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Just a few new or old words...maybe to newbies...
12/25/2006 23:20

not registered

12/25/2006 23:20

not registered

Just a few new or old words...maybe to newbies...

I’ve been monitoring this discussion board for several years now.

I will discuss my opinion on NA below, and also other topics, so please stay with me here.

To you newbies, I have a few things to say from what I have learned over the years.

First off, if you have recently discovered that you have DD, it is not a death sentence.

I freaked out when I found out I had it. And..well..I have a lot of collagen in my hands.

Now, about clinical trials ( from what I have learned from a relative who is a Bio statistician involved in clinical trials ). I would like to thank Bio Specifics for offering this discussion forum. Their drug has recently gone into Phase-III clinical trials. That is good news ! To get to that stage means that a drug works! My relative says that the AVERAGE time that a drug goes into Phase-III until marketed by physicians is five years. Well, that’s just the way it is.

NA? Great !! Go for it!

Now, if I may..From my own personal experience…even though DD is hereditary, I truly believe mine was exasperated by hand trauma.

Word to the wise…take care of your hands…when going to the grocery store, and carrying heavy plastic bags out…remember you palms…try to stay away from further “traumatization”. Just use your noggin to take care of your hands !

Happy New Year to All !

Arlington, VA

    12/26/2006 23:53

    not registered

    12/26/2006 23:53

    not registered

    your experience

    Hi Phil, I am glad there is still an occasional true post on this forum ...

    Personally I agree with what you are telling: you can inherit a tendency to get Dupuytren but whether you get it sooner or later and how agressivly is depending also on other influences, like trauma, like possibly also nutrition, maybe drinking, who knows.

    NA is basically able to do the same thing as collagenase, therefore it is not really a desaster if we have to wait another five years for it. Maybe NAC also becomes a reasonable option some day.

    By the way, the heavily increased amount of spam in this forum made most of us move to www.dupuytren-online.info. Maybe you want to have a look at that web site, too. It describes a variety of therapies.


      12/26/2006 23:01

      not registered

      12/26/2006 23:01

      not registered

      Phil in Arlington

      Just read your Post and sawa that you are fellow Virginian...I had scheduled an appointment with Dr. Badois in Paris..but unfortunately is was for 9/12 the day after 9/11. When I decided to reschedule, (five years later, I was presently surprised that there are US Doctors trained by Dr. Badois to do this here. I am trying to get an appointment with Dr. Eaton in Florida...

        12/26/2006 23:03

        not registered

        12/26/2006 23:03

        not registered

        Phil in Arlington

        Just read your Post and saw that you are fellow Virginian...I had scheduled an appointment with Dr. Badois for NA in Paris..but unfortunately is was for 9/12 the day after 9/11. When I decided to reschedule, (five years later) I was presently surprised that there are US Doctors trained by Dr. Badois to do this here. I am trying to get an appointment with Dr. Eaton in Florida...

          01/02/2007 23:41

          not registered

          01/02/2007 23:41

          not registered

          Back at ya...

          NA is a great thing, but I have the full monty. I went to surgeons in DC and at Johns Hopkins in Balto.

          If you have to have your hands worked on by a surgeon who cares..as I did..try this doctor...someone who cares about people instead of the knife if you do not have to..

          The guy is great!!! So what if you have to travel for a good doctor.

          This guy knows his stuff...fyi..


            “traumatization”   exasperated   collagenase   surprised   palms…try   experience…even   out…remember   discussion   unfortunately   wise…take   dupuytren-online   Arlington   statistician   hereditary   appointment   reschedule   Virginian   hands…when   occasional   lynndketchum