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Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?
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08/15/2008 21:29
08/15/2008 21:29
Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?

Recently my dermatologist told me that Dupuytren's is an inflammatory disease, as are many chronic diseases. It turns out I have several (luckily less serious than Dupuytren's ).

My doctor suggested I see a rheumatologist (a specialty in inflammatory diseases).

I was wondering if anyone had done so, and if the rheumatologist offered any advice an orthopedist might not.

I have not yet seen a rheumatologist but I have already done a lot of reading on the effect of diet on inflammation and learned certain foods casue or allay inflammation. I have totally changed my diet!



08/16/2008 00:10
08/16/2008 00:10
Re: Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?

Yes I was sent to a rheumatologist first when I showed my internist my nodules. I have two different auto immune disordes, alpoecia and vitaligo. I had remembered my fathers dupuytren's as cords not nodules. My youngest daughter has at least 3 inherited autoimmune problems from both me and my husband. He did an extensive work up before sending me to the hand surgeon who made the diagnosis. He did farley extensive work up which was negative for current inflamation even though my dupuytren's was advancing rather rapidly. He sent me to the hand surgeon who made the diagnosis. With out any medical evidence to back it up I wonder if there may be some autoimmune componet. but an extens
ive work up while mine was aggresive means, I think, that rheumatologists really don't have any help to add at this poit in time.


Edited at 08/16/08 03:14

08/16/2008 06:04

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08/16/2008 06:04

not registered

Re: Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?

That may depend on the country you are in: the French inventors of NA, like Dr. Lermusiaux, are not surgeons but rheumatologists.


08/16/2008 07:30
08/16/2008 07:30
Re: Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?

Colleen, do you also have cords? I have two nodules in each palm, in the exact same place on each palm. This was the third disease I have had in six months. FIrst it was Polymyalgia Rheumatica, then my doc said also have Rheaumatoid Arthritis, then I got the nodules and he said I have Dupuytren's. As noone in my family has any of this, my Rheaumatoid doc is very perplexed and I am getting pretty desperate. He told me I need to see hand specialist for Dupuytren's. Has anyone out there ever had identical nodules on both palms at the same time? THanks Paula

08/16/2008 16:09
08/16/2008 16:09
Re: Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?

I developed a cord in my right hand going to my fifth finger. It went away after radiation. It developed after I saw the hand surgeon. It took a while after I saw him to research Dupuytren's and find a Radiation Oncologist. It's been two year now and it's not come back.

08/18/2008 16:16
mieke form Holland

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08/18/2008 16:16
mieke form Holland

not registered

Re: Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?


Colleen, do you also have cords? I have two nodules in each palm, in the exact same place on each palm. This was the third disease I have had in six months. FIrst it was Polymyalgia Rheumatica, then my doc said also have Rheaumatoid Arthritis, then I got the nodules and he said I have Dupuytren's. As noone in my family has any of this, my Rheaumatoid doc is very perplexed and I am getting pretty desperate. He told me I need to see hand specialist for Dupuytren's. Has anyone out there ever had identical nodules on both palms at the same time? THanks Paula

Dear Paula, I also have two nodules in each palm. No one in my family had Dupuytren. My grandmother had rheuma. But my docter said it's something totally different. In June I contacted a lady with a beautyclinic. She has LPG endermologie. The skin of my hands changed en the nodules became softer. I do excercises to improve the blood bearing (? right word ???) in my neck, arms and hands and I massage the nodules. I got them after carrying heavy bags. As far as I know I am the first one who tried endermologie. Maybe you can try it too??? Mieke (52 )

08/19/2008 15:24

not registered

08/19/2008 15:24

not registered

Re: Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?

To touch on my other post about drinking water. There is a school of thought out there that not drinking enough water (which causes dehydration) can be the cause of a number of ailments, rheumatic pain included. There is a big misconception about dehydration too. People think its something you get when you are playing sports and not drinking enough water. It seems it is much wider than that and can be something that builds up over a long period and affects people who drink only coffee and fruit juice etc. This can cause you to be chronically dehydrated over time and then apparently all these problems start happening. I had blood tests done and my Albumin levels were high enough to be highlighted on the results. According to my research this means I am dehydrated. Cholesteral was high too (again can be a sign of dehydration).

Here are a couple of links which I found useful.


I can't say it cured my DC but it did help with the pain quite a lot. After starting to drink more (about 2.5 litres per day) I had significant pain reduction.

Hope that helps someone out there.

08/19/2008 16:55

not registered

08/19/2008 16:55

not registered

Re: Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?


To touch on my other post about drinking water. There is a school of thought out there that not drinking enough water (which causes dehydration) can be the cause of a number of ailments, rheumatic pain included. There is a big misconception about dehydration too. People think its something you get when you are playing sports and not drinking enough water. It seems it is much wider than that and can be something that builds up over a long period and affects people who drink only coffee and fruit juice etc. This can cause you to be chronically dehydrated over time and then apparently all these problems start happening. I had blood tests done and my Albumin levels were high enough to be highlighted on the results. According to my research this means I am dehydrated. Cholesteral was high too (again can be a sign of dehydration).

Here are a couple of links which I found useful.


I can't say it cured my DC but it did help with the pain quite a lot. After starting to drink more (about 2.5 litres per day) I had significant pain reduction.

Hope that helps someone out there.

Thank you very much. The articles are very interesting and eye-openers for me. Mieke from Holland

08/20/2008 11:55

not registered

08/20/2008 11:55

not registered

Re: Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?


From my research into dehydration it appears that to fully rehydrate the body after a prolonged period of dehydration it takes about 2 - 3 months(!) I have been drinking the required water now for 2 weeks and have noticed considerable improvement but am interested to see how my body will be functioning once it has been fully rehydrated in another month or two. Essentially I am just saying, rehydrating takes time so stick with it. Also, don't drink too much (I understand that about 2 -3 litres per day is ok) as too much water has its own problems.



08/20/2008 15:19
Linda B

not registered

08/20/2008 15:19
Linda B

not registered

Re: Has anyone ever seen a rheumatologist for Dupuytren's?

Thank you for the info on rehydrating..This is interesting because I eas dehydrated and did not know it about 3 months ago..I am also showing signs of flare ups.....Shoulder tightness, restless legs. Ledderhose developing and I have dups..I am going to try the water and see what happens.
Linda B

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Oncologist   endermologie   research   rehydrating   dermatologist   misconception   inflammatory   nodules   Dupuytren   dehydrated   inflammation   drinking   rheumatologist   radiation   dehydration   rheumatologists   Rheaumatoid   considerable   something   developed