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06/09/2004 23:43
C. V,

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06/09/2004 23:43
C. V,

not registered

Scopes~sq~ Monkey Trial

Wm. Jennings Bryan v. Clarence Darrow.
Anyone remember where the trial was held?

06/10/2004 23:08

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06/10/2004 23:08

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NA for DC

What was the trial about?

06/10/2004 23:40

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06/10/2004 23:40

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NA for DC


06/10/2004 23:56

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06/10/2004 23:56

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NA for DC

Tennessee, wasn't it? Good ole Bible belters vs Darwin.

06/10/2004 23:30

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06/10/2004 23:30

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NA for DC

What in the world does the "Monkey Trial" have to do with Needle Aproneurotomy for Dupuytren's Contracture? Some seem to have derailed the purpose of this forum. How about, lets all get on board for which this "Forum" was and is for. We can, I think you will agree, assist others that have DD rather than unrelated postings.

06/11/2004 23:09

not registered

06/11/2004 23:09

not registered


Just hours ago another male of Irish blood with Dupuytrens was buried here in Simi Valley, CA. (The British certainly have nothing over us Yanks in the pomp and circumstance category today). Oooops, sorry, Ervin. I never heard if or how he was treated but I think we can assume it was not by NA.

06/11/2004 23:44

not registered

06/11/2004 23:44

not registered


Did some one say monkey's? I like monkeys...they smile alot and run around naked all day.


06/11/2004 23:51

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06/11/2004 23:51

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NA for DC


Are the Monkeys trained in the NA for DC procedure? I like monkeys also, but running around naked all day. Come on. Get realistic. Far out!!!!

06/12/2004 23:02

not registered

06/12/2004 23:02

not registered

Through a mirror darkly....

E.C. Wicks: OGS.
OGS and Bryan College.
Bryan College and Dayton, Tennessee
William Jennings Bryan and the Scopes "monkey" trial.
Bryan College, Dayton, TN. and William J. Bryan.
Charles Van Eaton, guest lecturer at Bryan College.
Dr. Wicks recommends a different Dr. Eaton and
Dr. Bourland in Memphis Tennessee. Hmmm. Monkey business?
Let us focus on on the real matters at hand! if your
Cardiologist recommended heart surgery, s/he would refer
you to an experienced surgeon familiar with the procedure.
No slight intended; anatomical knowledge is only one part
of the equation, direct experience and mentoring are only
available under the auspices of Dr. Lermusiaux and his
staff at Lariboisiere Hospital. If the procedure is so
simple that any orthopod can perform it; why did it take
30 years to arrive on U.S. (fee-for-service) soil?
Who is next to offer Percutaneous Fasciotomy in the U.S.?
What will their credentials be: C.E.U.s and a golf,
luncheon meeting in Anaheim, Las Vegas or Orlando?

09/29/2004 23:56
09/29/2004 23:56
Doctor William Bourland

Doctor William Bourland, Memphis, Tennessee performed the Needle Aproneurotomy on both hands/fingers (Of course not on the same day). The results to date are fantastic. My recommendation to anyone that has DC/DD go for the NA procedure, not surgery, unless it is absolutely necessary. May all with DC have the great results that I have had. I had rather have fifty (50) NAs than one surgery for DC. Thatis one of the advantages of NA: You can have it over and over, if necessary - no so with surgery. NA has several other advantages over surgery that you may want to research.

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practitioner   dissertation   Lariboisiere   information   SURGERY   Tennessee   Percutaneous   Employment   fee-for-service   PROCEDURE   dupuytren   trained   practitioners   Frances   recommendation   Cardiologist   Bourland   Aproneurotomy   insurance   considering