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Why would anyone ??
02/03/2006 23:04

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02/03/2006 23:04

not registered

Why would anyone ??

I am a newbie to this matter and only investigating on the net for someone else. So forgive my ignorance. I've been to many sites before here. From what I find there seems to be 2 options surgery and NA. Among a couple of other iffy options.

Surgery is a long painful process with a 50/50 success rate, but risks nerve damage and hand functionality loss and increase the difficulty of re-treatment . NA is quick and relatively painless with a 50/50 without risk. Neither will cure DC and there is a 50% the risk of reoccurence.

There is debate to the use of NA versus surgery.

WHY would I choose surgery with its signifcant risk versus NA without risk and both offering the same duration of effectiveness? Am I missing something?

A few years ago I was in a similar situation with new medication and procedures being debated and tested for years while people suffered and I dare say a few died for the lack of approriate treatments being openly available. Its almost a mirror image of what I see now with DC but death is not an outcome here.


02/03/2006 23:16
Larry #1

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02/03/2006 23:16
Larry #1

not registered

~dq~Why would anyone??~dq~

Good question, Len.

I don't understand it either. I don't understand why every hand surgeon in the USA isn't rushing to adopt this technique as a first treatment for DC.

The French presented this technique to American surgeons about 10-15 years ago, and were called liars. Acussed of faking photos and data. Unbelievable.

I think it's barbaric that they don't even mention it and continue to do the drastic surgery as if there is no other alternative.

02/03/2006 23:41

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02/03/2006 23:41

not registered

~dq~Why would anyone??~dq~

I also agree

Even though I have gone through NA treatment
three times and I still have the disease, at least
I have not suffered the barbaric (in my mind) surgery
that most surgeons desire to perform. At my age (late
60's) I certainly hope that at least NA has given me
enough years to avoid the terrible rehab from the surgery
that occurs. Perhaps, if I were younger, I would have
to change my answer! NA has low risk and high potential
for excellent results if performed by a competent and
enlightened hand surgeon.

02/03/2006 23:08
02/03/2006 23:08

I've had 2 surgeries and yes, it's a brutal process. The reason NA can't completely replace surgery is that in some cases the Dupuytren's tissue is solidly attached to the surrounding, good tissue. In other words there isnt' a clearly separated cord that can simply be snapped at one point - all that bad tissue has to be cut out. This is often the case with PIP joint contractures.

It seems like NA should, however, be replacing 80% of the surgeries and the fact that it isn't does not speak well of the medical profession. For one thing it tells me that these hand surgeons aren't bothering to stay current. It doesn't take a junket to a conference in Tahiti to get the real story on NA - just an evening on the web. Nevertheless many hand surgeons keep dismissing this procedure and misleading their patients about the risks and benefits. Shame on those guys.

02/04/2006 23:56

not registered

02/04/2006 23:56

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I was told by our NA practitioner that DC does return at a faster rate then with surgery. However, it's easier to perform repetative NA then it is repetative surgery so we chose NA.

As for the aggressive cases of DC, NA is the first line of defence but sugery may become inevitable. So the million dollar question is, 'What is an aggressive case?' It's when severe curling/ nodules return quickly after treatment.


02/04/2006 23:56
02/04/2006 23:56

I'm not sure if those recurrence statistics (which are based on pretty sketchy data anyway) mean much in the long run because surgery does cumulative damage. You pretty much get one shot and if it comes back in that area your're in real trouble - and a second surgery in the same area is even worse than the first. So if the contracture comes back in 8 years after surgery and only 2 years after NA, but I can repeat the NA treatment, I see no reason to do a surgery.

I would not due a surgery again unless my situation was desperate and I had absolutely no other choice.

02/05/2006 23:59
Randy H.

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02/05/2006 23:59
Randy H.

not registered


I feel the question of this thread should more accurately be:

"Why would anyone go straight to Open Surgery before exhausting the possible benefits of NA?"

I have come to *reject* OS Vs NA thinking. It's not an Either/Or proposition. It's a Both/And. Many will be able to avoid the riggers of OS using NA. Some will not.

NA is simply a less dramatic, less invasive entry level of treatment with excellent results given it's benign nature. Think about it. In all areas of medicine, Doctors move up a ladder of treatments from the most benign to the most draconian. You don't move directly to Open Heart surgery because someone has chest pain. There are intermediate steps to be taken.

Finally we have a straight forward, safe and effective first level of treatment for Dups. Before, we just did *nothing*, or went all the way with Open Hand Surgery.

Why would anyone? Because they aren't being told about NA by surgeons who have believed misinformation about it. That's it. That's all it is.

But that's going to change.

02/05/2006 23:33

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02/05/2006 23:33

not registered

surgery vs. NA

Well said, Randy! I agree with you 100 percent and couldn't say it any better. I also like what toM wrote in another thread that it is amazing how little dissatisfied comments about NA pop up. Occasionally there is quick recurrence or some skin damage but overall it seems to be much less and much less severe than the complaints about surgery.


re-treatment   Unbelievable   effectiveness   practitioner   intermediate   treatment   misinformation   understand   surgery   surgeons   contractures   dissatisfied   treatments   functionality   investigating   surrounding   Nevertheless   Occasionally   reoccurence   enlightened