent place to start is Dr. Charles Eaton's website: www.handcenter.org. Look for the info. on Dupuytrens on his site for good info. He's very experienced. Also look further down this topic for a list of others that do NA. Only a few in this country so far.

      Please don't commit to surgery until you've really researched your options. And if I were you I would DEFINITELY avoid the guy who wants you not to know that it often does recur.


        05/18/2005 23:12
        Gary Pess, MD

        not registered

        05/18/2005 23:12
        Gary Pess, MD

        not registered

        Recurrence of DD

        Any doctor who tells a patient that his surgery cures DD and he doesn't get any recurrences either doesn't do very many Dup surgeries or is blind.

        There is no cure for DD. The recurrence rate will be higher with NA than "traditional" surgery. However, NA offers a much easier recovery and it significantly easier to treat the recurrences.

        Gary Pess, MD

          05/28/2005 23:14

          not registered

          05/28/2005 23:14

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            06/01/2005 23:54
            Thunder Pot

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            06/01/2005 23:54
            Thunder Pot

            not registered


            Yes, my hand doc told me the same thing. He is my ex doc now. Dr. Eaton is the one!

              06/03/2005 23:57
              06/03/2005 23:57
              Traditional surgery vs. N.A

              Well i had surgery 3times twice on my right hand and now i've had NA on my thumd and was tottally blown away. I know it's not a cure but damn it beats 2month off wound care and still the thought of it comming back and the nerve damage.
              I'd go through this every yr if i have to it took about 20mins and was at work the next day yes with sore hand but the out look was great. I had my NA by DR PESS he had not done a thumb and even said he had not seen it do in France but what did i have to loose so i said give it a try.
              I'm very pleased with the out come and will go back in a heart beat to have it done again till a cure is found ZZZz plasti sucks.

                06/04/2005 23:16

                not registered

                06/04/2005 23:16

                not registered


                Dr. Pess is right. It is great to have solid avivice from a fine hand doctor in our Forum. We are lucky indeed.

                  06/06/2005 23:03

                  not registered

                  06/06/2005 23:03

                  not registered

                  Traditional surgery vs. N.A.

                  Having consulted with various board-certified hand surgeons in Omaha, Ne., New York City, and Mayo Clinic, I was encouraged to have the traditional, radical fascietomy on my right hand and a followup surgery 6-9 wks. later on my left hand. I was told there would be weeks of intense physical therapy and no guarantees of success.

                  Instead I chose N.A. with Dr Eaton in Jupiter, Florida on May 17, 2004. I have regained full usage of my right hand and actually am looking forward to having my left hand done in January with Dr. Eaton. I am so fortunate that I did NOT take the advice of these otherwise well-respected surgeons. Otherwise, I would still be trying to recuperate. What a satisfying result! My fingers are still straight to this very day.

                    11/29/2006 23:02

                    not registered

                    11/29/2006 23:02

                    not registered

                    Traditional surgery vs. N.A.

                    I recently spoke with a friend of mine. He had hand surgery for a bent pip joint in his little finger at about 45 degrees. His surgery went well. He had moderate pain which he tolerated very well. He was back to work in 3 weeks.

                    I told him about my NA with Dr. Eaton. I also had a bent pip joint in my little finger at about 45 degrees. He had never heard of NA. His hand doctor told him surgery was the only way. Since he has DD in both hands he said he would look up NA to prepare for a future bent finger.

                    We compared pinkies. His is still bent at about 7 degrees. Mine is straight as a pencil. I clearly got better results from NA.

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