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Why AP and not NA?
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04/05/2004 23:10
04/05/2004 23:10
NA / training

As I understand it, DC-cords follow clearly defined paths.
The difficulty, it seems, it not so much the interrupting of the cord, but avoiding damaging the nerves.
For a hand surgeon, with a thorough knowledge of hand anatomy, and the location of these nerves, a 'short' training should suffice.
Why in France most of the NA's are not performed by hand surgeons ? I guess a hand surgeon is really 'overeducated' to spend his time just on NA.
Not that I personally would mind having 'my' NA performed by a surgeon :)

04/05/2004 23:47

not registered

04/05/2004 23:47

not registered

Checking assertions made

Hi Randy,

Can you contact Dr. Badois office and ask if Dr Badois has ever met Dr. Bourland, and if 'Yes' in what capacity?

Thanks. I'll be back in a couple of hours.....

See you later.

04/05/2004 23:11

not registered

04/05/2004 23:11

not registered


Dear Dr. Wicks,

Please forgive me if I have been grating, but many of us, including myself, have been on this Forum for *YEARS* relentlessly promoting NA so our fellow suffers could know its benefits.

We have endured staunch proponents of the 'surgery-only' opinion...nasty comments from our family doctors as we cancelled our surgeries and prepared to cross the ocean... we've heard terms like 'back-room hacks' and ignored them ... we've emailed newcomers and urged them to seek NA out, helped them muster the courage to do it, then listened to the joy in their voice/posts once they returned ....we've answered questions patiently both by email and by Forum...we've protected, promoted, and even been willing to pay for someone we've never met before in another country to have the surgery because of our belief in NA.

But this...what you want of us.... is too much. You want us to accept a Doctor whose training is unclear - a doctor who is not on Dr.L's list as qualified practitioner of NA.

If you want to promote NA with us, LIKE WE HAVE BEEN DOING, then wonderful, but to ask us to ignore the chain of command (the list), that's too much, and frankly dangerous.....because there may be a doctor in one of the many countries of this world, or even here in North America, who is not so ethical, may see the fee of $500/finger and say..'Hey I can do that...I will do that...I am a doctor...that is what gives me the right.'

Then this doctor self-teaches NA only maim and disfigure their patients, then the name of NA will be destroyed - it will become the Hokus Pokus technique that OUR family doctor called it when I told him about it and cancelled the surgery.

An NA practitioner must have a traceable education/ pedigree, we can accept no less. They must be on the list of NA practitioners or NA will become open to opinion, interpretation, change, mutation.

It is for or fellow DC sufferers that I am so relentless. I am sure Dr. Bourland is an excellent surgeon as you say, but without the paperwork, there can be no blue ribbon. If it only takes a week for a surgeon to train as you say...fine, Dr. Bourland can go to France, train then get his name on the list - like everyone else.

Once he's there, I personally would be thrilled to shout his name from the rooftops. Until that time, I will stick to the list.

I agree Dr. Wicks that NA needs to be pushed - but not rushed.


04/05/2004 23:57
Len Buchanan

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04/05/2004 23:57
Len Buchanan

not registered

Ask Dr. Eaton

Per Eddies comments dated 4/5/2004. When I had my procedure done by Dr. Eaton on March 08, 2004, I asked him about his training in Paris. He replied to me and I paraphrase that he went to Paris and watched, witnessed and I believe performed some NA procedures while there. I agree, a surgeon, a hand surgeon no less, would be able to 'pick up' this technique relatively quickly, as the procedure to a Certified Hand Surgeon, would hardly be rocket science. For a 'Family Practice' MD to attempt this on me, I would run the other way, but for a Hand Surgeon who has been trained in the procedure, I would consider it.
Dr. Eaton and I also discussed this forum. He told me, again I paraphrase, that he no longer 'reviews' or reads the forum. He indicated it was kind of 'weird' reading all the praise that was being heaped upon him by the very happy patients that were posting results.
If someone wants to ask Dr. Eaton about 'training' of other MD's and credentials then I would suggest writing to him at the HandCenter.org email address and asking him those questions. Then, of course, posting the results of any correspondence back here to share with us.


04/05/2004 23:33

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04/05/2004 23:33

not registered

Dr Eatons training

It has been confirmed that Dr. Eaton spent one week in France and saw 60+ patient with Dr. L. I have no problems with that, he went, he saw, he learned, he qualified, and got on the list. No problem.

One week of training is not a lot of time to ask. Like I said below, if there are no requirements attached to being qualified to perform NA the results could be disasterous.


04/05/2004 23:08

not registered

04/05/2004 23:08

not registered

I asked about ~dq~instruction~dq~

Because I have a friend who lives in Memphis and is thinking about having the NA proceedure done in Fl, I spoke to Dr Eaton's office. Evidently he has never met Dr Bourland but they spoke for a couple of minutes on the phone. I think if it were me, I'd not want to have it done by anyone that had never been formally trained in NA. I think "a couple of minutes" isn't anywhere near the amount of information I'd want the dr to have. Just because the guy's an ortho doesn't mean that I'd want him to work on me!

04/06/2004 23:10
04/06/2004 23:10

I can assure you that Dr. Bouurland has had more experience with the NA procedure than just talking with Dr. Eaton.

04/09/2004 23:22
barb u

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04/09/2004 23:22
barb u

not registered

Clarification as to other surgeon~sq~s training credentials

Jon: As I noted on your posting, you must know of some official training Dr. Bourland or others must have had in the NA procedure. Where can we obtain the specifics? It would be interesting to know what other surgeons have obtained the Paris training in the NA procedure! Just yesterday when I had my dup surgery by Dr. Eaton, I specifically asked him if he knew of anyone else in the US who had received the Paris NA training and further asked if he had trained anyone.His answer was "NO" to both questions. So if you have info confirming differently, it would be great of you to share! I posted my experience under Dr. Eaton's treatment if you are interested.

04/09/2004 23:32
04/09/2004 23:32


I forgot to enter your name. This information is in response to your post, and of course, to anyone else that cares to read it.

04/09/2004 23:00

not registered

04/09/2004 23:00

not registered


Dear Barb,

There is a list of trained NA practitioners at www.dupuytren.org. Dr. Eaton and Dr. Spacek are the only doctors on the list for North America; they respected their patients and themselves enough to be formally trained in NA.

I myself will not see any doctor that is not on the list; my hands are too important for that.


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