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Call all computer geeks
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07/25/2005 23:50

not registered

07/25/2005 23:50

not registered

Call all computer geeks

Hi all,

Seems the folks of the Peyronies have got to the point that they are writing letters of complaint about the state of their forum to Biospecifics.

My concern is that those in high positions will decide to wipe us all out. I would like to make a copy of the pertinent info from this forum in case it goes dark. Anyone know how to do that? I have Microsoft XP.

Thanks for the help,


07/25/2005 23:19
Randy H.

not registered

07/25/2005 23:19
Randy H.

not registered

The Definitive Report

Francis, All:

I talked to an Ex. VP of BioSpecifics who is in charge of this entire web site. First, I bent over backwards to assure him that the Dups Forum was a highly valuable resource for those with this disease. Second I told him that while we sometimes get Data Dump and Trolls, overall we are handling it well and doing OK. Yes, they will be deleting some of the junk of the Peyronie's Forum and will take a look *here* as well from time to time. They realize the Peyronie's Forum is the problem, not so much here.

Then I asked him what his plans were for the Dups Forum. Inasmuch as they still expect Collagenase to eventually come to market, they will keep the Forum going indefinitely. So, no worries for now. The reason *we* are still alive is that in *their* minds Collagenase for Dups is still alive.

Bottom line. These guys believe the trials will be funded again next year. The Forum will continue. They will now monitor and delete garbage.

07/26/2005 23:36

not registered

07/26/2005 23:36

not registered

Backing up

Beautiful. Curious though....who decides what is garbage and what is not? Do forum members write and ask or do they decide on their own?


07/26/2005 23:59
Randy H.

not registered

07/26/2005 23:59
Randy H.

not registered

Backing up

Without usernames and passwords you can't control Trolls. They aren't going to *referee*. Selling Chinese herbs is pretty straight forward. I doubt their limited oversight will have much effect.

If they analyze the general trend around here they will learn two things. 1) Alternatives to OS are *desired* by patients 2) The'd better get moving with Collagenase. Hopefully they will view the rapid spread of NA as proof that their product will be in demand. We don't talk much abut Collagenase here because there is *nothing* to talk about!

07/26/2005 23:23

not registered

07/26/2005 23:23

not registered

Backing up

They are not going to clean shit up.
WATCH this will be here til te forum goes black!


07/27/2005 23:18

not registered

07/27/2005 23:18

not registered

Backing up

Good morning townspeople,

It seems our village idiot had to much to drink last night.
Anyone know how to back up this forum to CD?


07/27/2005 23:03

not registered

07/27/2005 23:03

not registered

Backing up


All of the posts here, beginning from early 1999, are on the BioS server. Only they (unless you can hack in) can copy or delete entries which are probably in Memo fields in a data base. They don't have an "in house" IT guy, and I'm not sure where this site is hosted. Right now they are going to be working with him to show them how to access these files and delete the nonsense. This could take a week or so. Meanwhile we'll have to hunker down and wait this out.

07/27/2005 23:33

not registered

07/27/2005 23:33

not registered

Backing up

Hi 'Q'

Thanks for clarifying...by the way...great nickname. *grin*


07/31/2005 23:59
07/31/2005 23:59
Backing up

I don't know how you can back up the whole forum, but you can back up individual topics easily enough by copying them and pasting them into a Word document, either with or without the original formatting. (To save in unformatted style you can select 'Paste Special/Unformatted text' on the Edit menu.)


07/31/2005 23:05

not registered

07/31/2005 23:05

not registered

Backing up to CD

Ha! I just did it....I copied the entire forum...I've now got the whole thing on CD. :-)

For those who have Microsoft XP, here is how it's done.

1. Click EDIT in the upper left of your screen
3. Click EDIT again
4. Click COPY
5. Click FILE which is to the left of the EDIT button
6. Click SAVE AS

7. Move Curser to top of page and click on arrow-down then choose your D drive which is the CD drive as the place you want to save this info.

8. Click FILE NAME then type in what you want to call this

9. Wait - the computer needs to work

10. When it's done you'll get a pop-up in the lower right with instructions that say 'You have files waiting to be writen to CD, to see files click now, click on this ballon'

11. Click the Balloon

12. Click 'Write these files to CD' which is now located on the left side of the screen.

13. Instructions will give you a choice if you want to change the name of the CD. Change it or leave it the way it is then Click NEXT at bottom of page

14. Wait while the computer works

15. When complete the CD drawer opens and you are asked to click FINISH.

16. It did not appear as if I successfully copied everything until AFTER I clicked FINISH so don't dispair if it doesn't look right until you click FINISH.

17. Check CD Contents for successful back up.

For me - it was all there. Hope it is for you too.

Frances :-)

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