Visit and treatment by Dr.Eaton Jupiter Florida |
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11/17/2003 23:04
Jerry Ginsbergnot registered
11/17/2003 23:04
Jerry Ginsbergnot registered
Visit and treatment by Dr.Eaton Jupiter Florida
Yesterday November 17 I had an experience that is not to be believed. I had an appointment at 4P.M. with Dr.Eaton in Jupiter Florida, Firstly, Dr Eaton is a very personable.compassionate man who is as happy as I was when he finished my procedure. I have been searching for the right method to use, including going to Europe as my fingers were starting turn ,and at my age I wanted to assure that I would be able to continue the things such, such as Golf, Playing the saxaphone, and just being what I am today, without fear of losing my capabilities. Fifteen minutes later after very minimal discomfort I walked out with a straight forefinger which has started to be a problem because of its curviture, has started to be restrictive. You have to see it to believe it. Firstly Dr Eaton is a hand surgeon and took the time to study with Dr. Lermasseau of France for a short period of time and has learned how to perform this procedure with precision, and consideration for the patient, which is hard to find today. I am going back Friday for him to do my pinkey and cant wait to see my fingers as normally as they can be ,considering my age, and some small ampount of arthritis which interfears with a 100% result but certainly a tremendious improvement. I would certaiinly reccomend all the people who have been searching for help in this country to see Dr. Eaton. He is a gem. Today I have no pain or discomfort and you can hardly tell that I had anything done to my hand yesterday,and no pain whatsoever.
11/17/2003 23:36
Dolocitanot registered
11/17/2003 23:36
Dolocitanot registered
Jerry Ginsberg~sq~s report
Thanks, Jerry, for the encouraging report. It certainly is a relief to know that help is available without having to travel to another country. I don't yet need NA, but if I do later, I surely will head for Jupiter, Florida. Thanks so much.
11/17/2003 23:42
George barbarownot registered
11/17/2003 23:42
George barbarownot registered
Photographic Proof
Dr.Eaton did my right hand ring finger and pinky in about twenty minutes. I posted the story before but some may want to see what Jerry experienced. See photos at:
11/22/2003 23:32
Jerry Ginsbergnot registered
11/22/2003 23:32
Jerry Ginsbergnot registered
Dupytrens treatment by Dr Eaton Jupiter Florida
In my report last week I praised Dr. Eaton without god blessing him, but now he deserves the entire treatment. He did my pinky this last Friday and here I am today typing with my pinky as if I never had this miserable desease.Once again I must say that he is one of the most compassionate surgeons that I have ever come across,(and I have had a lot of surgery. I cant say enough about him and hope they dont break his door down trying to get to him. He certainly is a gem and we owe Dr. Lermaseau a lot for teaching him this most effective ,painless and immediate relief from misery.
11/22/2003 23:35
George Barbarownot registered
11/22/2003 23:35
George Barbarownot registered
Have needle aponevrotomy NOW !
Nice post Jerry ! You and I may be the only patients posting; but there are many morebeing given relief. I know that on one day Dr. Eaton had done six procedures that day. The point to be made is that there are many posts here regarding medications, vitamins, ointments etc. The fact of the matter is that having the needle faciotomy is less painful than having a tooth filled. Even if any of these other treatments worked; there is no reason to procrastinate on having your hand fixed. The sooner it is treated, the less complicated because there are fewer smaller bands of elastic tissue to be broached. The simplicity and ease of the treatment together with the relatively few minutes required makes it imperative that patients get to Dr.Eatonsooner rather than later.
11/23/2003 23:06
Richard Muterspawnot registered
11/23/2003 23:06
Richard Muterspawnot registered
N.A. procedure done by Dr. Eaton
Amen to Jerry and George. I had the appointment exactly one hour before Jerry on Mon.(11/17) and also on Fri.(11/21) and Dr. Eaton did again, exactly the same fingers for me that he did for Jerry and I can't say how great it was. Jerry and George have done a much better job of describing the process and the outcome than I can. Consequently there is no way that I can tell anyone how thankful we are for Dr. Eaton. God bless him and I sure hope that those of you out that are suffering from this problem, take advantage of this option as soon as possible. Dr. E. told me that he had performed the standard surgery on a gentleman Fri. morning because he couldn't persuade him to go with the N.A. procedure and that he won't be able to golf for 3 to 4 months. I'm golfing this Friday so that should help some of you to decide. Good luck.
11/23/2003 23:35
THANKSnot registered
11/23/2003 23:35
THANKSnot registered
We are forgetting to thank 2 people that have worked hard and been instrumental in bringing NA to the USA.
Thanks to Walt Stagner and Jerry (jerlib) for doing such a great job.
11/23/2003 23:13
Mr. Xnot registered
11/23/2003 23:13
Mr. Xnot registered
I second that! This is great news for all DC sufferers!
11/24/2003 23:04
Mary Beth and Richardnot registered
11/24/2003 23:04
Mary Beth and Richardnot registered
Thanks to Walt and Jerry
Absolutely! They've worked hard for others over a long period of time.
11/24/2003 23:53
Len Buchanannot registered
11/24/2003 23:53
Len Buchanannot registered
I would like to also thank Betsy. If you all remember, it was her and her incredible story about a Dr. in Florida that performed a procedure on her that didn't require any cutting. Hmmmm. Well done to all! We have much to be thankful for. Now lets all hope that Doctors across the country will look at the procedure anew and get the training and offer it. Have a great and wonderful Turkey Day!
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