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NA by Kline
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01/20/2006 23:19

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01/20/2006 23:19

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kline fees

Hi George,

I'm glad to hear your NA went well and it was covered. I agree that NA is a godsend, but I do feel the prices are high - particularly for those of us who do not have coverage for NA. I work as a clerk and my husband has a pension, sure we have insurance, but not for NA.

$7,500-10,000US + exchange rate every five years is a lot for the average pensioner with wife and dependent child - another reason why I advocate so vigorously. Hubby will need NA again in the future, I figured Dr Pess because he's closer but hubby figure France will be less expensive. Shame, I wanted to pay my respects at the twin towers.


01/20/2006 23:37

not registered

01/20/2006 23:37

not registered

kline fees

The consultation and work done in Switzerland cost $880CDN for three fingers and a palm. $880CDN x 2.5= $2,200CDN converted to US dollars = $1760US for 5 years worth of treatments vs $5,200US. Big difference financially by going to Europe.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to see the US doctors performing NA, but $700 is high. Even $500/finger is high

$500 x 3 fingers= $1500
3 fingers x 2.5 years=$3750
travel expenses $2500-5500 (food lodging, time off work, airfare)

It's still getting up to a minimum of $3550+2500=$6,050US add the exchange rate and for us we're looking at $7,260CDN every 5 years.

Yes...this is another reason why I advocate so vigorously.


01/21/2006 23:45

not registered

01/21/2006 23:45

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kline fees

randy.....$500 per finger. NO charge for consultation, No office fee, No charge for node injections
the guy is a real straight shooter..a real pleasure to deal with

01/21/2006 23:44
Steve Abrams

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01/21/2006 23:44
Steve Abrams

not registered

cost of NA

I had NA from Dr. Eaton last January. To me the cost is quite reasonable given the surgical alternative. If you think it should cost $200 your going to get a manicurist - not a hand surgeon with all the knowledge, expertise and experience that Eaton and others have. My dentist charges $950 for a crown; it is certainly worth $700 to get back the use of my hand!


01/21/2006 23:03
Randy H.

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01/21/2006 23:03
Randy H.

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A Good Deal Getting Even Better

Francis!!! Shhhhhhhhhhh. QUIET! Sure we know that Supply and Demand will lower NA rates eventually. But let's not talk about that *now* when we're hoping more and more CHS will see the wisdom of offering NA :-)

Seriously, in a few years Travel will be taken out of the equation. Plus, I think your NA example was a bit extreme. If you take the same hypothetical person with a case of Dups *that* extreme, guess what. Going the OS route by comparison will *still* be a lot more expensive. The $7,000 - $10,000 for OS will most likely need to be repeated as well, though presumably less often. Let's say five years later = $14,000 - $20,000. You and your calculator make a good point *until* you factor in the comparative recurrence rates after OS.

If NA is successfully adopted, insurance companies will want to cover it. Saves them money. So I'm looking long term here. And I agree. Compared to the mess of OS, NA is like babies with candy. The CHS will figure it out. The cost will drop to the a level = $ / per hour compared to other services they provide.

(Unless of course the conspiracy theorists were right all along and they only agree to accept NA after a secret meeting to Price Fix the thing)...Kidding....Kidding.

01/21/2006 23:32

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01/21/2006 23:32

not registered

Time to take action

Hi Randy,

Ok I'll give, my examples were a little high, but I do think its important for all expenses to be taken into consideration, remeber us Canadians still have no coverage.

After setting down my calculator and thinking about it...I realized that NA has probably come far enough that it may be time to present it to our Canadian doctors again and plus...I'm jealous of you folks in the states who have NA...gut wrenching green-eyed jealous. *sigh*

So I spent this afternoon googling hand surgeons in Ontario who also belong to the ASSH then began compiling a presentation for our family doctor (the one who called NA hokus pokus in 2001). I've checked out our hosptials website and learned who is the head of Hand Surgery, board of directors, president. The whole shubang. I haven't got to the yellow pages yet, but I did notice that the ASSH has a lovely link on how to find a member of the ASSH in your area. It was not up and running today but maybe tomorrow.....That link might save a lot of work.

Anyways, Hubby has an appointment for a regular check-up in the begining of Feb at which time he will discuss his hands and how NA has progressed over the last 3 years... then ask the doctor if he knows anyone who will do learn it. I'm hoping that all the press about NA has softened our MD making him more amenible to listening. If that doesn't work, fine, I'll consider compiling list of surgeons in our area who are members of the ASSH then offer up my hubby's hands to them as a first patient (nice of me don't you think?!). If none of that works, I'll contact one of the private healthcare clinics in Manitoba or BC and ask them to consider it. We need a NA pioneer here in Canada to get the ball rolling and I figure it aint gonna happen without more patient proding so fine, I'll get out my pencil...the worse thing that could happen is that I/we will make fools of ourselves, and frankly to save $5,000 over 5 years....I'm willing to do that....particularly when NA is so wide spread, it is no longer obscure.

So there we have it. No more waiting. Time for action. Rah Rah and all that. Wish us luck,


01/22/2006 23:46

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01/22/2006 23:46

not registered

real cost

Francis...while your calculations may have been a bit high they do represent the true cost. for me, a trip to Florida really added up. 2 fingers, office fee, injection fee. Travel, hotel,meals, car rental. plus i am self employed and if i miss work i don't get paid. i figured a trip to Eaton would be around $4,000 when all was said and done. too much for my wallet. Kline told me there would be no charge to look at my hand, i figured it was bonus just to get his opinion. his opinion was that my fingers were perfect candidates for NA. What convinced me was his enthusiasm, he seemed almost excited at the prospect of fixing my hand. I think its because he has been there himself. $1000 was affordable. too bad everybody doesn't have local access to NA, especially if you had insurance to pay for 1/2.

someday in the not too distant future

01/23/2006 23:49

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01/23/2006 23:49

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Cost in Paris

I traveled to Paris in May of 2004 and had N.A. performed on four fingers by Dr Lermusiaux. It required to one half hour visits and the total cost was $150. Euro's or about $175. US dollars. I was amazed at the difference in the quote I got from Dr Eatons office of $2200. I was able to incorporate a nice vacation in Paris with my Doctor visit and still spend less money than I would have by traveling to Florida.

01/31/2006 23:58
Kathy in OR

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01/31/2006 23:58
Kathy in OR

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Anyone Else Gone to Dr. Kline?

Carl, thanks for the info on Dr. Kline. Has anyone else used him yet?

I had NA by Dr. Eaton last May 2005. Both little fingers were badly contracted (PIP). Dr. Eaton worked wonders and straightened both with no skin splits.

However .... my Dups is a little aggressive and the fingers are already starting to contract again. I live in SW Oregon so Dr. Kline would be such a saving grace - can't afford the $$$'s to go to Dr. Eaton again so soon. Carl's $4K estimate was right on for a trip from Florida from here.

01/31/2006 23:06

not registered

01/31/2006 23:06

not registered

~dq~Such a Deal~dq~

The American NA doctors must lower their prices if they are to have repeat customers.


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Dupuytren~sq~s   consideration   presentation   Statistically…   badois-dupuytren   expensive   treatment   patient   recommendations   fingers   unavailability   surgeons   consultation   insurance   approximately   dupuytrenscenter   misinterpretation   surgery   procedure   overwhelmingly